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Well, looks like the shit is hitting the fan now, too much bad stuff is happening already.

:( Still a great episode though, looks like things are really starting to kick off.


I swear to god, if Glenn dies, I'm going to be seriously pissed off. Like he said, he's come all this way to die of a glorified cold. It better not fucking happen. Also, can't believe that Carol was the one that killed Karen! As much as she was trying to look out for everyone, she still deserves what's coming to her.


The run that Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese and Bob are on looks like it'll be interesting, I look forward to seeing how that plays out. The massive horde of zombies was definitely a massive 'oh shit' moment. Wonder if they'll find out who was talking on the radio


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Eh I've only got round to watching Ep2 So i'll post thoughts on that :p



I liked how the original survivors seem to have like a special hierarchy and hold meetings in events of panic and situations. And given how Hershal & Carol react in that meeting, it smacks like it's one of these 2 who burnt the 2 sick people. But you see Carol a fair amount in the episode looking after the 2 girls, so then Hershal is left as the main candidate.


But completely different guess now, I think that the new guy they introduced is the guilty one..the-walking-dead-unveils-new-character-bob-stookey-in-season-4.jpg




And it's strange that I felt bad that the pigs were killed. Survival of the fittest I guess.


Michone & Judith scene implies that Michonne lost a little one then, and is probably the reason why she's so cold. (I can't remember if they've confirmed she lost a child in previous seasons, I haven't recapped on them)


Love this season though, already so so good.



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well damn...



Damn would have never called Carole as being the one who killed and burned the two people :o


Also when Daryl was messing with the radio in the car could see them suddenly running into a horde..... but damn did not expect such a size of a horde!

When he stopped the car I was thinking "just drive through them" then the camera panned up and it was like......well...erm....maybe not?


Can only assume that horde will soon be on the steps on the prison




On a personal note, had a dream teh other night that the Zombie apocalypse was happening and I was with a group of people who had fortifide one of the local schools. A few zombies got in and I went with a few others to take care of them and I had my Samurai sword with (I actually have a Samurai sword in the house "just in case" and it is actually sharp).... but in my dream it wasn't sharp, I went to chop off a zombies head and just barely cracked the skull :heh: Checked my blade and the "edge" had zero sharpness like it was a cheap knockoff wall decoration :(


Managed to survive then woke up :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best episode of the season so far.


I'm surprised at Carol leaving/being sent away. Not sure if we'll see her again...


I was sure Hershel would die this ep but he was awesome. No signs of him getting sick so far either. It also really seems like Glen is too far gone to survive but I hope he does!


Oh and dat ending...


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Be better than facing Lucille though


Just looked that up. Grim. :(


Best episode of the season so far.


I'm surprised at Carol leaving/being sent away. Not sure if we'll see her again...


I agree, it was amazing! The tension was so thick, that you could've probably cut it with a butter knife.


I'm not too surprised about Carol being sent away, it was the most humane thing to do. It was either die at the hands of Tyreese, or flee. Plus, Rick saw her as a danger to the group, considering she took such drastic measures, so it was the best option. There's a chance we'll see her again, but I doubt it.


I kept on thinking Hersel was going to die too, the last half of the episode had me on the edge of my seat. He totally kicked arse though! I really hope Glen does pull through this, but I have a horrible feeling he wont. :(


As for the ending... shit is gonna go DOWN!



I was sure Hershel would die this ep but he was awesome. No signs of him getting sick so far either. It also really seems like Glen is too far gone to survive but I hope he does!


Oh and dat ending...

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Damn what a good episode :D


Yeah I too was thinking Hershel was done for, when the girl zombie jumped him, when he hesitated to shoot the zombies cause he didn't want the kids to see, when he tried to get the breather for Glen (also thought Maggie might miss her shot and hit her dad :heh:) but he kept surviving.


Strange that he is not getting sick though.... wonder if some people are immune?


The walkers breaking through the fence too...holy shit I thought the Prison was done for there..... why the hell didn't they use the guns before the fence broke? (Guess trying to save ammo for when really needed...but still :heh:)


As for Carol, I doubt we'll see the last of her, she'll prolly turn up later and sacrifice herself to save someone or something. Very stange they would have her character take this kind of path this season. Can;t wait to see Daryl and Tyrese's reactions, Daryl will prolly go nuts and have a go at Rick.... Tyrese prolly will too for having been denied his revenge..... or maybe Daryl will leave to look for her?


Oh and the ending....OMG, Mr Shit being introduced to Mr Fan next week :D

Wonder how long the Governor has been watching them? Was he the one feeding rats to the Walkers? If so how did he get on inside of the fence (and out again)?

Damn looking forward to next weel :D



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Miles late to the parted. I bought S1 on Blu Ray a while back and have only started watching it, 4 episodes in so far an it's a bit of a slow burner. I don't dislike it, I suppose I expecting a bit more from it. Hopefully it picks up a bit as the season progresses.

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Miles late to the parted. I bought S1 on Blu Ray a while back and have only started watching it, 4 episodes in so far an it's a bit of a slow burner. I don't dislike it, I suppose I expecting a bit more from it. Hopefully it picks up a bit as the season progresses.


I definitely thought it was a slow burner until the second half of season 2, at which point 'shit goes down' and I became hooked.

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Walking Dead Day again! :D




Sorry, just had to use that gif. XD


A bit slower than I thought it would be, but still interesting. Did I actually sense some self-loathing from the Governor? I can't believe how much he's changed, I honestly expected him to snap at some point, but he actually seems good now. That said, now he's been found by his original "crew", will he return to his old ways?


Oh, and I found it stupid how family never realized to shoot the Walkers in the head, if they'd already tried everything else.


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I definitely thought it was a slow burner until the second half of season 2, at which point 'shit goes down' and I became hooked.


I thought it was utterly shit up till then and I stopped watching a few episodes into season two.


Picked it up again about a month ago and rocketed through the series' - I'm stunned at the upturn in quality. In it's best moments it's kind of this tremendous show about loss and grieving (and a great adventure romp for the rest of the time).


Think it was

Shane dieing that started things. What a tedious, irritating, humourless and monotone character. Was happy with Lowri getting the chop too.



So yeah, definitely stick with it through the first season and a half, well worth the effort.


Getting my hands on the latest episode now, excited.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm exactly 30 minutes and 12 seconds in to the mid-season finale:








Oh, and 35 mins in: genuinely just screamed at my TV for Daryl's safety O_O


37:50 - i just applauded and screamed YEAH! GO LITTLE GUN KIDS! at my TV.




36:02 ohmygodphew


36:30 oooooooooooooooohhhhhego'ngetit. nope, she left him to die... harsh


38:40 ha! grenade in the tank cannon. excellent.


39:00 oooooohHEgon'getit. he got it.


41:00 OHMYGODREALLY?! there's blo- na it could be someone elses......REALLY??!

i know it happens in the comic but i...i wasnt ready for them to actually do it.


42:00 TT____________________TT






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Well... fuck.


NOOOOOoooooo, Hershel!!!! I can't believe he's dead. T_______T


On that note, I'm glad The Governor's finally dead, but his death was too kind. He deserved nothing the most excruciating, painful and agonizing death possible, by being torn to pieces by the incoming zombie horde. Well, at least that cunt is gone (can you tell I'm a very vengeful person. :heh:) I literally cheered when he died.


Awesome how the kids helped too, although they could have at least took Judith to safety, the stupid little shits! I hope she's alive, as it's not entirely certain that she's dead, but I'm doubtful. :(


How much did Daryl kick ass in this episode though? His badass level just went through the roof! The Walker ambush tactic he used was genius, and he took out a tank ffs!


Overall, even though there were plenty of tragic moments (that I'm going to need time to get over) it was a brilliant episode, it actually felt like more of a finale for the entire season! I wonder how things will progress now, especially considering everyone is split up.


Bring on February!




Oh, and...







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The Wife and I just finished watching the Mid-Season Finale......OMG OMG


Words cannot describe the awesomeness and teh TRADEGY :cry:





It's like Dale all over again :cry:.... but even more harsh



My gods I got teary eyes, gods frakking damned that govenor, when Hershall was still crawling I was thinking "Wait he's not dead! There's hope, Michone will get her hands free and wrap something round his neck to stop the bleeding (HEY IT'S TV anything is possible right????).... BUt then the frakking one-eyes BASTARD comes in and totally decapates him...NNNOOOO...the brutality and HORROR!


When I saw the young girl get bit by the lake I was expected the mother to come running to the prison and get the Govenors attention before he killed anyone....BITCH WAS TOO LATE!

Blind bitch falling for that bastard, just like Andrea, he knows how to manipulate women folk I guess. Least she arrived in time to see him for how he really was,.... and then the coldness of him shooting the kid before she turned without showing any remorse or regret. If he'd just left well enough alone the kid would be alive, I wanted him to have that moment when he'd realise he made the wrong choice that his hate for Rick was blinding him.


He never wanted the prison, he just wanted another war, he wanted to kill Rick and his group and didn't care about anything else.



When he was having the fist fight with Rick I was near screaming for Rick to get the upper hand and then as soon as I said the wife, "where the hell is Michone, she must have got her hands free by now"....BAM...Sword through Governors chest!!!! TAKE THAT YOU EVIL FRAKKER, I gave a proper cheer like I was watching a football match and my team scored (wife looked at me funny :heh:)


I wanted Michone to finish him off,... or at least cut off a limb, but leaving him to suffer was good too..... till that stupid bitch came and ruined it and shot him and the head....yeah I get she was upset with him but damnit I wanted to see Zombies eat him slowly :mad:

But he's dead.... he's finally dead! WOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :awesome:


Speaking of Governors (now ex) Girlfriend....what happened to her sister.... she ran off after Daryl used the first grenade, wonder will her and her sister appear in future eps in 2nd half?


The little kids going badass and shooting a few people was awesome too, making themselves useful!... BUT JUDITH!!!... I can't believe they could have just left her in the car seat on the ground in the open with no protection....surely they didn't do that...SURELY! But the blood...the blood on the seat????? I hope maybe somebody picked her up and had blood on their hands and caused the stain and saved her, hopefully we find out in the next ep even if it maybe takes Rick and Carl a few eps to find the group shes with.



And then there's Daryl..... OMG he just gets better every season, I was freaking when that zombie came up behind him and it seemed like it got him, as it was getting closer I was actually shouting at the screen "BEHIND YOU" like it was a panto, holy frak did they play the tension right on that. Then so happy when it showed he was alive and using the zombie as a shield.....then he takes out the frakking Tank, on his OWN! My only disappointment with that was the Govenor didn't see it happen so he could have a moment and realise "shit even a Tank cant stop Daryl"






It better come back on Feb 1st seriously they better not drag out this break...... gods frakking damnit I hate they way the US does mid season breaks..... almost makes me wish we were back in time when the internet wasn't as big and we just watched shows as they aired here with no midseason breaks.....almost :heh:




Damn I really want to post that image on my facebook...yet at the same time I don't want to cause spoilers :(





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I was too concerned with Judith's fate that I decided to read her entry on the Walked Dead wiki. I won't spoil what it says, but I'm still not satisfied as the series seems to have struck way too many differences with the comics for it to be considered canonical (Tara from the comics is completely different from the one in the show, for example, and she's set to appear in the fifth season). I know the show has new characters introduced that are not present in the comic and vice versa, but as far as I know the main "plot" of the show isn't supposed to stray too far from that of the comic.




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Watched the last 2 episodes back to back, and by hell was it good.


The Mid Season Finale finished as I imagined Season 3 would end, but I have read the Comics extensively, and I urge others to read them as well. The similarities between the books and TV show are nicely done.


I'm glad that they didn't drag the Governor story out any more, but wasn't ready for him to be finished off so soon. Well done all round. I liked Ep.6 and 7's build up and Governor back story. There were a lot of similarities to the The Rise Of The Governor novel. And I don't think they could have handled Judith's death any better, best not to show what they did in the comics.


Does this mean we'll get the Hunters making an appearance now. Damn well hope so? But there's no Dale to ... well Comic Book readers know what I'm on about.



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Watched the last 2 episodes back to back, and by hell was it good.


The Mid Season Finale finished as I imagined Season 3 would end, but I have read the Comics extensively, and I urge others to read them as well. The similarities between the books and TV show are nicely done.


I'm glad that they didn't drag the Governor story out any more, but wasn't ready for him to be finished off so soon. Well done all round. I liked Ep.6 and 7's build up and Governor back story. There were a lot of similarities to the The Rise Of The Governor novel. And I don't think they could have handled Judith's death any better, best not to show what they did in the comics.


Does this mean we'll get the Hunters making an appearance now. Damn well hope so? But there's no Dale to ... well Comic Book readers know what I'm on about.




I reckon, S4 Part 2 will be, as you say;


Hunters, and I would have said instead of Dale they'd do Hershel....but...well....? Not really a clue now. I'd say Tyreese, but they damn sure have not used him to his potential yet.


Then onwards to the Washington safezone story.



S4 finale being


The safe zone/Aaron.



Then S5 finale could be first appearance of Negan?

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