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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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Booted this up for the first time in a few weeks and tackled Episode 7 on Hell mode... god damn that was hard. Ended up trying to run through most rooms to save Ammo... and I thought to save herbs but ended up using a fair few more than I would have liked.... though Found a few on the way too so kinda balanced out I guess. Got 3 left now.


Anyone else playing Hell mode? Anyone finish Hell mode yet?




And that is Episodes 8 and 9 done and dusted on Hell mode. No idea how I managed to beat those and not hit a brick wall. Thought the start of 9 at the Airport with the lads was gonna be as far as I could get. Sure enough died twice. But somehow finished it on the 3rd time lucky, with no herbs left and so much jam on my screen I likely could have died if a BOW sneezed on me :heh:


And coming up aggainst those Lancalots (as I call them) especially the part at the end of 9 woith 3 of them... well damn, again I did die the once there but somehow survived teh 2nd time and only used one herb :D

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k, up to episode 11 now on HELL mode... seriously I thought on normal they were joking but on HELL this is INSANE


I beat the whale boss, died 5 times, thought I was home free. Then i remembered about the 2nd half of ep11 with the Terragregia flashback.


Seriouly how am I meant to get past the start of this thing. All I got is 15 Mgun ammo, 34 handgun ammo and 1 herb....vs 5 Hunters??????? seriously WTF!!!!!!


Anyone manged this on HELL? I need tips please


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That's right bitches, Resident Evil Revelations HELL mode has fallen before my AWESOMENESS and it was..... LEGEN.....wait for it.....












WOOT that was awesome, can't believe I actually did it.


From the... oh wait spoilers ahoy


From the COmms Officer to Rachel, to the flashback eps with hordes of Hunters. The "Lancelot" guys, the Whale and everything how I got past them all in Hell I do not know.


Hell *pun intended* I don't even know how I got past the 2nd half of ep11, was certain that would be the brick wall. The minimal amount of ammo they start you with, 15Mgun ammo and 4 handgun ammo and then toss a hunter at you...WTF? Then in the next room you get to pick up what just 20 Handgun bullets and they toss THREE more hunters at you? WTF.


Somehow managed to fluke past that part. At the start I first lured the first hunter down the stairs abit, ran past him then grabbed the herb and open the elevator... took 1 hit while waiting for Jessica to drag her fat ass into the lift though :heh:

No ammo used


Then in the next room I didn't run round the corner to see Ray, just walked far enough to see that one hunter go flying backwards and die then I just waited there. Only one hunter came at me... you have to go round the corner to trigger the 2nd, yay. Taking out just the one rather than two made it easier.


Took him out with the Mgun, ran round corner then, picked up handgun ammo filled the hunter who appears behind Ray with lead, turned round and the 3rd hunter was luckily focused on Jessica, shot him in the back, dazed him and killed him with a fully charged punched :D


Made it through the rest of the level grand enough after that. Took a few deaths along the way but generally did ok. Thankfully it's mostly one at a time they come at you, I stuck to using the handgun, saving any Mgun ammo and gernades I found for the last room. Kept trying to hit the head which I think made some difference. Killed hunters in bout 6 - 7 hits. Less if I could daze them :D


The final room was hard, lucky had 3 herbs saved up and max Mgun ammo by now and somehow survived it on the 1st go :D





Getting to the final boss Norman then. Lucky I had been formulating some kind of plan for him from the start of the game.

ie: Saved up every single Magnum bullet I found just for him, had about 40 going into the fight I think. Plus about 400 Mgun in reserve (some Rifle, Shotgun and Handgun too, but these weren't needed.


And the best thing ever to save was a Rocket Launcher :D The one you find on the way to finding the remote for the UAV where the Comms officer guy reappears. It's meant to be used on him but I just ran past him and opened the door to get to the remote. On the way back the rocket launcher was still there :D


So I picked it up, then put it back down (to pick back up the gun I dropped) and the Rocket Launcher ends up in the gun box then so I just left it there for the final battle :D


I don't think Norman was that much different on Hell to Normal mode... though for some reason I found my dodging skills had gone to shit and kept getting hit :(

Died about 4 - 5 times I think before I finally got the hang of it again, but still took a few hits... luckily not enough to die of course.


Also realised you can get 2 or 3 extra herbs by scanning Norman which came in handy for sure.


Anyway I also in ep12 found a Damage 7 upgrade which came in real handy. My plan, I started with the Magnum, stuck the Damage 7 onto it... took damage to 3400 I think (maybe more). Pumped Norman with Magnum shells, finished his 1st phase, had about 15 left, used those up in 2nd phase then switched to the Mgun. Ran to the gun box and moved the Damage 7 from the Magnum to the Mgun taking it's damage to 350 I think.


Continued trying to dodge and pumping him with teh Mgun, when he finally got to his 3rd phase (and me with 1 herb left) I legged it for teh gun box, took out the Rocklet Lancher and shoved it down his throat... one hit frakking kill... OH YEAH



So that is Hell mode, amazingly and surprisingly finished.

Still have Abyss mode on Raid to do so might start posting in the online thread soon trying to get someone online to help out (I've only done stage 1 on Abyss so far)


And may even give that "Clear Game with no Damage on any mode" mission a go... on Easy difficulty of course :heh:


Oh also completed the scan every enemy mission which I missed first time round.


But still didn't finish the 30 handprints... only got 25 now... where the hell are the other 5? I walked round every bloody room in FPS mode with the bloody scanner :heh:

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Sold this game a while ago after 100% it (missions/story/raid). You may need to use a guide for the handprints, though honestly they aren't very accurate. I was just one handprint missing; it was on the black painting on the wall to the left of the entrance to the casino. I'd literally scanned this wall on every play through, and scanned this area a ridiculous amount of times. The trouble with this one is, is it's IN the painting because it grooves inwards. You could be right next to it, but if you're scanning from the side it will not even show up on the register, you literally have to exactly face it. There's quite a few others like this one; likely the reason you missed those 5 despite basically playing the game with the scanner always out (same here!)

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Congrats on clearing Hell Mode, @Mokong X\-C! :bowdown:

I still haven't finished it yet, got distracted with MGS and now Kid Icarus! Want to get back to it someday though...


Desperate to clear my backlog before wii u comes out. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN :(
How much you got on the backlog then?

BTW, have you got a Backloggery account?:




It's a pretty good way to keep tabs on what you still need to complete. :wink:

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Congrats on clearing Hell Mode, @Mokong X\-C! :bowdown:

I still haven't finished it yet, got distracted with MGS and now Kid Icarus! Want to get back to it someday though...


How much you got on the backlog then?

BTW, have you got a Backloggery account?:




It's a pretty good way to keep tabs on what you still need to complete. :wink:


Oh my lord. I'm not joking, probably about 40 wii games, 20 + DS games, a few 3DS games, a dozen PS3 games, and about 20 gamecube games that I promised I would clear before the wii came out!


Not including the numerous wiiware and VC games! And retro games I have :(

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Congrats on clearing Hell Mode, @Mokong X\-C! :bowdown:

I still haven't finished it yet, got distracted with MGS and now Kid Icarus! Want to get back to it someday though...


You need to go finish Xenoblade first before buying anymore games though. You hear me Kid Icarus is to be your last new game till Xeno is finished :wink:


Maybe I could grab you onto Raid sometime to help me with Abyss?


Damn, looks like someone really likes Revelations :laughing:


I just love me some RE, I regularly do multiplays everytime I get a new one. Hell I lost count the number of times I played RE2 and REmake in particular and of course RE4.


And I'm always determined to beat the hardest difficulty which usually needs to be unlocked so that's at least 2 play throughs.


Hell I remember I played REmake so much I was eventually able to play through the game in my head from start to finish :heh: Even wrote a walkthrough for it back when N-E was still C-E.... that guide is lost now in the void of the net somewhere :heh:

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Oh my lord. I'm not joking, probably about 40 wii games, 20 + DS games, a few 3DS games, a dozen PS3 games, and about 20 gamecube games that I promised I would clear before the wii came out!


Not including the numerous wiiware and VC games! And retro games I have :(

I see.

Well... good luck with that. :heh:


You need to go finish Xenoblade first before buying anymore games though. You hear me Kid Icarus is to be your last new game till Xeno is finished :wink:
Oh crap! Yeah, I forgot about Xenoblade again. :D

Chances of me not buying anymore games till Xeno is finished?... About the same as beating hell mode on this game, while blindfolded. :laughing:


It's great how you keep reminding me about Xenoblade though. icon14.gif


Maybe I could grab you onto Raid sometime to help me with Abyss?
Sure thing, just let me know when you want to play. : peace:
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I've started up Casual mode with the goal to complete without using a herb or the infinate launcher Mission. Thank gods it's "don't use a herb" and not "don't take damage" cause those "flashback" or "side" sections are near impossible to not take damage.


On the plus playing as Jill with my upgraded weapons (and Damage 7) makes her parts simple enough. It's teh non-Jill sections where you got standard weapons that ake this hard even on Casual.


Trying to not pick up herbs so I don't press A by mistake though picked up 2 from item scans... obviously not used them so that's ok.


So far I've just passed the first part of Episode 3.... like on Hell mode, the end part of that was hard when I was trying to beat it without using a herb. Managed to get to that final part taking just the one hit on the way. Saved up all the gernades I found too for the last part, so had 8, which came in handy. Finished it then with Jam all over the screen and prolly one hit away from death.


Anyone know if I died and "continued" would that effect the mission... it's only "don't use herbs and infinate launcher, so I assume dying isn't counted?


Also so far I've only taken damage in non-Jill sections which is handy as that damage doesn't carry over to Jill (and I don't think it carries over to the next time you play that character in a non-Jill section).... but does anyone know, if I did take damage as Jill then finished an episode... would the damage carry over to the next episode? Or would Jills health return to normal?


I've never noticed before as I always kept myself healed but seeing as how the non-Jill damage doesn't carry over it got me thinking :heh:


Just worried as I feel eventually I will take some damage I guess :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress Report:


Ok I'm now up to ep 8 on Casual in my No Herb attempt and of course still no herbs used, yay.


I can also confirm that Jill does get resorted to full health between episodes which takes off a ton of pressure, phew.It was that ep where you first go down to the bilge with the waist deep water. Those evil Vigina looking things caught me a few times, had a bit of red blood on my screen. Decided to continue anyway see what happens (just in case I had copied my file to slot B before playing haha). And by the time I got control of Jill again after some initial non Jill sections there was no blood on her screen so she was restored to full health between eps. YAY :yay:


I also found 3 handprints of the five I was missing after finishing Hell mode.

No idea how I managed to miss these both previous playthroughs.

One was on the wall opposite the comms room door. I found it after meeting Raymond inside the comms room, then when he waits outside. I scanned him and the handprint was next to his head :heh:


How did I miss that twice before?


Another was in the room where the Skegdead Comms Office is trapped... on one of the frakking creates in the room. Can't believe I missed this on both previous plays cause I scanned in the room both times...like WTF?


Also found another on the diving board in the swimming pool after purifying the room. Really I only missed this one once, on Hell mode, as I never even went to the swimming pool room in my first play on Normal mode



Now where the hell *cough* could the other two be???? :mad:

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I should have posted this meme when I was starting my current playthrough but just found it so.


Beat the game on any difficulty without using a Herb or the Infinate Launcher






Latest Progess Report







That's right I am


WOOT :yay: :yay:


Of course I did the run on Casual Difficulty, and having custom parts and weapons from Normal and Hell modes was certainly a big help, but still trying to do that without using a single herb was actually a tough task.


Especially in the sections of the game where you don't control Jill and therefore no longer have those high customised weapons.


Though I gotta say finidng out that Jill auto heals to 100% was a godsend as there were a few moments in later eps where I had a fairly Jammed up screen and certainly would not have made it much further if I had to continue the next episode with the same health.


For those wondering here's a quick list of moments/sections that I found fairly hard (died/restarted a few times) when being unable to use a herb...spoiler tagged just in case


Of course that first Parker section in Terragregia, the last room while waiting for the elevator with all the hunters coming. Don't know how I ever beat that on Hell (while using herbs) and even though this was Casual, limiting myself to zero herb usage made it feel like Hell mode.


The section with Chris on the speedboat and minigun trying to get to the Zenobia. Never found this section hard on either Normal or Hell modes but on this trying to get past it without using a herb almost felt impossible for a while. Must have done it 8 or 9 times before I finally finished it, phew.


Ep 9 (I think that's it), where you control Keith and have to fight off a horde of dogs, Hunters and Invisible Hunters while the other guy hacks the computer. Like on Hell mode I swear I thought this was gonna be a brick wall. Must have had to restart that 10 times if not more. Again like most of these "tough" sections I somehow finished it eventually while just one scratch away from death.


The Whale Boss in Ep 11, took me ages to beat his first phase (kept missing the bloody rocket launcher shots and getting hit by his projectiles) and when I finally did I think I had taken bout 50% damage. Was hoping I would auto-heal for the 2nd phase but I didn't :shakehead: and cause it saved if I restarted I would start at the 2nd phase with same health so couldn't go back to teh start, was sweating but some how managed to beat the 2nd phase on 1st go, phew, though was prolly the one hit away from death.


And of course the 2nd Terregrigia section in control of Parker. The minimal amount of ammo they start you with and not being able to use a herb, gods damnit, taking out Hunters with just the handgun though (saving Machinegun for the final part) and not taking damage felt epic though. Don't think I died till the final part with the horde of Hunters but I think it only took me 2 tries... but still the tension added by teh limited ammo (and not being able to use a herb) made it seem much worse.



Finished off teh finall boss easy enough too which surprised me. Though I did die on him 3 times, I didn't feel like I was getting stuck.... it was just silly mistakes in missing the dodge that caught me out.


Used the Magum and only the magnum to kill him too (with Damage 7). Think I had saved up like 31 bullets for it through the playthrough. And he died on the very final bullet, haha (think I missed like 2 or 3 shots during the winning fight).


However annoyingly I still haven't found all the Hidden Handprints :mad:

I've got 28 out of 30


I have a funny feeling the 2 that I am missing might be somewhere early in the game and they better be really well hidden cause if (AND WHEN) I find them and they turn out to be in stupidly obviously facepalm moment places I will go ape shit, haha.


To find them I think I'll load up on Normal difficulty and blow the shit out of everything using teh Infinate Rocket Launcher as obviously I didn't use that on my just finish most recent run :D


(Still have Raid Abyss to do aswell :wink:)

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Excellent! :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:


I think I'll load up on Normal difficulty and blow the shit out of everything using teh Infinate Rocket Launcher as obviously I didn't use that on my just finish most recent run :D
Good plan. :grin:

You should get some footage of that and make a YouTube vid out of it. ;)


(Still have Raid Abyss to do aswell :wink:)
Remember to give me a shout when you're going online! :)

Although seeing as I haven't played the game in months, and you've completely mastered it, I'm not sure if I'll be much use to you in Raid Mode now. :heh:

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Excellent! :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:


Good plan. :grin:

You should get some footage of that and make a YouTube vid out of it. ;)


I don't really have a set up for capturing 3DS footage....plus I always play with 3D at max which wouldn't look well on camera I assume, haha


Remember to give me a shout when you're going online! :)

Although seeing as I haven't played the game in months, and you've completely mastered it, I'm not sure if I'll be much use to you in Raid Mode now. :heh:


Ah but I've only mastered the solo game, you mastered RAID, think we can agree (especially on Abyss) they are two different beasts ;)


so i've finally started playing this after finishing Tales of the Abyss and have just unlocked Raid mode


Any tips people? should i play more of the story? does it unlock stuff for raid mode? or visa versa? or no baring on either?


I say keep going with the story first. As you've only unlocked I think the first 7 (out of 20) stages in RAID and you can only unlock the rest of teh stages by playing (and finishing eps) in the story (your "Missions" thing tells you which eps need to be finished for which which stages in Raid will unlock).


Basically completing the story will have all that stages on Raid unlocked.

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I do plan on going through Hell mode and doing a "no herb run" at some point. Problem with the second one is I often accidentally hit A and used a herb on my first play through which could ruin things.


I worried about the same but it thankfully never happened. When I first got the game I did it a lot, but during my Hell mode run I guess I had trained myself to not press A by mistake.


I also tried to not pick up any herbs, though ended up picking up 5 from Scanner items, though of course didn't use one.


I would recomend doing Hell mode first before trying the No Herb run. Will aloow you to get much better weapons and custom parts (like the Damage 7) and I think if you can survive the non-Jill parts on Hell going down to Casual for the No Herb run will help to have that Hell mode experience.

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30 out 30 hidden handprints FOUND.


I was actually right when I thought the 2 I was missing were from somewhere early in the game.


Started up on Normal again, as I said with the intention of making use of the infinate launcher and found both my missing handprints.... IN THE FIRST FRAKKING EPISODE :mad:



The "1st" one I found was in the beach flash back bit.

On a green box at the 2nd part of teh beach.


How the frak did I miss that 3 times, considering your objective there is basically run round the beach looking through the scanner... HOW THE FRAK DID I MISS IT 3 TIMES :heh:


Then for the last, I caved in and went to Youtube and found a video showing the locations of all the handprints. The final one I was missing was in the hallway at the start of the game, the one right after the first room you enter after boarding the ship. Don't think I ever backtracked to that area in any of my playthroughs so I can understand how I missed that one, seeing as you don't get to use the scanner till after you've passed that hallway.


Had I not caved and checked for a guide I doubt I would have ever thought to go there espeically as that area gets locked out bout halfway into the game too.



Also tackled Stage 3 on Abyss Raid Solo. Damn that is one surefire way to put the fear back into the game *shudder*

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  • 2 months later...

Started playing this the other day (First two episodes), and played quite a bit more of it today.


Game looks lovely, but I've turned the 3D off because moving out of the sweet spot as I panic around enemies etc... happens all too often. Have to say I'm enjoying it more now, the visuals look somewhat nicer and everythings just feels smoother and impressive. Though the 3D is nice I don't think it adds a huge ammount to the game.


Man they really throw you into it with Jill's First Episode. It's fucking tense exploring the ship for the first time with largely your flashlight!


Wasn't really a fan of Chris' first mission, but I really enjoyed the Parker one! Perhaps because I wasn't on edge for a change! :p


I've just done the first boss.

Although I got a decent score for finishing the chapter, I wasn't pleased with how I handled the boss fight in the end, as I used up all my Rifle and Shotgun ammo (bar 5). So I really hope there's a decent ammount lying around in the next chapter!


Btw what is the 1500/2000 points for example that you pick up at the end of a mission for? Where does it go?


Enjoying it!

Although part of me now wishes I was playing this for the first time on a 3DS XL! :p

Edited by Retro_Link
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Btw what is the 1500/2000 points for example that you pick up at the end of a mission for? Where does it go?


The battle points will be used like currency in RAID mode when you unlock it (I think after you finish ep 3 you get the first 7 stages of RAID) to buy new weapons, ammo, herbs, etc.

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