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Or make Mycroft's laptop some sort of trojan horse, so when he uploads the data to his own systems, instead Mycroft gets all the handy dirt and the baddie's data gets all corrupted and all his blackmail info is lost. Maybe it uploads dodgy porn to his computer too and he get's arrested and loses his business and all credibility aswell, or they blackmail him over the dodgy pics on his computer in a sort of poetic justice.


Why would he upload his data onto the systems?


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Why would he upload his data onto the systems?


Obviously for that scenario you'd write the show differently so he so he did a physical database. In any case presumably he'd want to make a copy of the data on the laptop, copy it to his own computer before he has the chance to memorise it all. MI6 or whoever are obviously going to want something so important back, surely it would be a prudent idea to make a back up.


Surely if nothing else having a stolen MI6 laptop in his posession in all Mycroft needed to lock him up and throw away the key, he's disgraced and his blackmail operation is exposed, and exposed as having no evidence to back it up. Holmes could have told Mycroft himself that Watson's wife was an assassin and he wouldn't of believed him.



If the writers wanted Homles to sacrifice himself for Watson and his wife by murdering Magnussen, I think they needed to emphasise that part of the sacrifice Holmes made was that because of Magnussen's leverage on Watson, he had no time to defeat him with cunning, and instead had to choose the easy way by simply murdering him, and that annoyed him. If that's the story the writers want to to tell then fine, it was shocking but I just found it disappointing after all Holmes' prior genius, and we didn't really get a chance to feel for the sacrifice Holmes made, he didn't suffer at all.


As such, I think they should make a point in the next season that Holmes needs to redeem himself as an out-thinker of criminals, rather than a murderer of them. Even better if they make Magnussen (the one criminal he couldn't defeat through interlect) a pawn of a somehow-not-dead Moriarty, who Holmes goes on to defeat by being the better thinker.


Edited by pratty
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I think the sacrifice was made perfectly clear; you can see the panic on Sherlock's face from the moment he realises the situation he has put John and Mary in. His actions showed how far he was willing to go for them and showed an important side of him: As he keeps pointing out, he is no hero; he cannot always keep the moral high ground, and sometimes it directly clashes with his own values and priorities - and protecting John and Mary comes before all else.

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Kinda agree with what most people are saying.


The mysteries should take the lead in the story. The funny and personal bits involving the characters should be dotted in between the story, or it gets diluted and pointless.


Hopefully the next series will take it back to how it used to be.

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Phew, I got scared there for a while. I first entered this thread a few days ago, unaware that the new episode had already aired, and noticed disappointment in the first couple of posts. Glad the episode turned out to be actually good!



I'm a bif miffed that "investigation" took a back seat. It sure looked like Sherlock was going to spend the episode going after Magnusson in a battle of wits, but most of the episode is spent on Mary's secret, instead.

(Not a bad plot, mind you, but the alternative sounded more appealing)


I kind of expected Magnusson to have forced Mary into staging the whole thing as an elaborate way of killing Sherlock. That's what it looked like.


Ending made perfect sense. If Magnusson has the power to make information relevant simply by knowing who to tell, then killing him literally is the only option. I honestly thought John was the one who'd shoot him (I kept rooting for it, too).

It was also satisfying on a personal level. In so many shows/films, I see the plot get to a point where killing the villain and going to jail for it is a better option than letting him/her keep doing their stuff, it's great to see something actually take this to a logical conclusion.


As for the ending... I like Moriarty. He's a good character, his actor does a tremendous job, and it's not common to see anyone so genuinely, creepily intimidating.


However, his return does cheapen his previous appearances so much. The whole point was that he was so tired of manipulating the world, playing games with Sherlock was all he had to entertain himself, and he was so focused on winning the battle of wits, he actually spontaneously committed suicide on a whim. That was amazing, and what now, it was just a play?


This better be good...



@Happenstance @Agent Gibbs


The thing that Irene said that made Moriarty spare Sherlock back then... Irene had information that Moriarty wanted, but she couldn't decipher its meaning, and wouldn't sell it without knowing its importance (nor would she sell it just for him to decode it).


She told Moriarty to leave Sherlock alive, just so she could use him to decipher it. He does, she sells it, Moriarty gets what he wants and raspberries a text to Mycroft.


It was info about the plane filled with dead people, by the way.


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How is shooting the villain the easy way out? Surely with Sherlock's brother having such influence in the police, and with Sherlock's potential future contribution, he knew it wouldn't be that bad. He's always been a high functioning sociopath without following conventional morality, and he brought the gun because he knew it was an option. Magnussen was outwitted by not expecting to be shot. He didn't search Sherlock for weapons,and he repeatedly said everything was in his head. The fact that anyone could have thought of shooting him just makes Magnussen less smart, not Sherlock.

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Good series. Not up to par with the first 2, but at least it didn't have any atrocious turd of an episode like Blind Banker or Hounds of Baskerville (although Empty Hearse felt quite lacking).


The writing seems to have taken a slight dive, sadly, but overall everything is still good. Loved the way they dealt with Magnussen, although I'm getting tired of the constant stream of superpeople...


Bring on S4.

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I was looking for a new series to watch, so I browsed the forums. Found this thread.


Watched the first two episodes just now.

Brilliant. I love it.


How many seasons are there? Do they all feature movie-length episodes?


You're in for a treat, then... Ep 1 is good, but 2 is quite possibly the worst ever. 3, 4 and 6 are amazing (in other words, you ain't seen nothin' yet)!



Btw, how would you guys rank the eps?


IMO, it goes:

4>6>3>8>9=1>>>7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(I believe I've made my point)>>>>5>2.


I think 5 and 2 are just plain bad. Entertaining but disastrous when compared to the other eps.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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Btw, how would you guys rank the eps?


I actually liked Episode 5 :heh: Worked as a nice breather between 4 and 6 (unlike Episode 2, where no breather was necessary).


3 > 4 > 1 > 8 > 6 > 9 > 5 > 7 >>> 2


Is my overall opinion. 7 was just "meh" all around, while 1 is the best introduction this series could've possibly gotten.

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