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The Avengers


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Dunno if I'll watch it or not yet.


If it shows the much rumoured Skrull, or whatever the enemy other then Loki turns out to be, then maybe I'll just wait for you guys to tell me if they look good or not, and then give the trailer a miss.


I'd like to see an image of The Hulk though.

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Looks brilliant. I just hope they find a way to nerf Thor. His film almost killed all interest I had in this.


I've always been completely indifferent to the character - except in The Ultimates, so I know where you're coming from. He's too powerful to be interesting at times. That said, I enjoyed the film on the plane when I watched it. Okay, so it wasn't exactly Shakespeare, but it was fun enough. :P



please tell me someone understands the reference...

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Everybody gets nerfed in team up movies and comics.


Except Hawkeye, he'll probably get buffed :heh:


Personally I prefer the ultimate version of Hawkeye where he actually has some kind of powers (he basically can't miss if he throws or shoots anything). It makes more sense for him to be on the team that way.


Regarding Thor's powers, they shouldn't be a problem. Assuming we gots Skrulls, that's an entire invading alien army taking over the planet, plus Loki who is as powerful as Thor in his own way.


It'll be fine. Key to any Avengers story is giving everyone a job to do- if Thor is out punching motherships in half and Hulk is on the rampage, Hawkeye and Black Widow can be somewhere else being ninja, Captain America can be leading from the front and planning strategy and Iron Man can be in the sky doing air support and solving tech problems.


It's a really diverse team and Whedon is a comics ace. He gets how these things work.

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I just watched it about 5 times, that scene is great!
Yep, I watched it once, then went back to it and watched it something like 5 times in a row! :D


I must have watched it about 10 times now!


Anyone else think that maybe the scene with the street exploding at the start is waiting to have alien figher ships CGI'd into it?

Edited by Retro_Link
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