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Oh man that was amazing!


So many shock moments, too! Like when he appeared from behind the pillar at Skylers place and the moment where the lasers appeared. I also found it hilarious when Grey Matter guy (I'm no good with names :p) wielded his knife.


But yes I was VERY happy with the ending. It was obvious early on in the episode what would happen with the gun but when he actually got there and didn't have his keys I was so on edge. I knew he'd get them back, but I was sad it would mean Jesse got caught in the fire too :(


....So when he plunged to the floor with him I was just like :bouncy:


I was also glad Walt died, it would never have been right for it to have ended with him being caught by police.




Now what do I do with my time?!

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I'm glad Walt ended up saving Jesse. I'm sure he went there with the intention of killing everyone but changed his mind once he saw what they'd done to Jesse... Great ending imo. Left me satisfied. I thought Walt had taken a bullet when it cut to him and he kind of shuddered (either that or Jesse popped a boner) but it took ages for them to actually show it. I guess they didn't want to go with something predictable for Walt's demise. I think it's kind of fitting... he still ended up taking his own life.

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I bid thee farewell oh Breaking of Bad :(


Great final ep, 99% satisfied :D



Ok will try to remember and recount the episode in order.


The start with Walt steeling the car, nice little opening scene, though I felt went on a bit long (just a bit).... and the finding the keys in the visor :mad: Am I the only one that hates that? I mean are people in the US really so stupid as to leave their spare keys IN THE CAR? Even if this is just a bit of "made up for TV" thing, I've seen it so many times now it just seems silly. Very minor in the grander pick of the episode but it does bug me so had to mention it.


How he found out where Elliot and Gretchen moved to and when they'd be home was GENIUS :D Not sure I got why he left the watch there though? Did he get the watch from them though didn't he? Why leave it?


Then jump right to their house and how he just calmly and casually walks in without making a fuss and waits for them to see him. Just a pair of epic and iron balls on him there, haha.

I was actually expecting he was gonna off them, but then his plan to finally get the money to his family through them made such perfect sense (though that dumbass Gretchen couldn't see it :heh:). They might not know the money came from him but he'll rest easy knowing his hardwork finaly had the outcome he wanted.


How he then "made sure" they would do as he asked was just BRILLIANT. And such an epic moment when he waved his hands and the lasers appeared :D

A little disappointed that they weren't real assassins and it was a bluff, but I guess it'll be effective and will ensure his family gets the money, but was nice to see Badger and Skinny Pete one last time.


Then when he figured out Jesse was cooking the Blue Meth, that worked well and believable for how he would figure out Jesse was still alive.


Jesse's hallucination of doing woodwork was interesting, not sure what meaning it was meant to have (if any, beyond a way for Jesse to deal with his situation) or maybe a suggestion that that's what Jesse would like to do/dreams of doing if he ever got free?


As soon as it then went from reminding us about the Ricin to the cafe with Lydia I knew what he was planning with the Ricin. Worked well, and very fitting given he almost used it on her once before. Shame I didn't think of it before, oddly never considered he would target Lydia, but I guess he does/did see her as having been working with Jack to be just as guilty and undeserving as Jack is. Also later while we did see her suffering the effects I would have also liked to have seen her actually dead :D


His meeting with Skyler, great scene, just brilliant. Ending then with him getting to see the baby one last time *tears*


Then the meeting with Jack.... tense edge of seat stuff right up to when the bullets start flying.


Nice to see Jesse get out alive too... though part of me would have liked to have seen some kind of epilogue scene at the end showing what Jesse did after (making working as a carpenter?) just for full final closure. But him getting to kill Todd himself, in revenge for his GF was AWESOME!


Also was anyone else, when Jesse got in the car, waiting for it to blow up haha.... just me?


I spoted during the shooting Walt got hit by one of the bullets thought that was a bit "doesn't feel right".


While I had no expectations for Walt to end the episode alive, bleeding to death from a stray bullet doesn't feel right. Would have liked it better had Jesse shot him.


I actually expected he would die of his cancer.

K, it might have been a bit of a stretch that he would be somewhat healthy enough to do what he did right up to the end to just suddenly drop dead when it is over like it were perfect timing.....but it's really no more of a stretch than say finding car keys in the sunvisor :D

I always thought they'd have the cancer get him at the end, to me that would have made the ending 100% perfect, it was the cancer that started it, it should have been the cancer that would end it.


BUT aside from the method of death, him dying in the lab did feel SO RIGHT to end the show on.






I think we totally feel the same about everything. The method of death for me was an issue. Not his actual death that scene was beautifully filmed. The bit with the keys was so tense my heart was pounding. One slight thing that took me out was that when the camera panned out and he clutched the keys the guy stood next to him at the pool table was looking straight at him and wouldn't have missed a thing.


I don't agree with you on the assassins thing. As soon as the red beams popped up I was like wtf Walt doesn't know anyone, he was trying to get Saul to hand over names in the Vacuum guys waiting room and wasn't successful how did he suddenly find these guys? The reveal was hilarious and them questioning the morality of what was happening.



Oh man that was amazing!


So many shock moments, too! Like when he appeared from behind the pillar at Skylers place and the moment where the lasers appeared. I also found it hilarious when Grey Matter guy (I'm no good with names :p) wielded his knife.


that yes Walt had to die as sad as it was.



One thing over here that has been getting a ton of press is the commercials apparently they selling slots at between 250k-400k compared to their usual 60k-90k and it showed there were some points where they definitely got in the way of the action and were cut at ill conceived times. Also extremely long and annoying episodes.


Great show I think part of it is I'm really sad it finished and thats affected my mood. Also my girlfriend had planned to watch the series with me when I rewatch it but she watched the finale and was like "that was it" and now doesn't wanna watch it with me lol. Never understood watching a finale to a show you're not invested in.


But yes I was VERY happy with the ending. It was obvious early on in the episode what would happen with the gun but when he actually got there and didn't have his keys I was so on edge. I knew he'd get them back, but I was sad it would mean Jesse got caught in the fire too :(


....So when he plunged to the floor with him I was just like :bouncy:


I was also glad Walt died, it would never have been right for it to have ended with him being caught by police.




Now what do I do with my time?!

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So if you're anything like me, you've been badgering (ha! Badger!) everyone you know to watch this. So who recommended this to you or how did you find out about it? And how many people do you reckon you've got to watch it?


Got to be honest, and say it was this thread and @ReZourceman 's glowing praise that got me to try it. I reckon I must have got about 20 family members and friends to watch it.

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I really like this review


First up, here's Hitfix' Alan Sepinwall, who was mixed on the episode for some of the same reasons I was:P


But it also felt so neat, and so orderly, in such an un-"Breaking Bad" sort of way, that I don't think I can give the show bonus points for its last episode in the same way that "The Shield" or "Six Feet Under" get extra credit for their finales. Most of this last half-season was astonishing, but I don't think Gilligan was just being self-effacing when he said "Ozymandias" was the best episode they ever made. That was, essentially, where the story of Walter White ended. These last two weeks have been an extended epilogue, the first half ("Granite State") gut-wrenching, the second half satisfying and tidy.

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Am I alone in feeling that the finale was great and satisfying and all, but not all that surprising/exciting? I think I've come to expect a bit more from the big episodes of Breaking Bad is all. Not that I didn't enjoy it, it's just...


Maybe the gangster guys weren't as big a bad as Tuco and Gus. Even though they killed Hank, they never felt like a serious threat. Their strength was in numbers and generally being heartless nutters, but it didn't seem impossible to get to them the way it did Gus.


Also I can't really gather why Walt needed to disappear out of the state for months for this purpose. It seems like the only reason for that was so that he could grow a beard for some cool flash-forwards.


And what of Jesse? I feel like his only satisfaction at the end is his freedom (which only looks good in comparison to his imprisonment, and could be pretty temporary considering the police arrived 30 seconds after he drove away) but Andrea's dead, he has no money, he'll be wanted in connection to Walt's crimes.... I wonder if he'll get an appearance in Better Call Saul.


I still think it was a brilliant ending though, it just didn't keep me on my toes, some earlier episodes raised my expectations in terms of shock factor by really surprising me with the way they went, this one kinda went as expected (but still masterfully executed).


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Also I can't really gather why Walt needed to disappear out of the state for months for this purpose. It seems like the only reason for that was so that he could grow a beard for some cool flash-forwards.

From Walt's perspective, he never planned to stay in hiding for as long as he did. He was going to go into town right away to start making arrangements for his revenge, but then he got scared and eventually just sort of gave up.


From our perspective, we needed to see Walt at his lowest to make his return to form in the final episode all the more triumphant.


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Am I alone in feeling that the finale was great and satisfying and all, but not all that surprising/exciting? I think I've come to expect a bit more from the big episodes of Breaking Bad is all. Not that I didn't enjoy it, it's just...


Maybe the gangster guys weren't as big a bad as Tuco and Gus. Even though they killed Hank, they never felt like a serious threat. Their strength was in numbers and generally being heartless nutters, but it didn't seem impossible to get to them the way it did Gus.


Also I can't really gather why Walt needed to disappear out of the state for months for this purpose. It seems like the only reason for that was so that he could grow a beard for some cool flash-forwards.


And what of Jesse? I feel like his only satisfaction at the end is his freedom (which only looks good in comparison to his imprisonment, and could be pretty temporary considering the police arrived 30 seconds after he drove away) but Andrea's dead, he has no money, he'll be wanted in connection to Walt's crimes.... I wonder if he'll get an appearance in Better Call Saul.


I still think it was a brilliant ending though, it just didn't keep me on my toes, some earlier episodes raised my expectations in terms of shock factor by really surprising me with the way they went, this one kinda went as expected (but still masterfully executed).


It's funny you should say what you said about the cool flash-forwards. Vince Gilligan admitted when they filmed that flash-forward scene they had no idea where it was going to go and what he was going to do with the contents of his trunk.


Also as for your question about Jesse....Better Call Saul is a prequel.

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Thanks for suggesting it guys, that really was fantastic :D It makes the ending all the more bittersweet.


EDIT: And I take back what I said about the presenter, he can be annoying but I guess his heart is in the right place :p

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  • 4 weeks later...

Carefully posting to avoid spoilers, but i woke up an hour early for my bus this morning because of DST, and so I decided to watch the season finale of season 4.


Now I'm all excited and have no one to rant at because I don't know anyone else who watches it and everyone else I know is asleep.




OMFGBBQWTF!!! That was fucking awesome!

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