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Can't be bothered. Besides, with the 39 degree heat here, I'd have to leave a fan and the AC on in the same room as the laptop.


Sorry, I don't think my post posted. The way I watched it was through YouTube. I think his name is HDDrew. He uploaded it. Can you watch YouTube? I can try and find it on Veoh or something...


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So, watched the s4 premiere. Overall, not impressed.


The level of gore, again nicely ramped up like they seem to do with each new series as the budget increases, though the helicopter bit looked fake as hell.


Rick's disgust with everything going on, though I hope it doesn't just lead to another breakdown.


Beth's direction. She's no longer just about singing and suicide!


Creepy forest lady was indeed creepy, but more on that later



The disease story. Makes no sense that they've been living in filth for months and months, yet it's only just surfaced. And why wasn't Daryl ill?


The predictability over who would die - I mean come on, they weren't even given last names. They may as well have dressed them in a red Star Trek shirt.


Tyreese is a wuss.


We weren't given enough backstory on that new character. We never saw him in Woodbury - where did he come from? The bald black guy who was in The Wire.


Why did they include the forest lady bit? We've already seen what can happen when people go crazy last series with Morgan, but this just seemed unnecessary.


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They had Daryl shake hands with that kid that died, So does this mean that Daryl is going to get infected too :cry:


I guess this new threat is spread via water, given how long they showed the water dripping from the shower?



So there is a virus that kills people, then the virus that turns them into walkers.


Still glad to have this back, Really enjoyed the episode, I liked seeing how they've come on with the prison, It really felt like catching up with old friends and seeing how they've done with home renovation's haha, Roll on next week.





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Liking where this season is going so far, I've missed this show.


I actually liked this episode. I think it was more of an episode to get reacquainted with the characters and what they've been up to since the finale of the previous season. It seems like a lot has happened, so I can accept a slow start.



The disease story. Makes no sense that they've been living in filth for months and months, yet it's only just surfaced. And why wasn't Daryl ill?


I think it really depends on the disease. Different illnesses manifest in different ways. I don't necessarily think it's to do with the filth, it seems like more of a virus, which was probably picked up elsewhere.


It was a bit predictable that those characters were going to die, but they needed someone expendable to develop the plot. :heh: After all, it seems a bit too early to kill off any major characters, especially considering there's so many refugees from Woodbury.


I can still see where you're coming from on both points though.



They had Daryl shake hands with that kid that died, So does this mean that Daryl is going to get infected too :cry:


I guess this new threat is spread via water, given how long they showed the water dripping from the shower?



I bloody hope he doesn't die, he's one of my favorite characters! Although, as always, we're sure to loose some major characters again this season. :/


As for the shower scene, I think the water dripping was meant to be symbolic, to represent the fact the kid was dead. Good theory though.



...and it looks like the shit is hitting the fan pretty early on. With the way things are going, I really don't see them staying at the prison for long. Can't believe what happened to Tyreese's missus, feel sorry for the poor guy. Also felt sorry for the pigs too, but Rick did what had to be done. :(



Now bear in mind I haven't read the comics, so I have no idea what story elements will come into play.


- Rick is going to go mad again. After the scene with Rick killing the pigs to lead the walkers away, then arming himself with his sidearm again, I can see this happening. There was something symbolic about those scenes, and I think the mad woman in episode 1 was a bit of a hint.


- Who killed Tyreese's girlfriend? I have no idea, but I have a feeling everyone will blame Daryl at first (but I really doubt it is him.) Just a hunch really, considering past transgressions. Although, if I'm correct in my first prediction, it could be Rick. I'm sure this will get resolved pretty quickly.


- The virus. Something in the food maybe? As mentioned in episode 2, it could have been the pigs. But then, Rick and Carl have a high chance of infection. I don't know how, but I have a suspicion that the Governor may have something to do with it. Chemical warfare? I think I'm reading into this too much though.



Sorry for the long post, but there's my two pence.


The predictability over who would die - I mean come on, they weren't even given last names. They may as well have dressed them in a red Star Trek shirt.


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Been watching this on Netflix. I didn't like the first season that much, it was a bit boring sometimes, but I kept watching. It's getting better in the second season(up to ep11). I don't mind violence in shows, but I don't enjoy literally watching brains getting splattered and intestines thrown around. They could skip that.

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Really enjoyed the 2nd ep



Who do people think is feeding the rats to the walkers and why? Either it's one of the little girls being stupid thinking "I should feed Nick" or it's someone with sinister motives possibly trying to get the walkers to break the fence. Does the Governor have a double agent inside the prison maybe? Hope it's the later :)


Is the thing with the rats taken from the comics? That whole opening scene with the flashlight and blackness behind it really gave off a "pulled from the panels" feel :)


And the killing and burning of the two sick people...damn didn't expect that. When Tyreese was following the blood I was thinking maybe they had died and turned and he was gonna find them as zombies. Surely Tyreese has the flu/virus too since he was swapping spit with the girl?


Though on rewatching the start of the ep, she doesn't appear to be sick in anyway (no cough, seemed healthy) during her time with Tyreese... then she goes to the shower room for some water..... could be something towards @Murr's idea that it is spread through the water supply.... maybe there is one bad barrel or something to explain why it is somewhat "isolated" right now.


As for who burned the two people... be good to find out who that might have been. The "next week on" thing at the end seemed to be suggesting it was Hershel but that is likely an intentional flase suggestion. It's probably not the same person as who ever was feeding rats to the walkers as that person seems to want walkers inside the prison so would have worked in their favour to let the sick people die and turn.


Be interesting to see how that plays out, they could have just kept them quarantined till they either got better or turned at least then they'd be sure and prolly have a better idea of symptoms to watch for. Just killig anyone with a cough out of precaution could see the prison population fall very fast.


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