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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I type perfect when drunk, this whole thread reaks of fake drunks, to me!


Anyway, got completely pissed yesterday. Fell in the bathtub head first, then fell asleep taking a crap and stood there for 3 hours. My ass hurts like hell, feels like I've been raped, lol!


It's not that you can't type correctly. It's that you can't use backspace. So any mistake stays there.

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Random, but that's my local club too. Well, not really, but the ones in Epsom are shite.


O HAI. Kingston is pretty good for clubs considering it's just a random part of outer/greater London. But then I guess with it having a uni there's a market for it. Not been to Essence or McClusky's, I generally find myself at Oceana and Hippodrome.

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I type perfect when drunk, this whole thread reaks of fake drunks, to me!


Anyway, got completely pissed yesterday. Fell in the bathtub head first, then fell asleep taking a crap and stood there for 3 hours. My ass hurts like hell, feels like I've been raped, lol!


You're my hero.

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Motherufickng the Passing!. Fuck you L4D@2 Fuck you


There is no reason Normal should spawn multiple Tanks MULTIPLE TIMES! That's bullshit. L4D DLC is pretty crappy and I', m glad it's free on PC cause it ain't worth my money.


In other news, now that I have a laptop with a screen that workds and a monitor Dual screen setup is pretty cbooss. Chat and netfliX on you screen, and games more caht webpages etc. on the other screen. So much rscrean realestate. I'm about 32200 hmmm 200 ml into a 5th of Vodka. A I'm only a little buszzed is what my body tells me, but my atrocious post says I'm blitzed and am not fit for duty/.


More dirinkg shall commence,. Also I think I may get another slive slice of pizza.

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Why do I keep dtaking drinks!>???: Whgy?


It's already 1am and I'm still drinking....aolone like an lacohilkibnck wat? Alcoholic. but yet I'm hapopy. or was happy. Now I'm watching Tengen Toppa gurrne Lagann on Netflix ans it's depressing. the Dnglish dub is just so horrid HORRID! Why netflix why?! It need more subs. Dubbing is bad.



Everyone should watch TTGL though, iut's great/. It's one of the best animes I've ever seen. I have to use the rest rooom now. I actually got TGGL the copmpletye series as a Xmas present ofr a friend who doesn't have the internet so he wa can't watch anytime he feels like.




I ddin't get hte pizzea.....but captain Faclcons post has inspired me to make the rtrip to the kitchen to get it. I'm not tired so there may be another post....not garuntees.


Poor Boota.



Ignore tha previous edit....It's fake. I thought it wast wat was at the bottom and apparently it wasn't also my copy past sidindn't seem to take. lets try again.


edit: Om nom nom On mon....fuck I should have stuck wit h the copy paste.

Edited by Nolan
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edit: Om nom nom On mon....fuck I should have stuck wit h the copy paste.


Looks like someone found the pizza - good man.


Being drunk and having pizza... it's one of life's little pleasures that never gets tiresome.


After a night of getting hammer, there is nothing I enjoy more than a tasty slice of heaven in a box with a pepperoni topping... I best stop now before I make myself even more hungry.

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hey drungken thrad how are you

! U;n not allowed to use the backspae so I can't ocrrect the obvious mistakes.


M... Let me tell you about my day. I want... I WENT shopping! It was good. I buo...bl... bought a bunch of shit and i have no idea hw ... who will get what presnt ub... but I figure that someone will appreciate wjhatever it is i get. I'm on the dole so i anticipate that most people will think iw on't be able to afford decet ... decent gifts for them HOWEVER my philosophy is one of self detriment. S o I've spent loads on everyone because i fee the... FEEL the gifts i get them will be wanted. However because they expet me to be all opoor and su... stuff they'll get me more lmited stuff even though they can afford more"! so when it comes to the exchange theny... then they will fieeel bad for onot spendig enough and i will feel bad that they clearly dont know me well enough to get me decent shit.


I hate christmas. I am going into de t... devt b... debt because I'd rather buypeople stuff they'd like then be reserved with my money, and that was meant to be a full stop.


I remember the christmas when I spent more on po..one rpresent for a family member than clearly eevery one put toghetehr had spet... spent on me. It shouldn't be a big deal but it was a feeling noticable in the air. And I'm going to do it again this year. This christmas is going to be shit. Except for my dad's presents. He was supposed to go on hik... hok... hok... hOLIDAY so entrusted me with his bag o' gifts for the family. That bad... bag has two presents in it. As he left for the airport (without knowig he'd be back in a few hours) he told me htat THIS bag was my presents... My bag has lik e 6 presnts in it all for me. So on o.. top of all the guilt my family will jhave when they see their dole son spending so much on them they'll then see that the father they all hated hsa chosem CHOSEN ME as a favourite, of sorts. All the niceities in the world will make for a pleasant aura, but the truth in the eyes of all around m,e will make it clear. I fucking hat ebeing so aware of the eyes.


Fuck that shit. End of post.

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I type perfect when drunk, this whole thread reaks of fake drunks, to me!


Anyway, got completely pissed yesterday. Fell in the bathtub head first, then fell asleep taking a crap and stood there for 3 hours. My ass hurts like hell, feels like I've been raped, lol!

haha you fucking mess :D

Been a while since I was THAT drunk... To new years !:)

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hey drungken thrad how are you

! U;n not allowed to use the backspae so I can't ocrrect the obvious mistakes.


M... Let me tell you about my day. I want... I WENT shopping! It was good. I buo...bl... bought a bunch of shit and i have no idea hw ... who will get what presnt ub... but I figure that someone will appreciate wjhatever it is i get. I'm on the dole so i anticipate that most people will think iw on't be able to afford decet ... decent gifts for them HOWEVER my philosophy is one of self detriment. S o I've spent loads on everyone because i fee the... FEEL the gifts i get them will be wanted. However because they expet me to be all opoor and su... stuff they'll get me more lmited stuff even though they can afford more"! so when it comes to the exchange theny... then they will fieeel bad for onot spendig enough and i will feel bad that they clearly dont know me well enough to get me decent shit.


I hate christmas. I am going into de t... devt b... debt because I'd rather buypeople stuff they'd like then be reserved with my money, and that was meant to be a full stop.


I remember the christmas when I spent more on po..one rpresent for a family member than clearly eevery one put toghetehr had spet... spent on me. It shouldn't be a big deal but it was a feeling noticable in the air. And I'm going to do it again this year. This christmas is going to be shit. Except for my dad's presents. He was supposed to go on hik... hok... hok... hOLIDAY so entrusted me with his bag o' gifts for the family. That bad... bag has two presents in it. As he left for the airport (without knowig he'd be back in a few hours) he told me htat THIS bag was my presents... My bag has lik e 6 presnts in it all for me. So on o.. top of all the guilt my family will jhave when they see their dole son spending so much on them they'll then see that the father they all hated hsa chosem CHOSEN ME as a favourite, of sorts. All the niceities in the world will make for a pleasant aura, but the truth in the eyes of all around m,e will make it clear. I fucking hat ebeing so aware of the eyes.


Fuck that shit. End of post.


The way you correct your mistakes makes for a very vivid image of a drunk guy telling this story. Highly entertaining.


It is rather sad, though. :( Cheer up, Jay! :)

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I'm better today, cheers for the rallying there, guys :) Did a bit more shopping and wrapped shit up. I love christmas! I love giving people stuff, I guess I was trying to say taht I hate it when tehy focus on the money side of it all.


P.S. I think it was the verbal hiccups -- hik hok hok -- that cemented it as drunk prose :P

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