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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Surely you can do better than £25. You paid for them to look after it and had the ticket so THEY lost it.


This is a nightclub we're talking about. You give up your human rights the moment you start talking to the bouncer.


They aren't even answering their phones (tried Sunday, Monday and last night) so going to have to email them to attempt to even get the £25!

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I knew you were talking about a nightclub and I know they have those signs about personal property, but you're saying they essentially have the right to pick any coats they think they can sell for over £25 and then just take them and say "sorry we lost your coat, here's £25."


I don't think so :p

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I knew you were talking about a nightclub and I know they have those signs about personal property, but you're saying they essentially have the right to pick any coats they think they can sell for over £25 and then just take them and say "sorry we lost your coat, here's £25."


I don't think so :p


I know but clubs essentially do anything they want and get away with it.


Treat you like crap? Check.

Decide who gets in by if they have big boobs? Check.

Let girls in for free and make guys pay even though it's illegal? Check.

Bar staff serve whoever they want first regardless of who's been front the longest? Check.



Whether that sign is a legal disclaimer or not, they'll come back to me and say I was drunk and there's nothing they can do about it.


They think they can get away with anything because they're never challenged on it. You can't challenge them on a night out because you run the risk of getting thrown out. You can't challenge them outwith a night out because they won't let you in.

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Whether that sign is a legal disclaimer or not, they'll come back to me and say I was drunk and there's nothing they can do about it.


They think they can get away with anything because they're never challenged on it. You can't challenge them on a night out because you run the risk of getting thrown out. You can't challenge them outwith a night out because they won't let you in.


Usually a well worded letter threatening to take it further helps.

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So. Getting drunk quite often the past week has its consequences. I have to admit defeat as the knowledge is fertilising itself within my brain that of course I'll embarrass myself & piss people off. That's what it's all about though. I spent today feeling prettycrappy but I'm passed all that.


If you're strong, you don't need permission.


I'm about to make them / him / her sit back down.




Filthy Pout. 3 years of Ü

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ghuess what i anm!!??!?!


thats right gret back mothferfuhcker you fon't know me llie that!! wooot wooot wqo oot!!!


so this wonman thin her forties wwas hitting and me an d shit aso i was all like no wayyy!!


anysway drubnken martins is fun marthins!!!

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I've figured out what @martinist is - he's like the Bananaman of booze.


For he leads an amazing double life. When martinist swallows 3 jagerbombs and a pint of ale, an amazing transformation occurs.


Martinist is Drunkman! Ever alert for the call of horny cougars and senior school girls who love terrible, terrible music.


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I swear the last time I was here I specified that this thread should be sticky and. I'm convinced it isn't. luckilu some.nether guy has poster before me, I want to machinists though I could have miss read. Either way I am wmasheddddddd!!!!!!! Count the exclamation marks if you need prove. Though to be fair I'd you hadve rear and deciveffered this much I think that isbfarly self explanatory.


Anyway, turns out I was all over someone I wouldn't be too proud. of tonight according tommy four friends bi I really don't remember a thing even if said even wad only and hour or two who. They did warn me to wash my handwriting before did anything bit honestly I do notbhave the slightest incline as to hat they could be talking about. One claims tovhadve something on video but I think Its all lies.


Anyway, IME to mafje myself a brew and play some games as I try to sober up wc bit before bed. Don't think ill be going gym tomorrow;/ in the morning anyway.


I mean I rwmwbwr a girl and that's jusy it I was thinkijgbof a memory of someone - standing there all perfect beyond comparison. Never seen anyone close to her and I do worry I will never see anyone again.


So there is no way I could have done anything with that in mind surely.


Lol not sire if I'm trying to convince you guys, a bunch if nameless strangers who could pass me on the street without wo much as a hello or me, a guy who hasn't much if a four about anything, let alone what he wants.


Lookout 2 viewers - aren't k popular this evening - makes change !although apparently not if tights drunken antics are to be believed.


I should probably shut up begin I say something embarrassing or something I regret and yet I can't help but think we are way past that point.


Oh shout I forget the guest - fellow guest!


Why don't you register anew join in thebtun or are you already a member and can't be bothered to log in? Wouldn't blafme you, only me here really and I'm not exactly up for holding a conversation right now.


and semblance of cohesion is the result of a very gagoable auto correct on my phone.


Do be do do do d do dodoo!! That baby elephant walk you all now.ot don't know.why It cam to mind or why I posted It - one of the kysterierw of life.


Man, I ahould really leave thisc place and yet I feel I need an outlet just somewhere to unleash whatever it Is I have locked inaidide and yet I not sure if I even have the key to let it out. So perhaps the best you have is it clawing andbgnawing and the gate, biding its time until the day comes. A day not to be forgit.en even if tried.

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I had a similar experience to you one time, but it turned out that it was the barmaid, and I totally went up to her and said "I barely know you, but I feel like I love you. Let me buy you nachos, or a corn dog, or something."


True story.

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