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The Avengers


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just the top gif would have been enough but I'll take them all, haha


though in seriousness, if Marvel ever regained the rights to Spiderman I'd assume they'd do another reboot themselves in order to fit him properly into wherever the Marvel Film Universe is at that stage.


Same with X-Men... though the only one I actually want to see from X-Men in Avenger films anyway is Wolverine, and if that ever happened and Jackman isn't up for it anymore, I'd happily take his place as the new Wolverine... I have experience afterall :heh:

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So the American version of the film gets 2 credit scenes. The Mid credit scene that we're all aware of...


and an After credit scene -


Picture and Details in spoilers below - Nothing related to an Avengers 2, so no problems for plot spoilers...


The entire team sitting down after the final battle and eating shawarma. It lasts for roughly a minute and features no dialogue, although Mark Ruffalo reportedly struggles to keep a straight face throughout.




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Well damn that is a little unfair that they get a 2nd hidden scene... when I first watched it I even waited till the very end just in case there was a 2nd one hidden at the end of the credits.


Though I guess the US did have to wait 2 extra weeks for the film (anybody know why they released it in the US last?)


We better get both hidden scenes on the Bluray when that comes out here




Oh and I've stolen the dancing Parker gif for my Twitter BTW :D




I wonder if that after credit scene the US is getting is the final scene that was recorded a while ago that RDJ referenced at some press conference when he said they were recording another scene that afternoon then just left... I think that was posted here but it's prolly a lot of pages back at this stage to go looking for it

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OMG, just stumbled across this Iron Man Cosplay... from the thumbnail I thought it was a cheapish cardboard thing.. but damn this thing be awesome, must have cost a fair bit to build and a lot of time too



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Just got back from seeing it a second time, still awesome! :P


I paid a lot more attention to Captain America this time after reading some of the complaints in this thread and to be honest I probably liked him even more this time than I did the first. I thought they did a great job showing why he is the number one hero in the Marvel Universe, despite the fact that he isnt one of the strongest.


The bit where the cops follow his orders was played for laughs but also shows just how inspiring that character is supposed to be. Coordinating the Avengers against the Chitauri during the final battle, getting shot and then carrying on, taking on Loki near the beginning (one of my favourite fights for him) were all moments I thought helped show who he is.


Also, I meant to mention this last time but I love when he goes and saves the bank full of people and the bomb goes off, you see him jump and pull his knees up to get as much of himself behind the shield as possible, just a nice touch.


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Saw the film today, quality. Not a comic man, but I do enjoy the films. My only complaint is there's probably too many light comedy moments.


I liked the new Dr Banner, Downey Jr is the man or he would be if Samuel L Jackson wasn't in it.

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Also noticed something bout Black Widow I didn't fully cop before...


I thought she was just nervous when I first saw it but she is genuinely shitting herself.





I'm fairly certain she wasn't genuinely shitting herself. I should know, i spent most of her screen time looking at her arse.


Saw this film last night for the first time, and it was incredible. Best film i've seen this year (and i've seen Salmon Fishing in Yemen).


The Hulk was my favourite character, much better than Norton in my opinion. I loved all the comedy moments. I think films like that need a bit more comedy. For example Green Lantern was too darn serious and was worsened because of it. It wasn't until the end that i realised it was Joss Whedon, and then all the funny moments suddenly made sense!


I rate this film: Good.



Loki, brother of Thor had found his way into deep space, following the finale of the Thor movie. Having come across a race of aliens known as the Chituari, he was given a staff and promised them a planet in exchange for the use of the staff and the army.


I thought that the plot was more:


Loki wanted the army to capture the Earth for himself, and in return he would give the Chituari the blue cube of power? That's what i thought anyway...i don't suppose it matters too much though.






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Went to see this again. Still amazing.


Don't understand all the anti - Captain America comments, thought each character was portrayed very well & all have their place in the team. I must admit though, as a kid reading the comics Captain America & Thor were my favourite characters but in the movie, although i liked each character, the Hulk & Iron Man performances did stand out a bit more.


Don't think i'll ever be able to watch another movie with just ONE Superhero in again!


Tempted to go & watch it again but running out of people to watch it with :0)

Roll on the Blu-Ray release.

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Tempted to go & watch it again but running out of people to watch it with :0)

Roll on the Blu-Ray release.


I'm the same. My mate comes out of army training in a few weeks, so hopefully it's still showing then and I will get to go again. :yay:


I look forward to see what kind of numbers it does in the US.

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The Avengers was like watching the Last Night of the Proms - undeniably well-orchestrated and impressive, but playing a very familiar tune.


The plot?


Essentially, the Avengers is a film about a Norse God trying to steal a magic, box-shaped-plot-device with the help of some flying, robot slugs from space, from the invisible, super-secret sky lair of a man called (get this) Fury, who has another Norse God of his own, a time travelling man with a silver star on his chest (because, I dunno, he’s been a good boy that lesson), a red, sassy robot, a man who clearly wants to be Katniss, little miss pout-n’-punch and the jolly green giant at his disposal.


I liked how the script knew it was ridiculous and so played with that aspect with humour. But the action was no different to the other films, no more thrilling than any of the other films. I think perhaps it was less exciting, as they've really made IronMan, Hulk and Thor so indestructible. It was Captain, Hawkeye and Widow I was most interested in, they seemed the most vulnerable and so they seemed the most heroic.


I think I probably go to the cinema wanting something a bit more. Throwaway popcorn flicks can and should be made and I enjoy them when they're fantastic, but the action was far to removed from real life to be at all interesting for my taste.

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Just got back from seeing it [iN 3D] And enjoyed it muchos.


A Skrull?


The chin implied as much


It was Thanos




The Chitauri army that attacked were basically the Skrulls




Yeah I was caught off gaurd by that too and thought he was a Skrull leader with hints at a "Secret Invasion" for Avengers 2 maybe, cause I didn't the army were Skrulls as they were never called such. But as it turns out they just used the Ultimates comics name for the Skrulls, "Chitauri".


If they keep referencing things by Ultimate comics names I might have to start some reading/research in the Ultimate Universes :heh:


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Did anyone notice ReZ's name in the credits?


[Cannot be bothered to search the thread]


SPOILER: There is a scene part way through credits: Marvel Character Thanos appears with The Red Skull by his side. They are both looking down on Planet Earth with Thanos smiling, stating that they underestimated Earth.



Did anyone see this?

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Did anyone notice ReZ's name in the credits?


[Cannot be bothered to search the thread]


SPOILER: There is a scene part way through credits: Marvel Character Thanos appears with The Red Skull by his side. They are both looking down on Planet Earth with Thanos smiling, stating that they underestimated Earth.



Did anyone see this?


Thats bullshit, the Red Skull isnt in that scene. Its just Thanos and the leader of the Chitauri, the guy im assuming they called"The Other" in the credits.


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