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Starfox 64 3D


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I thought I read somewhere that they got the original voice actors back.


You may well have done... but it seems their sources are wrong unless the changes in the voices are really just due to the VA's getting older. But even then, I doubt they'd be off as much as they are.


The Japanese cast, as taken from the credits, has been confirmed to be all new.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you played any of the other Starfox games, Mike? I've been pretty fond of all of them, actually.. but you're definitely in for a treat with this one :hehe:Lylat Wars is by far the highlight of the series.. why isn't this called Lylat Wars 3D over here..? ::shrug:

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Yeah I haven't played it properly either.


I've played a couple of levels, and have played the multiplayer (which I actually seem to remember quite enjoying?), but not the single player properly.


I'm kind of interested in this, but I can't help but feel I'd be buying it just to play something? I don't think it's been sold to me yet though.


Does it have much replayability?

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It depends what type of gamer you are, Retro_Link..


The game is designed to played from start to finish in one sitting but there are multiple paths you can take based on your decisions throughout certain stages and there are medals awarded for getting a good score in each level :smile:


A few years ago, I was blasting through it probably once or twice a week for a while just because it was really fun going through the whole thing and trying to improve your performance. I feel like I haven't played in in so long now, though, which almost makes this a tempting purchase :eek: I'll likely end up playing it on the N64 in the coming weeks instead, though..

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Yeah I haven't played it properly either.


I've played a couple of levels, and have played the multiplayer (which I actually seem to remember quite enjoying?), but not the single player properly.


I'm kind of interested in this, but I can't help but feel I'd be buying it just to play something? I don't think it's been sold to me yet though.


Does it have much replayability?


I still play the N64 version to this day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My copy of this arrived today, and I was able to tear myself away from Xenoblade for half an hour to give it a go. Pretty impressive so far, although I don't like the gyro controls. So far I'm up to the first Landmaster level - the level that has the most impressive 3D so far IMO. I'm hoping to have a go on multiplayer later this evening.

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My copy of this arrived today, and I was able to tear myself away from Xenoblade for half an hour to give it a go. Pretty impressive so far, although I don't like the gyro controls. So far I'm up to the first Landmaster level - the level that has the most impressive 3D so far IMO. I'm hoping to have a go on multiplayer later this evening.


I envy you :nono:


*goes to play the N64 version*

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My copy of this arrived today, and I was able to tear myself away from Xenoblade for half an hour to give it a go. Pretty impressive so far, although I don't like the gyro controls. So far I'm up to the first Landmaster level - the level that has the most impressive 3D so far IMO. I'm hoping to have a go on multiplayer later this evening.


Multiplayer with who?

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My copy of this arrived today, and I was able to tear myself away from Xenoblade for half an hour to give it a go. Pretty impressive so far, although I don't like the gyro controls. So far I'm up to the first Landmaster level - the level that has the most impressive 3D so far IMO. I'm hoping to have a go on multiplayer later this evening.


Random question, is there the 'Starfox' 'In' 'Nintendo 3DS' bit with the lens flare when you switch the game on before the title? :)

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IGN Review - 9.0




The use of 3D is stunning. The added depth looks fantastic, and it's pretty incredible barreling through space as meteors and lasers jump out at you.
Closing Comments


This impressive remake of Star Fox 64 manages to improve upon the original without compromising the magic that made it so memorable to begin with. It’s too bad the multiplayer doesn’t support online, because otherwise it’s the perfect remake of this classic title. Even for those who played the original to death, it’s well worth the $40 price tag to see a Nintendo classic fully reimagined, and all of the additions (upgraded graphics, great new controls, etc.) make it well worth revisiting. With fast action, thrilling levels, memorable characters, and plenty of fun and laughs to enjoy, it’s a must have for any 3DS owner, and yet another prime reason to invest in the system for those still on the fence.

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As I've said before - they didn't include online because "we'd all buy it anyway". Which is sad but yeah... we're all going to buy it whether it has online or not aren't we?


If this had a sold, no sorry a GOOD online multiplayer mode it would make this title a significant system seller.


It sounds like it really captures the 3D well and the new textures do it a lot of justice so it demonstrates what the platform can do very well. It having online would have inspired other people to have through the "friends" effect that Sony and Microsoft have done well to exploit.

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Have to agree, there.


I've dreamed of having Star Wars style dog-fights in space or in Corneria. A massive online experience where you have Starwing/Fox coming up against Andross' army and Starwolf. In fact, why has such a game not been created yet? It sounds a billion times more exciting and interesting than the countless FPS borefests we're subjected to instead.


Every kid who watched Star Wars or played Starwing when growing up dreamed this kind of game. It's tragic that we've never seen anything like it.


Nintendo are awesome when it comes to Mario and Zelda. But, whenever it's one of the "lesser" known franchises, it runs the risk of getting treated like leprosy. How else can we explain the terrible Starfox Command?

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