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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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Thinking of picking this up soon. I was going to ask whether it was better to get a circle pad pro as well, but it's a shame there are no experts at this game who post in this thread...
I'm playing it with the CPP and really enjoying it.


I'd say it takes a couple of missions, or the first Chapter to fully get comfortable with holding it and with the games controls in general, but yeah, I'd recommend it... but then I haven't tried without it.

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Thinking of picking this up soon. I was going to ask whether it was better to get a circle pad pro as well, but it's a shame there are no experts at this game who post in this thread...


I am certainly no expert at this game, but I can tell you that I managed to play and complete the game just fine without any extra peripherals. :)

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I hated using the CPP, it hurt my hands...a lot!


I really need to finish the game. I stopped when I was on chapter 6 or 7 and just never went back to it. I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, I even enjoyed Operation Raccoon City which got slated, yet this game did nothing for me. Maybe because it was on a handheld and set on a boat, it gave me flashbacks of playing Resident Evil Gaiden. :weep:

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I hated using the CPP, it hurt my hands...a lot!
Yeah I have to say it's not the most comfortable accessory. I found it awkward at first in terms of layout... then uncomfortable (I'm not gonna go anywhere near as far as saying hand cramps, but definite tension)... however now I think after a few chapters I've kind of settled into it and I'm not thinking about it. Have to see how it fares again if I have a longer session than the hour I spent on it last, which was fine.
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I hated using the CPP, it hurt my hands...a lot!


I really need to finish the game. I stopped when I was on chapter 6 or 7 and just never went back to it. I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, I even enjoyed Operation Raccoon City which got slated, yet this game did nothing for me. Maybe because it was on a handheld and set on a boat, it gave me flashbacks of playing Resident Evil Gaiden. :weep:


Utterly insane. I think the cpp makes the 3ds more comfortable and the game the best resi since 4.... Opinions opinions... :)

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See I played the whole game without and thought it controlled brilliantly.


It will also go down as one of my fave RE games too! I loved the mix of action and survival horror but with more emphasis on the latter. Its how all RE games should be IMO.


Plus it is one of the best looking games on the 3ds. Played with headphones in a dark room - it's brilliant!!


Looking forward to playing through it again at some point soon too! :grin:

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It's bugging me that I just explored the crash site as those two dudes, but didn't go out of the other side of the plane before entering the final cutscene. There could have been a hand print out the back dammit!


Btw, what do the hand prints do?


Just before that short chapter I did the bit with Jill where you have to turn the steam off in the partially flooded deck to get the Cog, and then the key before the whole place then starts to flood...


In the room where the Cog was on the other side of the steam there is a large metal tank and on top of it is a Custom Parts box. Will I be able to get that in a bit, maybe when the room is more flooded or something? Or have I now missed it because I couldn't see a way to get it. I did try shooting it but nope.



Also... Jill really does have a great butt doesn't she! :D

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Thinking of picking this up soon. I was going to ask whether it was better to get a circle pad pro as well, but it's a shame there are no experts at this game who post in this thread...


No experts you say?!


me, @Mokong X\-C & @RedShell put a lot of hours into this game and I'm sure others have as well.


I think the Circle Pad Pro is a must have for this game, I can't play the game without it.


The single player mode is great, will take you 9+ hours to finish.


Raid Mode is fantastic and will keep you busy for at least 20 hours, unfortunately once you have S ranked all the stages and reached level 50, there really isn't much left to do after that apart from help low levels complete stages.

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"... Found You"




I love seeing peoples first time reaction to that bit :D

I hope you were playing in a dark room and using headphones :D


Just wait till you unlock RAID mode (give me a shout when you are doing some RAID, I need to get back into that)



It's bugging me that I just explored the crash site as those two dudes, but didn't go out of the other side of the plane before entering the final cutscene. There could have been a hand print out the back dammit!

Btw, what do the hand prints do?


Just before that short chapter I did the bit with Jill where you have to turn the steam off in the partially flooded deck to get the Cog, and then the key before the whole place then starts to flood...


In the room where the Cog was on the other side of the steam there is a large metal tank and on top of it is a Custom Parts box. Will I be able to get that in a bit, maybe when the room is more flooded or something? Or have I now missed it because I couldn't see a way to get it. I did try shooting it but nope.



Finding a certain number of hand prints unlocks something for you, I think the first target is 5 and you get a herb for it? There's then a target for 15 and then 30. They have no effect on the story or progression and if you don't find all 30 in one go when you restart a new game on the same save you won't have to refind and you found previously.


Basically they are just a nice thing for people that like to find 100% of things (which I did :D)



And as for the bit you spoilered... yeah that annoyed me my first time too.... don't worry about it be a while before you can get it.



Thinking of picking this up soon. I was going to ask whether it was better to get a circle pad pro as well, but it's a shame there are no experts at this game who post in this thread...


No Experts? Is that sarcasm?


Completed single player on every Normal and HELL modes and completed a NO HERB run on Casual AND found all handprints (think I'm the only one here to have done all that so far).... still need to finish Abyss levels on RAID....Lost, Welsh and Red be the experts in that mode.




Anyway, I don't have a CPP, played the game normal putting almost 60hours into (so far) and had no issues with the controls

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This one has more atmosphere than both Resident Evil 4 and 5. I never struggled for ammo, like I did in the earlier Resident Evil games, but it definitely feels more like them.


So it feels more like the original Resi, as opposed to 4 and 5?


Another question: I played Metroid Prime Hunters left handed, so I used the ABXY buttons to move and strafe, and had the stylus in my left hand to aim, etc. What's the control scheme like for Revelations? I don't care a great deal about dual analogue.

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To say it 'feels' like which ever Resi game is difficult because of how you define that word.


It doesn't feel like the originals no. It's very difficult to compare because of how the series has evolved; switching to behind the shoulder and I don't think that feeling will ever be replicated without the fixed camera's returning again.


It very much feels like a new Resident Evil game, but it has successfully brought back a feeling of more sustained fear. You are constantly much more cautious and slow/aware with your movements, peaking around corridors and far, far, more tense and panicky. Plus the music is very atmospheric and can really up your heartbeat even more.


There's one piece of music in a grand staircase/elevator area of the ship; where for me at least nothing has happened there yet, and doesnt look like it ever might, but yet I'm constantly unsure and fearful because of the music that plays there.


Some parts of the game have you right on the edge of your seat, where as other parts you feel more confident/carefree in. Great balance IMO.

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What's the control scheme like for Revelations? I don't care a great deal about dual analogue.


I don't remember right now myself but the game played really well without the CPP when I played the demo. But soon after I switched to the CPP and never reverted back to the standard controls, it was so comfortable. You should download the demo and try it out yourself.

Do you have a CPP?


EDIT: Just found this. These are the 3 control schemes that you can choose. the 4th scheme (D) is for the CPP.



Type A is the default control scheme. Resident Evil fans will recognize them as the much loved/hated "tank" controls of past RE titles.


Left trigger is used in conjunction with the circle pad for strafing.

The circle pad is used for walking, running, and turning.

B + down on the circle pad does a Quick Turn.

While moving with the circle pad, use both L & R to aim.

Use the d-pad to switch between weapons. Right switches between main weapons, left switches between subweapons, up equips the Genesis, and down reloads the weapon.

Right trigger is for aiming.

R + B reloads.

R + Y shoots.

Press A to use an herb.

Press X to use a subweapon.

Use X to zoom in when applicable.

Use A to zoom out when applicable.

The A/B/X/Y buttons (plus Up on the d-pad) can be used during co-op to communicate with your partner with what are called "emotions". There is Come on, Wait, Go, and Thank you.




Type B is almost the same as Type A.


Press left or right on the circle pad to strafe.

The circle pad is used for walking, running, turning, and striding. Press B to rotate your character while using the circle pad.

B + down on the circle pad does a Quick Turn.

While moving with the circle pad, use both L & R to aim.

Use the d-pad to switch between weapons. Right switches between main weapons, left switches between subweapons, up equips the Genesis, and down reloads the weapon.

Right trigger is for aiming.

R + B reloads.

R + Y shoots.

Press A to use an herb.

Press X to use a subweapon.

Use X to zoom in when applicable.

Use A to zoom out when applicable.

The A/B/X/Y buttons (plus Up on the d-pad) can be used during co-op to communicate with your partner with what are called "emotions". There is Come on, Wait, Go, and Thank you.




Type C is very different from the other two control schemes.


The circle pad is used for walking, running, turning, and strafing.

A + Y to rotate.

Up on the d-pad is Quick Turn.

While moving with the circle pad, use both L & R to aim.

Left trigger + A, B, X, or Y is for aiming.

Left on the d-pad reloads.

L + R shoots.

Press down on the d-pad to use a subweapon.

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To say it 'feels' like which ever Resi game is difficult because of how you define that word.


It doesn't feel like the originals no. It's very difficult to compare because of how the series has evolved; switching to behind the shoulder and I don't think that feeling will ever be replicated without the fixed camera's returning again.


It very much feels like a new Resident Evil game, but it has successfully brought back a feeling of more sustained fear. You are constantly much more cautious and slow/aware with your movements, peaking around corridors and far, far, more tense and panicky. Plus the music is very atmospheric and can really up your heartbeat even more.


There's one piece of music in a grand staircase/elevator area of the ship; where for me at least nothing has happened there yet, and doesnt look like it ever might, but yet I'm constantly unsure and fearful because of the music that plays there.


Some parts of the game have you right on the edge of your seat, where as other parts you feel more confident/carefree in. Great balance IMO.


That bolded part is what/all I needed to know. I want something that makes you feel uneasy and unsettles you. Re4 had that in pockets, but there were times where I felt it became too much of a third person shooter. A deviation.


I don't remember right now myself but the game played really well without the CPP when I played the demo. But soon after I switched to the CPP and never reverted back to the standard controls, it was so comfortable. You should download the demo and try it out yourself.

Do you have a CPP?


Hmm, I don't have a CPP, but I don't really want one. I'm not keen on dual analogue at all. I quite enjoyed the MP:Hunters control scheme, although my hand did ache after a while. I'd much rather use that scheme than using dual analogue, but I'm not really sure what schemes there are for this.

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More like the gameplaysystem from 4 and 5, and the ambience, scares and tension from the original. There are action sequences, but it's not as combat-heavy as the 5th, thankfully, so each encounter is pretty tense. Also, rediculous haircuts


I only picked it up a week ago, but I'm very impressed. Haven't bought the Pro Pad, and the controls are working just fine for me on setting C, where the facebuttons control the camera. It hasn't got the finesse of true analogue control, but it works.

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That bolded part is what/all I needed to know. I want something that makes you feel uneasy and unsettles you. Re4 had that in pockets, but there were times where I felt it became too much of a third person shooter. A deviation.
Yeah Resident Evil 4 seemed to start off tense, but then you somewhat just settled into it and the fear went away.


I'm still playing through Revelations, but for me I'm still getting that unsettled/fear of the unknown feeling.

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OK, I officially hate that window by the engine/power room... you know, the bastard just at the end of a small corridor that lures you towards it with ammo crates!... Fucking window! If you scare me one of these days... I'll... well there's not much I can do but.........


... Fucking window!


So Chris and Jessica landed on the wrong ship eh! That was an unexpectedly neat twist!


Swimming in Resident Evil!

That section with Jill to escape the flooding room was really cool! Looked lovely, and nice new gameplay variation!


Just gone up in the lift to the observation deck and met the next boss. Only just started the fight before I decided to do it tomorrow, but you don't run fast enough in this game to seemingly avoid his charge... maybe it just requires careful watching.

Continuing to enjoy!

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So it feels more like the original Resi, as opposed to 4 and 5?


Another question: I played Metroid Prime Hunters left handed, so I used the ABXY buttons to move and strafe, and had the stylus in my left hand to aim, etc. What's the control scheme like for Revelations? I don't care a great deal about dual analogue.


It feels closer to the original REs yes, but it does still feature plenty of action (arguably still too much, but it's a clear step back away from RE5 and even 4 in that regard). Also it features the return of the non-linear structure, complete with helmet shaped keys and ridiculous layouts (though it's not as open as RE1-CV), as well as more puzzles than what you got in RE4, although they are still lacking in complexity. One other bit that's really cool is that the game is almost entirely seamless! Think Luigi's Mansion in how you can navigate the entire environment without any loading (outside of a few moments in RE:R's case).


That bolded part is what/all I needed to know. I want something that makes you feel uneasy and unsettles you. Re4 had that in pockets, but there were times where I felt it became too much of a third person shooter. A deviation.


Revelations will satisfy you then, that's exactly what it does well. One thing I should also mention is that the higher difficulties do much more than just increase enemy health and damage, they also act as an arrange mode for the entire game! Enemy encounters and item locations change dramatically and the game prays on your familiarity with the earlier difficulties. It does a great job of making the familiar tense and unsettling again! Ammo and health is also scarce (as it should be).


The controls without the CPP are the same as RE4, with a few extra bits. You can hold down R and L to shoot while strafing in all directions, you have a dedicated healing button, you can reload while running and the inventory is controlled entirely in real-time using the touch screen (unlike RE5 however, this works superbly well! Makes RE6 and RE5's inventory look like a joke in comparison!).


Also there are some cool underwater sections that control perhaps most similarly to Monster Hunter Tri or Zelda Twilight Princess. Works very well.


Having used the CPP, I actually prefer the game without it. It's no better or worse, it's just sort of there. RE4 & RE5 never needed dual analog and neither does this game.

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So Chris and Jessica landed on the wrong ship eh! That was an unexpectedly neat twist!


Swimming in Resident Evil!

That section with Jill to escape the flooding room was really cool! Looked lovely, and nice new gameplay variation!


Just gone up in the lift to the observation deck and met the next boss. Only just started the fight before I decided to do it tomorrow, but you don't run fast enough in this game to seemingly avoid his charge... maybe it just requires careful watching.

Continuing to enjoy!


If you need a tip for that boss...


Learn to dodge.


Use the sniper rifle too.


Stand in middle of room, wait for it to charge at you, dodge, 180 turn and snipe it's soft parts before it turns around.


Gernades also help and there are some propane tanks in the room too, you can either shoot those when it's near them or get it to charge into them.


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