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No ... so fucking unfair ... I had got way, WAY too deep down into a mine, I had gathered a load of resources; I'm running out of food, I can't find the way I came in (I CONSTANTLY lose my direction in this game!), so I decide to just dig my way out. At this point I'm literally panicking, but ... is that grass? YES! I found my way out! FREEDOM! Now to find my way back to my tow-*BOOM!*


Then I respawn back at my tower with nothing, NOTHING! Does anyone know what happens to your inventory when you die? Do you drop it all where you die? Are you able to reclaim it? Or is it forever lost?

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I have started again. The icey winter was doing my head in. I still have my sky base saved under save 1 in case I decide to go back to it, but I doubt it. I have big plans for world 2. Big plans. The Daddy of all plans. Epic plans.


No ... so fucking unfair ... I had got way, WAY too deep down into a mine, I had gathered a load of resources; I'm running out of food, I can't find the way I came in (I CONSTANTLY lose my direction in this game!), so I decide to just dig my way out. At this point I'm literally panicking, but ... is that grass? YES! I found my way out! FREEDOM! Now to find my way back to my tow-*BOOM!*


Then I respawn back at my tower with nothing, NOTHING! Does anyone know what happens to your inventory when you die? Do you drop it all where you die? Are you able to reclaim it? Or is it forever lost?



It scatters where you died IIRC.

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Also worth pointing out the skins we're using, the server owner had the great idea of using a Scott Pilgrim skin, so once that option was taken I went for the next best thing and had the op to become..


Ramona Flowers. (Screenshot not mine..)


In case anyone wants a better look at the Scott skin, here he is posing in his heart-shaped tub in the sky with glass window. I know, it's an amazing building.




And you can find my Ramona skin here - once again, awesome. :D

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It does indeed exist - it's called Cartograph and you can get it here. There are also various programs for editing save files.


I don't see why the Mac version should be any different, as the game can run in browser, and you could just use a cross-platform browser. There may be more differences if you use the client though. And I think it's about £8, but not very much anyway - you can use a currency converter if you want to know the exact price.


The solution is to mine during the night! Also I believe a previous update altered things so that day lasts a bit longer than night.


Shit brah how did you get the top down look? I haven't been able to get one in months


I've been doing the usual way of infdev/preview.jsp but it seems to have been taken down and I can't find where it's gone.


Not mine unfortunately, the server owner NeoStarr posted it. Looks sweet though, he called it a cartograph.


Ta-da! 10char

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jayseven, do it. There are actually a decent number of us on here that play it so I think we could get some awesome sort of bitchin' N-E town set up. I'll speak to the one and only Brian Mcoy tomorrow and we'll look in to a 16 man server or something.


Also I literally just finished playing it for the night. Fucking addictive stuff! Got a good group shot I'll share tomorrow and something special planned that may take a few days :D

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I was totally going to buy this game and shit then I saw how much this dude was making and I was all LOL NO you can't have my money just to suck at my soul make a GOODER GAME and I'll pay.




Are you drunk(er than normal)?

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Paid for this yesterday and enjoying it a lot so far, I don't think I'll get to play it enough to truly get the most of it but it's a lot of fun. If you guys do set up some sort of NE server I'd definitely like to play too.

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I would love to play on the NE server too!


I would also pitch in for server costs.


We could get others to sign up for it, pitch in money and create a massive Ashley face (a block structure that looks like Ashley from the skkkkky).

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Ok so I played the browser version again this morning and I am finally getting into it, problem is you can't save it. I still find it hard as to why you bother building such elaborate stuff? Why not just build a cave and hide in that lol?! Is it that pride and love for building that keeps you going and then ultimately the fear of losing it that keeps you motivated.

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I don't want to spread rumors, but I'm speculating that MAYBE our save files will become useless due to the Halloween update.


Notch has a note somewhere, stating that players shouldn't get too attached to their savegames, as updates might invalidate them. This particular update has two things, that might make changes to the save-format necessary.


This hell-world thing probably needs portals spawned in caves etc. and somehow needs to be saved. Then there are biomes, which I imagine will make also it necessary to generate a new map.


Does anybody have any information about what will happen to the savegames?

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I don't think anyone knows... but yeah... it's possible that we have to start from scratch.


There are objects such as stairs that are a bit buggy and only work on certain versions, so when this stuff is finalised expect it not to work...


But hey, it's an alpha.


We can take for granted that none of our levels would work in the final build... so... it's got to start disappearing at some point.


Also, nice skull.

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I don't think anyone knows... but yeah... it's possible that we have to start from scratch.


There are objects such as stairs that are a bit buggy and only work on certain versions, so when this stuff is finalised expect it not to work...


But hey, it's an alpha.


We can take for granted that none of our levels would work in the final build... so... it's got to start disappearing at some point.


Also, nice skull.


Dammit I love my huge staircase though.


I'm also less than enthused that my Torches will become useless and burn out.

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This game is awesome! I watched all of those videos by SeaNanners, think that's his name. It inspired me, so I've built a little home, i'm currently working on a mine shaft which is coming along very nice. Found alot of diamond, gold and red ore :)

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