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So on the first page we have the following threads:


Unlikely Dislikes

Are you feeling depressed, down or sad?

Time to B*tch About Life

Self harm

Nightclubs are sucky

I am rubbish with girls

The Ricky Gervais Thread


You miserable bastards!


Share some good/happy news!


Today was my last Saturday at work and hopefully for a long time. YAY! And only 9 more working days left before I leave.

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For two weeks I've been stuck on a particular character who I created for my book and I had to weave him into the story with no plot holes and a reason as to why they were there what they would do, how each character would react with them etc. Everything basically.


...and finally today! it has all clicked together and it is a great feeling. :grin: Also because diamonds are a girls best friend.

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It was my birthday yesterday and I have a new camera so I can finally start taking some photos again (just a compact though, not ready for the serious shit just yet) I also have my bass guitar sorted so hurray for creativity.


Also, I downloaded Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin and my word it is good. I don't know why I didn't get round to this sooner.

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I'm finally getting some of my inspiration back with regards to my art! woo :yay:

I'm in a nice part of my life where I'm just kinda enjoying my own company and doing some nice artistic things and listening to some rockin records, so what's to complain about!?

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Got back from Cyprus at around 4:00am today, really good holiday with lots of beachness.


Also, just checked 2 of my AS results online, I don't have the others on me.


Got an A in English Lan&Lit


Got a B in History


Pretty damn happy with that, especially as I only revised half of my history course, and I'm dropping it anyway - because it is shit obv.



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Naked women. Well, that's enough for me!


In all seriousness, you don't need many reasons to be cheerful. Got your health, family and a roof over your head? If so, you are bloody lucky! If not, then yes, I sympathise. Personally, I've got a great deal in life and I'm not going to get EMO over something stupid like girls, jobs or whatever else people get depressed about!

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Am shitting myself on a daily basis for the impending fulfilment of my lifes desire to visit Florida, and I found out this week that whilst I'm out there it is the Universal Halloween Horror Nights.



Too good.


You have no idea how jealous I am. Wait, actually now maybe you do.

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Oh no man. I fucking deserve this shit. I've had to go through 23 years of jealousy. I've had to go through being OFFERED to go to Miami (I had to pay of course, which was a main factor in me saying no) and then when they got back my best bud saying they went to Islands of Adventure! (which I would have gone if I knew) and I've worked my butt off (well not hard) but in a depressing job for 4 years, I've earned this shit.



But god damn right you better be jealous. Shit is gonna be rad. Just stay tuned to ReZourcemanDaily in October. :D (Assuming I have net access) :p

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I'm jealous and I've been a fair amount...! :D


My uncle has always wanted to do Halloween Horror Nights, but it's never been in the holidays (obviously), not being Xmas or Summer, but he said we could jokingly go for a week this year, now I'm at uni.


Could be stun. ReZ, I could cross over into your comic.

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I'm jealous and I've been a fair amount...! :D


My uncle has always wanted to do Halloween Horror Nights, but it's never been in the holidays (obviously), not being Xmas or Summer, but he said we could jokingly go for a week this year, now I'm at uni.


Could be stun. ReZ, I could cross over into your comic.


Make it so. I'm going 1st - 15th. :D

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