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I actually enjoyed season 2 more than season 1 :heh:


Though I did watch it all near back to back. I guess if you were watching it as it aired it might seem a bit slow paced....till you get to the final 2 eps anyway, damn those were good!



Anyway onto Season 3 penultimate!




Surprised they killed Merle off :(


Hoped he'd still be round for season 4.


Not sure what he was doing going off alone or what his plan was after handing over Michone? Did he think the Govenor would honor the deal? Surely Merle of all people would know the Govenor was more likely to kill Rick and co even after getting Michone!


Can't remember fully but when he and Merle first found out about Ricks group at the Prison wasn't the governor talking bout killing them all cause he wanted the Prison for himself....wants to move Woodbury there I think? Merle knows this so why the hell didn't he tell Rick when Rick told him bout the deal....or even tell Rick and co that the govenor just wants the prison, when he first got there?



Was good to see him try to redeem himself though. Was a bloody good plan too. Shame he mucked up :(

Even after the Gov bit off Merles fingers I was still hoping he'd survive somehow :( Like Daryl arriving at the last minute and saving him.


Was good to see Daryl have to put his brother down too when he found him as a zombie. Think Daryl needed that to be able to fully let go of his brother/past.


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Season 2 was far better than the shorter Season 1, it built upon the characters, some say this was too slow, and let you feel as part of their group. When someone was lost you personally felt it. I loved the pacing of the second season, also its continuity was fluid. It rarely jumped around, but followed a single narrative through the group's survival enhancing the feeling of isolation and loss when the shit hits the fan. The 3rd season is narratively all over the place, one episode Rick's saying something, then it's on to Woodbury, then Tyreese, Michonne, back to Rick who's now saying something different, then characters disappear for a whole episode and you don't know what's up with them. And, through all these problems this is by far the best TV I've watched since Season 2.

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Seems way to early for

them to get to Negan, if he's even going to be in the show.

The Governor is still alive so they still have to deal with him - which will likely result in most of the woodbury people dying so we won't have too many new characters to deal with :p


They'll be driven out of the prison mid-season 4 or at the end of it imo.

Edited by jayseven
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April Fools?


That's what I will tell myself when I watch the episode, anyway. :sad:


Thanks, Sam. :p


I'm really disappointed they killed off Andrea. Then again, she really didn't seem to be in a hurry to free herself, so I guess she kind of deserved it.


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Personally, I loved season 2 and have found season 3 to be pretty disappointing, especially the finale which just recently aired.


But as someone else mentioned, I watched season 2 episodes back to back, and remember loving it. Alot.


With season 3, I've been watching it as its been aired, and found episodes to lack bite (pun intended). They just didn't advance the story much, nothing significant happened and found it boring tbh.

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I'm currently in season 2, it's so bad, I don't understand why they're messing with the story so much. You call it "getting to know the characters", I call it "most of you should be dead by now".


Seems your problem is you are upset they aren't sticking 100% to the comic story... let that go and enjoy the show as a slightly different story/alt universe

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No, that's not it. I'm happy that they changed it into a separate entity and I don't mind seeing where some things go. If they didn't change things, I would be bored because I'd know the outcome of every surprise. Shane has been alive a lot longer than I expected, for example. Also they changed Andrea's character significantly and her dynamic with Dale. Sophia disappearing, Shane shooting Otis and Shane's descent into craziness through jealousy... And then there's at least two families worth of characters that haven't shown up at all so that they could focus more on existing characters, that's fine.


However sometimes it seems that when they take liberties with the plot is when it starts to fall apart. Would they really tie a person to a rope and lower them into a well with a Zombie (or "walker" :rolleyes:) in it?? Why the heck would you ever think that was an OK idea? And how on Earth is it that Sophia got into the barn?


That stuff isn't a big deal though, it's just the pacing in Season 2 that's really as bad as everyone said. I couldn't believe that we had watched hours of the show and they were basically repeating themselves over and over, the same conflicts with Shane, the same arguments with Hershell, the same back and forth between Dale and Andrea, the same map-on-the-car-bonnet search for Sophia scene, they might have just reused footage from the last episode and I wouldn't have noticed.


In the comic they're at the farm for a few issues. They arrive and mention the barn, Hershell says "you don't want to go there, that's where we keep our dead". He then tries to put another zombie in and they get the jump on him and kill his whole family, by the end of it he realises he was wrong, that's the whole farm sequence in a nutshell, so it just surprised me that after so many eps we're still there.

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With season 3, I've been watching it as its been aired, and found episodes to lack bite (pun intended). They just didn't advance the story much, nothing significant happened and found it boring tbh.

Erm, did you watch season 2? Talk about going nowhere! Honestly, it really sounds like you're just having problems adjusting to watching it once a week instead of at your own pace.



And how on Earth is it that Sophia got into the barn?

The deer hunter guy rounded her up and put her there before all that other stuff happened. At least that's the official explanation.


But yeah, pretty much everyone on the show is an idiot. Which is another reason why I don't understand why people single Andrea out. :p

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No, that's not it. I'm happy that they changed it into a separate entity and I don't mind seeing where some things go. If they didn't change things, I would be bored because I'd know the outcome of every surprise. Shane has been alive a lot longer than I expected, for example. Also they changed Andrea's character significantly and her dynamic with Dale. Sophia disappearing, Shane shooting Otis and Shane's descent into craziness through jealousy... And then there's at least two families worth of characters that haven't shown up at all so that they could focus more on existing characters, that's fine.


However sometimes it seems that when they take liberties with the plot is when it starts to fall apart. Would they really tie a person to a rope and lower them into a well with a Zombie (or "walker" :rolleyes:) in it?? Why the heck would you ever think that was an OK idea? And how on Earth is it that Sophia got into the barn?


That stuff isn't a big deal though, it's just the pacing in Season 2 that's really as bad as everyone said. I couldn't believe that we had watched hours of the show and they were basically repeating themselves over and over, the same conflicts with Shane, the same arguments with Hershell, the same back and forth between Dale and Andrea, the same map-on-the-car-bonnet search for Sophia scene, they might have just reused footage from the last episode and I wouldn't have noticed.


In the comic they're at the farm for a few issues. They arrive and mention the barn, Hershell says "you don't want to go there, that's where we keep our dead". He then tries to put another zombie in and they get the jump on him and kill his whole family, by the end of it he realises he was wrong, that's the whole farm sequence in a nutshell, so it just surprised me that after so many eps we're still there.


Erm, did you watch season 2? Talk about going nowhere! Honestly, it really sounds like you're just having problems adjusting to watching it once a week instead of at your own pace.


I'm totally with Shorty about Season 2. It was Eastenders with Zombies. Pretty boring. However persist with it, Shorty, because season 3 is far better and season 2 is good towards the end.


Yeah please keep anything comic-related that is potential future TV stuff in spoiler tags. I know it doesn't seem like much but it makes a bit of difference.


This. I've been saying it for ages. Separate spoiler tags for comic book and please no "I wonder if this will happen in season 4 because it does in the comics".


The Governor, Michonne's character, Shane dying at some point, finding the prison.



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I love how Jay edited Peeps's post to add a spoiler box, but didn't put the spoiler for the season finale in it.
Flippancy is such an ugly thing. It's such a shame you seem so attached to it.


We've met over spoiler-related issues before -- generally I'd prefer if things were always tagged episode-specific. I can make a judgement call to spoiler-tag comic/tv stuff because it's much more clear cut.


It's always easier to criticise than commend -- especially from the armchair vantage point.

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Well, finished watching the Finale, and was very surprised to see that the Governor lived through it. But, on the plus he is showing his true colours with a nice psychopathic rampage on the unbelievers, haha.

So, I can see Season 4 being about another assault on the prison, lots of newbies biting the dust, etc, etc.

I was hoping they'd drag this story out more because of the multiple raids on the prison, and the inevitable loss of the building. Was expecting more people to die in this episode, that is other than the Woodbury residents.



A little disappointed, but looking forward to the 4th Season.

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Season 2 is definitely much better towards the end. I actually like what they did with Shane, I guess they didn't want a kid killing a living person on TV but they retained some of that poignant moment by having Carl have the walker version to shoot.


Also glad to see I spoke too soon saying they weren't Romero style zombies (turn after dying from any cause) although there were a few bodies in cars earlier in the series that don't make much sense if that's the case. Still, loved that about the series and glad they didn't change it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished Season 3 in the space of a weekend. Wow. Absolutely gripping TV. I don't get the naysayers "Oh, it's too slow, oh the narrative is blah"


Let go of your preconceptions of what constitutes a narrative, let go of your monster-of-the-week indoctrination. This is honestly the best dramatic TV series since BSG and Terminator ended.

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The finale was a bit disappointing. From the second half of Season 2 I've been well invested into it, but I certainly expected something a bit more effective from the end of Season 3 which never arrived. I'm watching this series with my fiancée, and she hasn't read far in the book, so whenever her opinion mirrors mine, I know it's not just because the story doesn't go where I expect.


In this case we both got to the end of the ep and thought "was that really the finale?", I had to open wikipedia and check the episode list to make sure.


The writers have been aware of how the prison ends in the book, so they have clearly been setting up so that doesn't have to happen for a long time, in plenty of ways, such as new characters that don't exist in the books (Daryl, Merle, Beth), they're expendable; retaining characters who didn't stay with the party in the book, but aren't dead either (Maggie, Glenn, Hershell), so they can leave but not die; and killing a few people off early (Lori, Dale).


So I figured the series could end with several people being killed, Maggie, Glenn, Beth and Hershell leaving, and Rick and Carl making their own way off. Carl is going to be in his mid teens soon, it's going to have a strange dynamic if the story doesn't move on a bit.


Not sure what is going to happen to Judith.... D:

The episode was decent enough, just a bit open-ended. I feel like Tyreese has been hugely mishandled, as well.

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Yeah, the season finale wasn't very good. But I liked...


... Carl shooting that guy. The guy was like, "okay, I'm putting the gun down. I'm putting it down right now. Slooowly putting it down. Just give me a few more minutes and the gun will be on the ground. Slooowly..." while totally sizing Carl, Hershel and Girl up.


There's hope for Carl yet.


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