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What's keeping you up this late?


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The average is supposedly 7 minutes or so. I nearly always take longer than that. I'd have to be completely exhausted to fall asleep in such little time I think.


I always stay up until around 4am. I would rather be active at night and sleep in the next day than go to bed early and have the morning. I think I subconsciously want to get the most out of the day by prolonging sleep as much as possible or something :p


Sounds exactly like me. :heh: Though the morning is my favourite time of day, especially the sunrise. Maybe because I'm so rarely awake to experience it. :p

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I have real troubles getting to sleep, it takes me at least 30 minutes, nearly always more. Is that a normal amount of time to take to fall asleep? Feels like way too long.


I thought 30 mins sounded like the average. My sleeping pattern falls into disarray quite easily, as the ideal conditions of sleep for me is staying up until I'm so physically exhausted that I can fall asleep instantly. Until that state, I procrastinate because I hate lying in bed awake with my mind at full speed. Recently I've been playing Advance Wars on my DS under the covers until I fall asleep.

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I thought 30 mins sounded like the average. My sleeping pattern falls into disarray quite easily, as the ideal conditions of sleep for me is staying up until I'm so physically exhausted that I can fall asleep instantly. Until that state, I procrastinate because I hate lying in bed awake with my mind at full speed. Recently I've been playing Advance Wars on my DS under the covers until I fall asleep.


Yeah I can't stand laying in bed trying to get to sleep. I just think about stuff and that ends up keeping me awake. I need to reach a point where I'm tired enough to just sleep before I can even think of getting into bed!

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Life Drawing *then* Getting A Drink With Friends *then* Sex


Actually though it's that while I was out our heating got fixed, only now it's constantly on the highest setting, and nothing will lower it. As someone who gets headaches from central heating, this is not nice. I refuse to sleep in a boiling house after tonight - I'll go elsewhere, I'm not paying for this shit, regardless.

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The time difference.


However, if it were bedtime, which would be 3pm UK time/10pm CommieChina time, hen the insomnia would be keeping me awake.


From about age 7 I have almost never been able to sleep past 5am.

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Football Manager.


It's honestly like crack that game. You're constantly thinking - 'One more day can't hurt'. etc. for hours.


Any of those simulation games always kept me up into the wee hours. Especially Simcity, Rollercoaster Tycoon and the inevitable Sims. It was always "Just 5 more minutes, need 1,000 more for that coaster". Those 5 turned into hours.

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Any of those simulation games always kept me up into the wee hours. Especially Simcity, Rollercoaster Tycoon and the inevitable Sims. It was always "Just 5 more minutes, need 1,000 more for that coaster". Those 5 turned into hours.


Roller coaster Tycoon...


And yes, Football Manager is awesome. I got the first version in 2005, and I played it until 2 or 3 in the morning.


Then my save file got corrupted, and five seasons' hard work was gone.


I actually felt like I'd been ass-raped by a gorilla. It was...awful.

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