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Do you use walkthrougs?


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Meh, generally I don't use walkthroughs but what reallt grinds my gears in RPGs is that sometimes there are items in which you can only get once so if you miss them something doesnt happen later in the game. This generally leads me too glance through a walkthrough. I used to play through once without any peeks at walkthroughs but nowadays I just don't have the time to complete 40 hour RPGs twice over

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Guest Stefkov

the only tim ei used one was for the wind waker and even then i didnt finish the game, i used it to find the pieces of the triforce, but it was just sailing back and forth so i just quit. oh yeah and i had a guide for OOT which i think i only used like one or twice.

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the only tim ei used one was for the wind waker and even then i didnt finish the game, i used it to find the pieces of the triforce, but it was just sailing back and forth so i just quit. oh yeah and i had a guide for OOT which i think i only used like one or twice.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Keep playing it. I know the sailing gets tedious but the final battle is cool and your so close to the end.

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