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Well no my point was that if you were going to create elemental demons they would have been Earth/Fire/Water, based on that Pokemon picture. You wouldn't bother specifying a demon as Grass/Poison. :indeed:


Well yes then, I thought that was the case that you were creating the pokemon, but you provided no evidence of what you were doing to create the parts of them out of that seem impossible to derive from those demon figures. How ya' doing it?


EDIT: Padantic bastards!

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Why only italic Wind? We've not been mentioning Earth either.


I don't get it, you plan to sculpt 3 demons into those pokemon? Or just Water/Earth/Fire?


To avoid such confusion I would've just got pictures of earth/water/fire. I thought that was obvious. :blank:


The fuck have you been reading?

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The fuck have you been reading?

The errors in Retro's post. It's messed everything up. We've gone from the chosen trinity, your holey trinity, and chair's whatever. It's been anarchy.

Well yes then, I thought that was the case that you were creating the pokemon, but you provided no evidence of what you were doing to create the parts of them out of that seem impossible to derive from those demon figures. How ya' doing it?


EDIT: Padantic bastards!

My current scheme:

Charizard: Use some green stuff to make a long neck, keep the wings and have it breathe fire.

Blastoise: Get some carapaces from a different model to fashion into a shell. The daemon comes with a combination of weird "cannons" on the back which are perfect for Blastoise.

Venusaur: I'm going to have to sculp pretty much the entire flower myself. And have one combination of long fingers representing the vine whip.


The initial battle plan is having Charizard flying using flamethrower on Venusaur who is using a tree to block the attack whilst using it's vine whip fingers on Blastoise who is firing a hyrdo cannon up at the Charizard. It's going to be tough creating the landscape to go with it. But I'm down with the complicated shit.


And it's pedantic.

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Two Quid from Asda! :D


Also, on a scary note, they had Sleepless in Seattle right next to it. I was tempted to get it, because I love the film and love the song that plays in it "When I fall in love." Nat King Cole's version is brilliant.


Did my shopping, paid and was leaving the store. I pass right by the DVD section and...When I Fall In Love by Nat King Cole starts to play over the radio in the store.


I smiled a lot. I thought it was fate to buy the DVD, but I didn't get it in the end.

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And where would you go for a sofa? Second hand is out of the question because delivery costs an arm and a leg and I wanted a warranty and something without 'character' stains. We wandered around Ikea but the sofas really werent good value for money. The sofa you see above is a large 3 seater that was only 399. I know DFS themselves have a bad rep when it comes to post-purchase customer services, but I don't really care about that.

Edited by Shorty
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And where would you go for a sofa? Second hand is out of the question because delivery costs an arm and a leg and I wanted a warranty and something without 'character' stains. We wandered around Ikea but the sofas really werent good value for money. The sofa you see above is a large 3 seater that was only 399. I know DFS themselves have a bad rep when it comes to post-purchase customer services, but I don't really care about that.

Four years free credit and free for the first year?



I can't remember the time when they didn't have a sale.



Still, it looks comfy as fuck.

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And where would you go for a sofa? Second hand is out of the question because delivery costs an arm and a leg and I wanted a warranty and something without 'character' stains. We wandered around Ikea but the sofas really werent good value for money. The sofa you see above is a large 3 seater that was only 399. I know DFS themselves have a bad rep when it comes to post-purchase customer services, but I don't really care about that.




Because I work there (sporadically) :p


Its all about the twister too.

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Because I work there (sporadically) :p


Its all about the twister too.

That chair costs more than the sofa I bought....


I looked on SCS but there were no good prices on good, large sofas.


My sister recently bought a huge corner sofa, footstool and a chair like that from SCS. The chair spins round and is absolutely huge. You feel lost when you sit back in it.

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