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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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Right..I'm at level 45 on the 18th stage of raid (Abyss hardness) and I have a feeling I've found a bug.


I can't get past the level on my own but when I recruit others for the fight online, I get to the bit with the shield carrying electrician followed by having to turn a valve to turn off the steam. Only thing is, when this is turned off, I can walk through but my accomplice tries to walk past a non-existent steam, they get hurt as if it is still there.....anyone else experience that?

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Loving this so far, but I am playing it through on Easy first so I can unlock Raid Mode quickly.


Got absolutely

MULLERED by the Comms Officer last night. Any tips? The worst thing was, I was playing it in bed and my neighbours kept knocking on the door... And then when I finally went to sleep, I kept hearing "Maydaaaaaaay...." *shudder*


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Just finished Episode 3 and loving every minute of it!


I absolutely shat myself during the whole "Mayday" part. As soon as you started hearing the voice. So scary!


Amen to that. Drop me a PM when you hit the end and we will go on Raid together - though we will have to work something out with the time difference.

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Just finished Episode 3 and loving every minute of it!


I absolutely shat myself during the whole "Mayday" part. As soon as you started hearing the voice. So scary!


Haha a few eps down the line and you will shit yourself even more... I'm telling you dude, dark room and headphones will get the adrenaline pumping even more.


Anyway after I finally finished up Tales of the Abyss last week I only managed to get one more go on this since. Still haven't done more on Raid Abyss mode (think stage 1 is all I have done still). But went and did another episode in the story on Hell difficulty.


Is anyone else doing hell? How are you/ye finding it?


It was episide 6 that I finished... will spoiler just in case...


Firstly when I got back to the big round hall I went to the top to the swmming pool that I somehow missed on my first play but found during a Raid game with @welsh_gamer


Pressed a button to "purify" the pool but I still couldn't go in... guess I'm meant to come back later?


Made my way to the observation deck then and damn that rock/crab mutant thing took some beating in hell mode. He killed me 3 times.... though the 3rd I kinda let him kill me as I figured if I could restart and try to not use as many herbs (had 4) it would be better for me moving forward if I had more herbs to hand. I then managed to beat him on the 4th go using just 1 herb :D





Starting to worried though about what to do about ammo moving forward... do I shoot or try to run... when will I do which and which will cause me to either waste bullets and/or herbs I might need later :heh:

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I have one, I'll give you it if you want? :)
That's ok man, I was just curious if it actually existed that's all.

Thanks for the offer though. :)


Is anyone else doing hell? How are you/ye finding it?
I'm up to chapter 6, how am I finding it?...


...Hell. That's how. :laughing:

Wouldn't have it any other way though, loving the challenge. :D


It was episide 6 that I finished... will spoiler just in case...


Pressed a button to "purify" the pool but I still couldn't go in... guess I'm meant to come back later?

Yep, you can't go in right away, you'll need to progress a bit more first.

Just don't forget to go back when you get the chance. That's what I did on my first play-through. :heh:


Starting to worried though about what to do about ammo moving forward... do I shoot or try to run... when will I do which and which will cause me to either waste bullets and/or herbs I might need later :heh:
I've not been having a problem with ammo, because I play quite a bit of Raid Mode too, and all of those supplies from people really help. :)

So yeah, if you're running low, jump on Raid Mode for a while and stock up. :awesome:

Helping people out with Stage 20 (especially on Chasm) is a good way to get quick "StreetPasses" and therefore lot's of supplies. ;)

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Hang on. The stuff you get in raid mode you can use in the single player?
Yup. Every new player you team up with will leave behind an item afterwards; various ammo types, herbs, custom parts, etc...

You just need to enable them from the Missions section. :smile:


Oh my fucking god! I really am actually scared... totally shit scared... my heart is absolutely racing...


Rachel. So so scary!

Hehehe... Foooouuuunnnndddd yoooouuuu! :D

One of the best parts of the entire game I reckon. icon14.gif

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Oh my fucking god! I really am actually scared... totally shit scared... my heart is absolutely racing...


Rachel. So so scary!



Hahahaha, I was waiting for that one.


Now imagine had you listened to me and got a set of headphones and played that part?


The 3DS's own speakers do a brilliant job as is but with headphones you'd have a heart attack : peace:

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Resi has a bright future on 3DS...




Capcom Interested in More Resident Evil on 3DS


Nearly two years after it was first announced, Resident Evil Revelations made its way into stores to strong critical and commercial reception. Having an exclusive entry in such a major franchise has only continued to boost the Nintendo 3DS's reception in the global marketplace, but the simple fact is the system will need continuous support of this level in the years to come.


Given the fact that Capcom managed to deliver Revelations as well as Mercenaries 3D inside of the first year of the 3DS's life, and given their reception, we asked producer Masachika Kawata if he saw a future for Resident Evil on the Nintendo 3DS. Did he already have new ideas - and would he be interested in bringing them to full production?


"The incredibly positive fan reaction to Revelations has definitely given me motivation to make another 3DS RE title," Kawata told us in an interview. "I have some ideas in mind. However, I have a lot of other projects that need to be taken care of first."


That might seem like any potential and future Resident Evil projects would be a ways off, right? Not so fast, survival horror fans...


"I must admit," Kawata continued, "Hearing players say how much they enjoyed Revelations does kind of make me want to forget the other projects and get stuck right into making another RE game for fans to enjoy (laughs)."


When we conducted our interview, Revelations had just debuted in Japan and was the #1 selling game in the country. Noting that this game had a more old school, survival horror focus than other Resident Evil games, we asked if this commercial reception encouraged him to continue this approach with future installments.


"Of course!" Kawata told us. "Game development is always a very taxing process, no matter what the project, and the only thing that gets us through is the belief that, at the end of the journey, there are people waiting to enjoy the game. So if a game sells particularly well, then we have good reason to make more titles like it."


Though by no means any sort of official announcement, it sounds as though more Resident Evil on the Nintendo 3DS is certainly a possibility. Capcom managed to produce two games remarkably fast - here's hoping we can get some more just as quickly.


Stay tuned to more from our interview with Kawata-san as well as Revelations director Koshi Nakanishi.

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I see we passed the test this time :indeed: Good to hear!


I like the sound of his comment about them maybe moving back more towards classic RE style. RE:R was what I wanted to see, now I want them to move further in that direction and make it more non linear (basically move as far away from RE6 as possible!)

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Damn, I am one happy customer.


I'm just past chapter 5, and raid mode is freaking addictive.

I'd really like to give it a go with soem of you guys online.

I'm at level 7 now, and I tried the Promenade Deck by myself, but that didn't go too well when fat-fuck MacLarge Fuck showed up.

Would liek to do that stage with someone here :)

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Well, completed the campaign on normal, and I must say, I enjoyed (and still am enjoying) this game thoroughly.


The game reminded me why Resident Evil is so awesome, but it also bitterly reminded me that Capcom hasn't got the guts to completely abandon the excessive shooting and what not in favour of returning to complete survival horror again.

I mean, the setting is there in RE:R, a finite ghost ship, which is one hell of a scary environment to roam around in.

The game started out great. It really gave me the shivers just walking around in eerie silence and the occasional creepy sounds, but, the more I got to the end, the more rushing was introduced and more shooting and EXPLOSIONS!


I'm more a fan of surivival-horror, but shooting at zombies and ghastly mutated humans also has a certain appeal to it (as in, blowing off steam when these "unknown forces" continually have you standing on edge), so I hope they'll get the balance just right in RE6.


Jill has grown on me more, but Chris will never grow on me, he's just as bland as a wet towel.

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