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We all have very different personalities and likes and dislikes but the question that's normally on my mind is why do people quickly assume something about a person because of liking or hating something?


I was reading the thread started by Scoop about being shy when it comes to the ladies and I was surprised to read that people thought he was gay mainly because of his avatar and signature combination of Glee. It honestly never once crossed my mind that he was gay because he likes Glee since I do too and I'm straight and it kind of got me thinking of the question I stated above. I mean, how does liking something like musicals or something make you gay? How are you stupid just because you're blonde?...things like that. I believe it's down to the media who stereotype people and label them.


I was just wondering what you guys thought...

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When it comes to sexuality, it's all about gender roles and stereotypes. Men are not supposed to be emotional, so musicals and the like are a no-go. If they like that stuff, they're gay. Though regarding Scoop, I think many people got him mixed up with Spüne who have openly admitted being gay. I know I was confused for a little while.


I am on my way out of the door at the moment, but this is something I have strong opinions about. To sum up my feelings: Gender roles and stereotypes suck, and the sooner we get rid of them, the better.

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When it comes to sexuality, it's all about gender roles and stereotypes. Men are not supposed to be emotional, so musicals and the like are a no-go. If they like that stuff, they're gay. Though regarding Scoop, I think many people got him mixed up with Spüne who have openly admitted being gay. I know I was confused for a little while.


I am on my way out of the door at the moment, but this is something I have strong opinions about. To sum up my feelings: Gender roles and stereotypes suck, and the sooner we get rid of them, the better.


I get what you're saying but it's not as if once you watch a musical, you're going to be singing on the rooftops or something. I just like musicals because I love all kinds of music. I mean, my mate's dad is one of those manly men who looks like he'd squash your head and eat your brains yet he likes Sex and the City, it's odd to see it but it doesn't make him gay because he likes it. I just never got it myself, I get what you're saying but I don't get why people say "he's gay, he must be because of this" or "he's an emo because he likes this band". I've been asked if I was gay and I've told them I'm straight and they're like "....but you watch musicals" and I just reply "So? How does watching a movie make me gay?" and then I add "It sounds stupid when you say it out loud, doesn't it?" and they agree because it does sound a little daft.


I agree with Dannyboy, the sooner we get rid of them, the better.

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Stereotypes exist because they're easy and make life easier. They're here to stay.


If you want to combat the negative ones then you just have to put the effort in to point out how ridiculous they are rather than being bullied into being ashamed about things; this gets progressively easier the older you get.

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From your Knight and Day review:


"Men will enjoy it for the fast and furious action scenes and Cameron Diaz and women will enjoy it for June’s ditzy behaviour, the romance and Tom Cruise’s sparkly white smile."


a bit stereotypical no? :p


It's not really since I went by how my family and friends enjoyed the movie. My best mate and his girlfriend went to see the movie and she loved the romance between them and she liked Tom Cruise and he liked the action and thought Diaz was a MILF. But that statement I made is because the blokes passed it off as a stupid rom-com but it wasn't and when I said that, I wasn't hurting or upsetting anybody. I'm talking about the stereotypical points that can upset people a lot.


Stereotypes exist because they're easy and make life easier. They're here to stay.


If you want to combat the negative ones then you just have to put the effort in to point out how ridiculous they are rather than being bullied into being ashamed about things; this gets progressively easier the older you get.


That is what I meant, sorry that I didn't make it clear. I mean the ones that could potentially upset people and make them embarrassed or ashamed for liking or hating something.

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lol, I just found it amusing since I just happened to be reading your Knight and Day review and you'd just made this thread. :grin:


It just sounded like Men will like this and not the other stuff and vica versa, I enjoyed all of it including Tom Cruises cheeky grin.


Anyway I've been called gay many many many times. I apparently give off "gay vibes"


and my friends says that I'm the girliest person that she's ever met.

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Stereotypes exist because they're easy and make life easier. They're here to stay.


If you want to combat the negative ones then you just have to put the effort in to point out how ridiculous they are rather than being bullied into being ashamed about things; this gets progressively easier the older you get.

Yes, stereotypes definitely exist and make the world easier to deal with. In that regard they're fine. However, people should seriously learn to treat them as such instead of as actual truths and rules of conduct. So most guys prefer action films. Fine. It's often the case and thus to be expected. Some guys prefer romantic film, though, and that's fine all the same.


However, when people start spewing bullshit like "real men do this" and "real women should do that", it truly pisses me off. What is a "real" man/woman, anyway? Is the presence or lack thereof of a Y cromosome not enough to settle that debate? Can't we finally get to the point where we bloody accept that we're all different individuals?

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Echoing what aimless said, I think the main reason is simply because it is so much simpler for people to put others into categories of what they 'should' be. I'm not sure but I think many people just can't be bothered to give some issues some actual thought and actually think what makes sense.


Out of pure curiosity, a few days ago as I was flicking I decided to watch a few minutes of some sex education show on E4. A nice experiment they did was have 5 men on a screen and asked an entire room "Which one is gay?". Obviously for the sake of breaking stereotypes the more 'masculine' one was gay and lo and behold, the group of teenagers were shocked as they thought all gay people had to dress femininely and take care of their bodies and wear ear-rings ¬_¬


I feel that this video also ties in with the thread nicely...


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I just want to see people to be their own selves. It´s best that way. I think that you can just go wrong if you´re trying to be something else or try too hard to just please people.


And men can also be emotional. How can I change myself if I´m shy or I love singing although I´m a man? It´s just wonderful that there are so many different people:)

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lol, I just found it amusing since I just happened to be reading your Knight and Day review and you'd just made this thread. :grin:


It just sounded like Men will like this and not the other stuff and vica versa, I enjoyed all of it including Tom Cruises cheeky grin.


Anyway I've been called gay many many many times. I apparently give off "gay vibes"


and my friends says that I'm the girliest person that she's ever met.


Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that blokes who don't like those kind of rom-coms will like it more for action, I'm not saying they all will but all of the guys I've spoken to didn't say anything else about the movie except for the amount of cool action that was in it, so I used that. I probably should edit that, haha. I don't mind there being 'girly movies' and 'guy movies' much as it's not hurtful or malicious or annoying.


Great video nintendomaster! I think now more than ever, stereotypes should go. We're in the age where guys wear makeup and care more about their skin than girls but it doesn't make them gay, it just shows they care about their appearance. I haven't been asked if I'm gay for years now but when I was in school, I was asked quite a few times simply because I mostly had female friends and it kinda pissed me off how people tried to bully me because of having friends who were girls.

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