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I just finished Season 4 of this, bit late to the party :)


Anyway a colleague of mine, who was a big big fan of the series, was very adamant that it should've ended there, and that the story was all tied up and it was meant to be over - that season 5 was just cashing in the popularity of the show and shouldn't happen.


So should I stop here, at the end of four, or does it retain its standard?


S5 spoiler-free responses please!


PS maybe best show ever.

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I just finished Season 4 of this, bit late to the party :)


Anyway a colleague of mine, who was a big big fan of the series, was very adamant that it should've ended there, and that the story was all tied up and it was meant to be over - that season 5 was just cashing in the popularity of the show and shouldn't happen.


So should I stop here, at the end of four, or does it retain its standard?


S5 spoiler-free responses please!


PS maybe best show ever.


Sorry, explain how on earth the end of Season 4 has everything "all tied-up" please?


From my recollection, it ends with Gus dying right? Also Walt being revealed as the guy who poisoned the child? I don't recall much more than that.


Fact is, we have: No sense of closure/justice for the things Walt has done, No closure/justice for Hank's pursuit of Walt, no closure for Jesse/Skyler/everyone else. I mean honestly, I don't see how it was tied up at all? It's tied up when Walt is caught or dead. When the journey he begun at the start of the series is over. That's it.


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I just finished Season 4 of this, bit late to the party :)


Anyway a colleague of mine, who was a big big fan of the series, was very adamant that it should've ended there, and that the story was all tied up and it was meant to be over - that season 5 was just cashing in the popularity of the show and shouldn't happen.


So should I stop here, at the end of four, or does it retain its standard?


S5 spoiler-free responses please!


PS maybe best show ever.


Even though I've moved on to 5, I moved on thinking the same thing. Obviously 5 isn't finished, but it felt liek 4 wrapped up nicely they coulda done a small series wrapup/finishoff sort of dealie. OR maybe even just leave it there. It wasn't too bad.

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Sorry, explain how on earth the end of Season 4 has everything "all tied-up" please?

Because it could all have ended there. Silly to say it's not over until Walt is caught or dead, why are those the only possibilities? A show/story doesn't only conclude when every loose end has been tied up. Sometimes you're left with questions.


Season 1 introduced Tuco, who lead to all the other players, and Season 4 completely closed that chapter of the story.


Whatever they do with Season 5, I can only see it as being one story arc from S1-S4 and another starting at S5. I could be wrong, and I'll find out soon!

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Season five feels like things are being rushed and also stepped up a notch. That's the best way I can describe it. Thinking back, I also feel season four could have easily been the end of the series. That last shot leaves everything so open and raises the question "Where next?" which is perfect finale fuel.


It definitely felt like the end of Walter White as a sympathetic character.

Edited by Guy
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Yes, open-ended finales are both possible and often very well done.




Season 4 was clearly not written as an ending. The show has always been set up as going all the way down to the last moments of Walt's life. Really a big driving theme has been seeing what kind of man Walt is going to die as in the end. The show is driven by moral philosophy really and I don't feel we had an adequate ending regarding that theme at the end of season 4.


However, that's not to say that I don't feel the first half of season 5 has weaknesses. It certainly does. However, just because season 5 doesn't currently feel as strong doesn't necessarily mean it should have ended at season 4.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm about halfway through Season 2 (so avoiding spoilers as best i can), but is the 'chat' between Jesse and his 'crew' supposed to be as bum-curdlingly cringey as it appears, or is that actually how the youth in America talk?


I can't tell if it's bad acting, good acting but loser characters, or bad writing.

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I thought it would end at S4, I'm not sure how it could possibly carry on much longer after what happened in the latest ep! Or the flash-forward in the first ep for that matter.


It's a shame that it won't be going much longer, at the same time it's so much better when a series ends before it gets shit and isn't renewed just because the ratings are great.

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Yeah, whilst I did like it and will continue to watch it - Season 5 felt rather unnecessary for me. It's going to be interesting to see the final end of it all, though. I'd say I can't wait, and previously I might have believed that, but now I'm not too fussed.

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Yeah, whilst I did like it and will continue to watch it - Season 5 felt rather unnecessary for me. It's going to be interesting to see the final end of it all, though. I'd say I can't wait, and previously I might have believed that, but now I'm not too fussed.


I will freely admit that the looooooooooong wait has somewhat killed the buzz for me. Which isn't something that has previously happened I'm sure once it starts airing I'll be all over it.


Girlfriend bought be Season 1 on DVD for birthday

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I don't understand how people can think they should have ended at s4. What about the Hank situation? There's no way they could leave that unresolved.


Seems you can buy this on Blu-ray now which was previously only available in America. I'm glad I held off buying the DVD version. But I'll still wait till they're all out and I'll get the complete box set.

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