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DIY Mafia: The Game Thread


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I only showed him in the write up when someone else targeted him. In the first few nights, he never got mentioned.


What powers could jayseven and Jonnas have gained?


j7 would of been able to use any items he stole. E.G. If he had tried to steal something from Cube, he would of stole his information. If he stole from The fish, he would steal a gun, giving him a killing power.


As for Jonnas. When the time came for him to get a new power, the town already had loads of info, and most of the mafia were already pointed out. So to keep the game more balanced i ended up not giving him a new power. Sorry!

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Fucker! I PMd you and you said it was definitely correct. No worries though. :p


It was correct. You just didn't ask him if you were the one doing the targeting :heh:


First of all, I must know: was my new power going to be killing? I wanted to implode some heads!


Second, no problem in trying to make the game balanced. I'm not mad you didn't give me new powers, as they weren't really needed.


Third, it seems both you and Diageo acknowledged the problem with incredibly detailed write-ups, so I'll skip that :heh:


Fourth, I actually think the write-ups were indeed the only problem. The roles were solid and the game was balanced (except the write-ups gave the town a huge advantage).

I wouldn't mind seeing a new game from you.

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Also, I am curious as to who would grant me extra powers. Was it Moogleviper? If so, dammit, he was the very first person I tried to target :p Curse you, Mundi!


Heh, the first time I targeted you was voluntary, second time I was re-directed.


I so totally called your role after the first night :Þ

A tattooed arm and you playing him, took me about a minute to figure it out, I assumed you were a town vigilante so I told them to kill you like three times.



Like two hours after Zell ratted me out 3 out of 7 votes were from Mafia members, so I just went: "fuck it" if I am going to be thrown so easily to the sharks.

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I so totally called your role after the first night :Þ

A tattooed arm and you playing him, took me about a minute to figure it out, I assumed you were a town vigilante so I told them to kill you like three times.


Yeah, I'm actually surprised that a protector such as myself survived for so long. And the fact that you thought me a vigilante makes that even more surprising.

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I really enjoyed this game! I thought me Jay and moogle were pretty unlucky at the start when Jay was killed then the town lynched moogle. BUT it meant that the town trusted me and in the end I was pretty happy with my contribution! I think I provided info for 2 or 3 of the mafia lynches. Great game maddog, some really good role ideas! I'll look forward to playing your next one

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No wonder Smeagol was so good at this, he was getting extra information. :heh:

Actually.. The first bit of info I got was a bit disappointing. It was basically what was told in the write-up already.. After the 2nd report, it became clear Maddog was slowly building things up, I assume to the point 'till he just gave me the player (?). Anyway, after night 4 it became clear the killer was that Finish sniper dude, but I didn't really know what to do with that info. "Yo, who picked Simo Häyhä, please raise your hand? No nobody? I'm just casually asking you know..". I didn't think that would be a great approahc, so I stayed silent. As far as I knew, nobody had targeted Gizmo up 'till that point, so I didn't think there would be anyone else to who this info might be useful, and giving it away obviously would give Gizmo a hint to start coming up with some cover-up story.


But then, ehh Dannyboy was it not? Targeted him finally, but that immediately gave us a reason to lynch him, so by that time my info became useless. The same story for Gizmo, only shorter.. After his first kill, I was supposed to get some DNA results, but I was already bent on lynching the dude :D. Never got that report though :P.


My reports were my main power, but were passive. I could roleblock 1 person in the entire game, but I decided to use it proactively as a means to get the identity of someone. I was hoping to get some bad guy, but I guess it worked out well nonetheless ;). I figured it had a protective aspect as well, though it didn't roleblock Ellmeister that day, I guess some improvisation on Maddog's part when I decided to put a townie in jail.


Anyway, I really liked my first game here, I liked the roles, including my own, I already PM'd him I thought giving me a passive role would automatically help me in keeping off the radar. Which it did :p.


Ah. Do people want to share their other choices for characters? Obviously don't if you plan on using them some other time, but as I don't: My 2nd choice was a Dalek, not a particular one, just a generic one, and 3rd choice was Morrigan from Dragon Age.

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Ah. Do people want to share their other choices for characters? Obviously don't if you plan on using them some other time, but as I don't: My 2nd choice was a Dalek, not a particular one, just a generic one, and 3rd choice was Morrigan from Dragon Age.


Second choice was Lloyd Irving and third was Pikachu. I think.

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Sorry about not being around for the last week, I've moved to uni so freshers week = much sleeping, drinking and not alot else.


The mafia could easily have won this if we had played properly, there was a missed opportunity to get another townie lynched, and for some unknown reason Tellyn was picked as a kill target even though his double vote and my force vote meant the majority we needed was only 1 kill away at one point.


I think in my next game write ups will be nowhere near as revealing as they were in this one. I also think the town were overpowered. The less revealing write ups in the next game will help the mafia though, so hopefully it'll be more balanced.


Yeah having only one description per character makes it far too easy to track who did what each night.

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The mafia could easily have won this if we had played properly, there was a missed opportunity to get another townie lynched, and for some unknown reason Tellyn was picked as a kill target even though his double vote and my force vote meant the majority we needed was only 1 kill away at one point.


Fish, you're a bastard.

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