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Was anyone else wondering...


Where the hell were Tyreese and company during this episode? I know they were probably still locked up during the shootout but at least have a scene with them in so they can weigh in on their thoughts about leader Rick going clearly insane.


The narrative and character development of this show is all over the place. This is what prevents it from being in the top tier.


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Was anyone else wondering...


Where the hell were Tyreese and company during this episode? I know they were probably still locked up during the shootout but at least have a scene with them in so they can weigh in on their thoughts about leader Rick going clearly insane.


The narrative and character development of this show is all over the place. This is what prevents it from being in the top tier.


I was thinking the same...



I was expecting them to appear and save Carol or something and thus earn Ricks trust. They actually kick them totally out of the prison and set them to the road after Rick went crazy at end of ep9 did they?


Also Rick going crazy just seems bloody stupid.

He knows full well it was only a matter of time till the Governor would come knocking. He should have ignored his halucinations and been prepping for the impending attack. Not wandering outside the prison walls...WTF?


Axel getting shot was a surprise.

Though it did seem a bit weird he was suddenly getting extra screen time and getting the characters/viewers to know him a bit better all of a sudden.


I'm actually gonna miss him, thought it would be interesting to have an ex-con around


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"She had a girl. Laurie didn't survive."

"Neither did T-Dawg."



That's how I was expecting that scene to go.


I was sad to see the mustachioed prisoner die last week. I was hoping he'd turn out to be a rapist.


Man, that makes me sound horrible. :blank:


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Walking Dead isn't in the same league as Breaking Bad, if I have to be honest. Most of season 2 is just too slow for TV, and the 2nd half of season 1 also drags. But the show can promise, for a long time, sections of really high and quality drama. I'm cool with that, but it's a championship side compared to the premier league of Breaking Bad.


People overestimate Breaking Bad.

Running with your analogy I'd say:

The Walking Dead, Carnivàle, Twin Peaks, The Shield, Oz - League One - This tier consists mostly of good but flawed shows (TWD is the worst good show on TV, but it's still good)


Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, BSG, West Wing (the first 4 seasons), Six Feet Under, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire - Championship (although MM and BE are on the cusp of being Premier League material. This tier would be for great shows in general that still lack something to really set them apart from the pack.



Premier is a special place reserved for the absolute best of the best, like The Wire, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Sopranos, Heimat, Deadwood, Band Of Brothers, Dekalog...

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People overestimate Breaking Bad.

Running with your analogy I'd say:


I'm sorry... for some reason I just thought of the following:


"It's like a good Chinese dinner, with the sweet and the sour... expanding on that analogy, I will smile with delight - that's the sweet, as you beg for your fucking life. Of course, that's the sour."


I actually enjoy the pacing of TWD, the narrative can be a bit off at times, and there are characters I just don't like. But it's head and shoulders above most things on TV.


Anyway, I think it's wisest to compare within a genre, and Walking Dead pretty much... owns the genre. There's nothing else on TV quite like it.


For example, if you were to talk Sci-Fi it would look something like this:




BSG Season 1, 2 (first half) 3 (first half) 4(mid-end), DS9 Season 5 (Ep10 -end) Season 6 (6-episode beginning story arc)




Stargate SG1 (until O'Neill left), TNG. Terminator SCC. Parts of DS9 and BSG.


League 1:


Stargate Atlantis, Andromeda,


Blue Square Bet Premier:


Voyager, Enterprise, Stargate Universe.

Edited by Iun
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Was a shame to see Bradford fall at the final hurdle at the weekend. Really felt for them losing so comprehensively. In other news, was great to see Bolton pick up 3 points at the weekend with a 4-1 victory over Hull. Just hope we can...oh...for some reason I'm in the wrong thread! :p




I find it really jarring how much they're trusting Merle. I mean, he's even got keys to the place now!


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I appreciate you expanding on the tiers there, O_W - I need to get through Deadwood as I stopped at the start of s03. I think you're completely reasonable in shuffling the shows around like that. Breaking Bad loses its position because it doesn't do a great deal of social commentary, am I right?


@Iun good idea about separating into genres. Though I've always introduced BSG as "ok so you know star wars and stuff? BSG is NOTHING LIKE THAT"

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"She had a girl. Laurie didn't survive."

"Neither did T-Dawg."



That's how I was expecting that scene to go.



I always find it funny when they refer to him as 'T-Dawg'. Hershall mentioning him in the previous episode was the best.

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Really enjoyed Ep 12 myself too.



Was great to finally find out what happened to Morgan.



Though one thing didn't sit well for me.... how far has Rick actually travelled in the whole show? I always assumed he'd travelled further away from "home" every time they moved.


Yet in this Ep the Prision seems to be pretty close to Ricks hometown. Given that he seems OK to leave the prision with the Govenor looming he is ok with the time/distance from the Prison so it can't be that far?


If it wasn't that far then why after leaving the CDC at the end of season 1 or even after leaving the Farm didn't he just bring them to his hometown. Especially as he knew there'd be guns and ammo there (the reason he went there this ep) and prolly could have thougth locking down a few houses could be done.... afterall Morgan seems to have done it pretty well on his own.


I'd have left the prision and set up home with Morgan :heh:


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Though one thing didn't sit well for me.... how far has Rick actually travelled in the whole show? I always assumed he'd travelled further away from "home" every time they moved.


Yeah, LOL, but in the first episode of season 3, they were all looking at a map on the bonnet of the car, and Rick said they were travelling in circles. That's the only explanation you get of his adventures so far. Plus I've read all the comics and I mix the two up completely, he was off to Washington DC once in them.:heh:

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Really enjoyed Ep 12 myself too.



Though one thing didn't sit well for me.... how far has Rick actually travelled in the whole show? I always assumed he'd travelled further away from "home" every time they moved.


Yet in this Ep the Prision seems to be pretty close to Ricks hometown. Given that he seems OK to leave the prision with the Govenor looming he is ok with the time/distance from the Prison so it can't be that far?


If the prison is close to Rick's hometown then surely he would've known about its existence. Especially as he was the local sheriff/policeman...


"We're sending you to jail." "Where is it?" "No idea".

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If the prison is close to Rick's hometown then surely he would've known about its existence. Especially as he was the local sheriff/policeman...


"We're sending you to jail." "Where is it?" "No idea".


exactly my point :wink:

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Things are really hotting up in Episode 13.


Merle was right Rick should have shot him when he had the chance. Daryl could have taken that single gun man out and then they could have run a raid onto Woodbury, but we need climatic TV and the pressure is building. If you've read the comics I hope it all ends just like it did within those pages




3 episodes left. My point about the Governor stands, he just isn't psychopathic enough, yet, but he sure is a cool customer.

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Just finished ep 14



Well looks like Andrea is shit out of luck now.


Why didn't the stupid bitch take the Governors car when she got out of that building :heh:


Kinda feel a little sorry for her, but she was so blinded by the Governors charms and the promise of Woodbury she couldnt see what was obvious to others like Michone.

She's been a dumb bitch most of this season and I'm actually a little disappointed the Governor didn't just kill her in the end :heh:



And from the look of the "next week on The Walking Dead" bit that came up afterwards, I can't believe Rick seems to be wanting to trust the Governors "offer".

Surely Rick can tell that the Governor is not a man to be trusted.




2nd last ep of the season next week..... looks like shit is about to hit the fan!

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Yeah, I don't know why people hate Andrea so much, either. If I'd spent the entire winter out in the woods and came across a seemingly peaceful settlement run by a charming (and attractive?) man, I'd want to stay, too! And if I thought there was a way to save both the settlement and my friends, I'd try to do that, too.


I have no idea why Rick was considering giving up Michonne last week even after he'd made it clear that he knew the Governor would never let them live even if he did. :hmm:


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Andrea's OK, she's made a few shit decisions, and now it's come back to haunt her big time.


It's time for them to focus on the final war now, though, enough dicking around.

If they don't get a move on, the last episode will have to be an hour and half special, well I can wish can't I.

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I can't tell if Rick really thought sacrificing Michonne was a good idea or if this was just a brilliantly complicated plan to get rid of Merle.


And people call Andrea stupid. :p


I'm going for he thought sacrificing Michonne was a good idea, but as Merle said, didn't have the balls to go through with it.


He seems to have lost the plot and isn't thinking properly.


I enjoyed the latest episode, this season has been far better than season 2. More action and less Eastenders Zombie Edition.



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Just got around to watching season 1



Why is Shane still alive?

Where's Tyreese?

Why aren't they calling them Zombies?

What is Simon from Teachers doing with that big handgun?

Why aren't they reanimating after dying for any reason? (Romero rules)

What was up with that crappy finale?

Is it all downhill from here? :(

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