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I pretty much agree with what yesteryeargames and Ronnie said there :hehe:


The blue shell was so much better on the N64 game (the best game in the series :heh:) as it zipped around the track and you may get caught up in it's path to the guy in first place. It actually felt like a fun item in Mario Kart 64 but has become something to hate in more recent games :nono:


The Battle Mode in the SNES and N64 versions were also brilliant but were somehow completely ruined in the Mario Kart games that have appeared since. The one in Double Dash was hardly ever touched :hmm:


It would be kinda nice to have coins back too, as Hamishmash said. It would be good to have your kart (yes kart, nothing else..) go a little quicker as a reward for collecting more coins. You could maybe even have a way of sacrificing some coins you have picked up in order to guarantee a better weapon when you go through the next item box..? Just an idea :heh:


As much as I love Mario Kart, I feel it has gone down the wrong path a little in recent iterations. It has started to feel a lot more manic than it needs to be with a lot of skill from the previous games being subdued by a bit of an overreliance on luck. In some ways, the series needs to get back to its roots..

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Posted (edited)

The best feature for multiplayer would be more customization when it comes to the rules. So you could choose no blue-shells for instance, or even no items at all, along with number of laps and so on. However, even if that isn't included, the way the various online aspects of the 3DS are already so superior to anything we've seen so far from Nintendo, makes me confident that this too will have great multiplayer. I look forward to the N-Europe races that are bound to happen.

Edited by Adthegreat
Posted (edited)
  yesteryeargames said:
Bring back the ghost and n64 style blue shell ;) , get red of bikes


Straight up! :hug:


  lostmario said:
My wishlist:


- no bikes, just standard karts

- option to change number of laps for private matches

- 12 players online, I think its a big possibility Nintendo will reduce it to 8 max.


- Voice chat


This would be acceptable. Voice chat is a freakin must though!.. Or at least texting! (not pre-made only wordings :nono: )


  / nando / said:

1.The one in Double Dash was hardly ever touched :hmm:


2. You could maybe even have a way of sacrificing some coins you have picked up in order to guarantee a better weapon when you go through the next item box..? Just an idea :heh:


1 - Agree. Although that star-thief (forgot the name :laughing: ) battle game was suprisingly funz.


2 - Not a too bad of an idea. Perhaps you can gamble with coins with firends - to make some of the matches more thrilling? Lol just an idea...


  Adthegreat said:
I look forward to the N-Europe races that are bound to happen.


Likewise :D

Edited by Beverage
Automerged Doublepost
Posted (edited)

All the powerups they actually need for this latest iteration should be...


Bananas (single and triple)

Green Shells (single and triple)

Red Shells (single and triple)

Blue Shell (N64 version)

Star (lasts for 10 - 15 seconds)

Boo (should steal coins AND an item)

Feather (should return because it's awesome)

Fake Item Block (because it's fun to see people try and pick them up)

Lightning Bolt (single bolt only, no clouds!)

Shrooms (all types)


Any other items other than the possibility of Bullet Bill (though it's a bit cheap) are ultimately unnecessary.

Edited by S.C.G
Posted (edited)

I think the Fake Item Bomb is a pretty good weapon, it's always been pretty fun trying to drop it exactly in a real items place.


Lightning is also alright, but whatever they do, PLEASE no Lightning Cloud!!

Edited by Retro_Link
  Adthegreat said:
The best feature for multiplayer would be more customization when it comes to the rules.
  LostOverThere said:
Have as many items as they want. All I want is a way to disable/enable individual items the same way I can in Super Smash Bros.
Yeah, really customisation is the best way forward. As crazy/skill based as you like.
  lostmario said:
My wishlist:


- no blue shells

- no bikes, just standard karts

- option to change number of laps for private matches

- 12 players online, I think its a big possibility Nintendo will reduce it to 8 max.


- Voice chat

- No gimmicks


Definitely hoping NINTENDO succeeds in making that happen.


Everybody could talk in the lobby, but during races it should be distance-based.

By which I mean that you don't hear Flamekid talk about how long he's been driving 1st when you're driving last.

You should only be able to hear the ones closest to you, which could make for some awesome smacktalk!


Fused King cruisin' in 1st place, then, out of nowhere, Lostmario overtakes me with a triple mushroom ans I hear him shout back:

'Try to get out of this one King!!!'

And Losty drops a fake block on a narrow bridge......grrrrr


and Lostmario hears my cries in the vague distance:

'I'll get you next time Gadget, .....NEXT TIME!!!!!'


I was unable to dodge the fake block, thus getting slammed to the side by other racers who're all shouting with relish in a tornado of foul language.




Slightly off topic from wishlists (though i do agree that the stupid lightning cloud must MUST go), but I have a sneaking suspicion we will see this game in a special bundle release with a red 3ds.


Didn't they do that with Mario Kart and the original DS?


I'd love to see that!


This will be one of Nintendo's big games at E3 I'd imagine.. unless they plan to show off Animal Crossing and all its new innovative features instead... hmmmm... :nono:

  Retro_Link said:
I think it might be a bit too soon for a new colour 3DS. We might see the red one alongside Mario?


Possibly yeah.


I thought the red looked great, be nice to see more colours sooner rather than later though. Not like the wii which only offered red and black years after its release. :woops:


If Kid icarus, Mario Kart 3D, Super Mario Galaxy and Animal Crossing come out this year I will be very happy :D (who wants pesky new IP's?!)


Mario Kart: I like the idea of full customisation. They can throw whatever shit they want in the game, but to choose what I do and don't like.. How awesome would it be to have a none weapon GP, just pure racing skill? Just future proof the damn thing Nintendo.


Don't want to slate Mario Kart, loved the DS and Wii versions; but let's hope they nail this and it's as fully featured as we all hope!


Animal Crossing: This is the biggest loads of bollocks Nintendo has played with for a long time (and that's saying something); this game has SO much potential, so much. It could be utterly incredible, but Nintendo churn it out with the bare minimum; grab us again nintendo, because any Animal Crossing veteran got bored with City Folk very quickly. Plus I think my girlfriend will like it, so either way I'm interested in it (she WILL become a gamer!)

  dazzybee said:
Animal Crossing: This is the biggest loads of bollocks Nintendo has played with for a long time (and that's saying something); this game has SO much potential, so much. It could be utterly incredible, but Nintendo churn it out with the bare minimum; grab us again nintendo, because any Animal Crossing veteran got bored with City Folk very quickly. Plus I think my girlfriend will like it, so either way I'm interested in it (she WILL become a gamer!)


Truer than fact!


The lightning bolt would be cool, as long as they went back to the SNES version where it only appeared VERY rarely. As with most things in the later Mario Karts, they took it way too far and hardly a race goes by without someone using it.

  Retro_Link said:
PLEASE no Lightning Cloud!!


You've frazzled my brain - this has to return, the lightening cloud is great. It changes to game instantly; do you keep it longer for the boost and risk being struck, or pass it right away? Its an inspired idea. They do need to consider how its given to you - there are too many times where I've been given it and have no chance to getting rid of it, but in essence I think its one the better weapons in MK Wii.


I'd like to see weapons result in a shorter spin out, that's the biggest problem I have with MK Wii (namely, because I'm usually on the receiving end!). I also quite like the idea of the special weapons from Double Dash - nothing too mental like Baby's Chain Chomp, but something unique - and balanced - to each character.


An in game rival, along with a who shot you icon when you'd hit with something.


I'm not too fussed about voice chat in-game (lobby, OK)- i'd rather they left it out and ensured the bandwidth be used to give better accuracy in game, than the ability to abuse Lost Mario using a dodgy microphone (my potty mouth would short circuit all your 3DSs). But a taunt button would be great - oh, yes.


  Retro_Link said:
I think it might be a bit too soon for a new colour 3DS. We might see the red one alongside Mario?


Na, we'll see one before Christmas - a more feminine colour, pink or red.


  lostmario said:
This will be one of Nintendo's big games at E3 I'd imagine.. unless they plan to show off Animal Crossing and all its new innovative features instead... hmmmm... :nono:


Along with the newly designed main character, I hear they have some new furniture to show off. And a new texture. So, that's E3 sorted for the Big N.


Battle mode tracks that aren't the size of small cities would be nice


Oh and whoever was in charge and thought it would be a good idea to not let people battle against their mates ONLY, without 10 other CPU karts... is an idiot.

  Mandalore said:
Don't forget the mushrooms! Preferably ones which give significantly more boost speed than a standard MT though. They were fairly pointless in MKDS.


How could I forget the shrooms! :o post edited once again :P

  david.dakota said:
You've frazzled my brain - this has to return, the lightening cloud is great. It changes to game instantly; do you keep it longer for the boost and risk being struck, or pass it right away? Its an inspired idea. They do need to consider how its given to you - there are too many times where I've been given it and have no chance to getting rid of it, but in essence I think its one the better weapons in MK Wii.
The cloud gives you a boost?


The item sucks for that very reason, getting it incredibly late meaning you have no time to get rid of it, is stupid.

  Retro_Link said:
The cloud gives you a boost?

The item sucks for that very reason, getting it incredibly late meaning you have no time to get rid of it, is stupid.


Not a boost in the mushroom sense, but a boost in the sense that you drive faster and can drive over grass and whatnot without slowing down.

  Fused King said:
Not a boost in the mushroom sense, but a boost in the sense that you drive faster and can drive over grass and whatnot without slowing down.


I did not know that! :blush:


I'm ok with the majority of items but I definitely want the blue shell to revert back to the MarioKart 64 version where it'd drive along the course hitting anything in its path before hitting first. I think that's a hell of a lot more balanced and more helpful for the person that is using it. Why would someone in last place only want to hit first or possibly the top 3 racers? It's not going to help them most of the time.


It was never randomised either, it would always appear in the last lap and hit you an inch from the line. Unless you were miles in the lead, it was near impossible to win because there would always be a blue shell coming. A lot of the time I would deliberately drop to 2nd place in the last lap so I could avoid it.

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