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Paper Mario: Sticker Star


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This might have that 'just enough' Nintendo touch. I'm hoping so. After all, the story as such in the N64 game was very slight as well, but brimming over with charm. We don't ask for a tortuous overripe Final Fantasy affair when we want story in a Paper Mario game, something that bogs the game down, but that's what Miyamoto seems to think it is :hmm:


This isn't to pre-judge the game at all - just a few thoughts on the issue.




Whilst the overal story was just Peach getting kidnapped again, the mini-narratives and characters in each chapter ensured the game was packed with all sort of quirkiness and fun-to-read bits.

The same definitely goes for Super Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door.


Keep those updates coming fellas.

Edited by Fused King
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You doing the yesteryear?


I want the sticker book, but I don't want to buy the game now...


My wii u didnt arrive until MONDAY from shopto if you must know so i had every right to be pissed with them ! after several phone calls they said they messed up the order and offerd me some points £15 worth for a future purchase Not that i will be using thema again much.


My copy didn't arrive today even though I prepaid for it months ago.


What a bunch of crooks shopto are! ;)


WII U 5 days after everyone else you would be pissed too

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My wii u didnt arrive until MONDAY from shopto if you must know so i had every right to be pissed with them ! after several phone calls they said they messed up the order and offerd me some points £15 worth for a future purchase Not that i will be using thema again much.


I was just joking then. However I do understand your situation. I would be very angry too.


Like how I was with Zavvi.

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My wii u didnt arrive until MONDAY from shopto if you must know so i had every right to be pissed with them ! after several phone calls they said they messed up the order and offerd me some points £15 worth for a future purchase Not that i will be using thema again much.




WII U 5 days after everyone else you would be pissed too


Wow. I thought you ended up getting it on release day that's why I was poking fun. Sorry, I didn't realise. :hug: That really does suck though, don't blame you for not using them again.


I got a shipping notice on Tuesday though - perhaps the postman has been playing it...

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Given it a few more hours, now well later for work than I wanted to be today. I can certainly see the criticisms people have made, but I don't personally share them right now. I've only just started World 2, as it were, and I'm still loving it. I see what people were saying about bosses, I've only encountered one so far though and won't linger too much on it yet for sake of spoilers.


True, I haven't seen as much story/character so far; but the sticker based battle system takes up more attention so I'm not really noticing quite so much. It feels Paper Mario, though. I'm definitely liking it. I guess it's possibly a bit more Mario than Paper, so be prepared for that.

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I've never been a huge fan of the Paper Mario series - having only played the Wii one which I just found so damn difficult...


Anyway, this game looks so full of charm I have asked for it as a Christmas present to go with the XL I shall also be getting for Christmas! :love:

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So I feel like I'm getting into the swing with this game now - you know when that happens and a game clicks and you stop constantly comparing it to that old game you played years ago? The combat is remarkably satisfying and despite seeming simplified on the surface it doesn't hold your hand. A lot is done by guesswork and trial and error, and as stickers are gone once used it does raise the stakes, adding tension. You start thinking ahead to the big battles and preserving your best attacks (some of which you won't have even tested out yet) and it feels great once you get inside the mind of the game.


There's plenty of charm and humour, but the game also has a modest feeling to it. I'd say Sticker Star is to Paper Mario what 3D Land is to the 3D Mario games - a bite-size version, playable in small chunks or larger sessions, judged to perfection for handheld play.


The one negative I have so far is that the characters and areas are all standard Mario staples: toads, koopas, grasslands, desert etc. This template seems to be the something Nintendo are loathe to deviate from now in Mario games, but also in Zeldas which have their Forest, Volcano and so on. I'd really love to see future games branch out and plonk us in the middle of new imaginative locales and make us say "wow, didn't expect THAT in a Mario/Zelda game".


The soundtrack is top notch, jazzy and creative, but returning to the 'classic' feel that the first game on the N64 had (as good as they were, I always thought TTYD and SPM soundtracks were slightly on the fussy, over-caffeinated side, and consequently less memorable).


Where did you order it from?

Shopto. The reward points were accumulated from several purchases, not just the Wii U.

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There's plenty of charm and humour, but the game also has a modest feeling to it. I'd say Sticker Star is to Paper Mario what 3D Land is to the 3D Mario games - a bite-size version, playable in small chunks or larger sessions, judged to perfection for handheld play.


The one negative I have so far is that the characters and areas are all standard Mario staples: toads, koopas, grasslands, desert etc. This template seems to be the something Nintendo are loathe to deviate from now in Mario games, but also in Zeldas which have their Forest, Volcano and so on. I'd really love to see future games branch out and plonk us in the middle of new imaginative locales and make us say "wow, didn't expect THAT in a Mario/Zelda game".


The soundtrack is top notch, jazzy and creative, but returning to the 'classic' feel that the first game on the N64 had (as good as they were, I always thought TTYD and SPM soundtracks were slightly on the fussy, over-caffeinated side, and consequently less memorable).


Think I agree with all of this! Great anology with the 3D land. I am quite liking the sound, and whilst it hadn't bothered me, the environments are quite the 'standard' mix. As for the stuff about battle...man, I wasted like 3 good big shinies in one fight! Felt like a right mug. Then realised, I'm getting too attached to some of my stickers, need to let them go. On the subject of a stickers, just a little thing; I wonder if anyone else noticed...


the shinies? It took me a while before I realised! Even though I knew how as well, I didn't immediately think of it. What attention to detail!


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Yaaay. Took about 20 - 25 minutes to download, I went off to do something for the last part of the download so might have been quicker.


It hasn't appeared in my Club Nintendo account though, last thing it shows is Denpa Men so I can't do the survey.

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I finally made up my mind over night. I wanted the case:



But then you go ahead and post this...





You shattered my resolve by showing me that one small icon :(


It hasn't appeared in my Club Nintendo account though, last thing it shows is Denpa Men so I can't do the survey.


Hmmm, try again after you've played it.


btw... you should organise those downloads better!

Edited by -Dem0-
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Has anyone who registered their copy of the game this morning received confirmation by e-mail that they've qualified to receive a free sticker book? I haven't received anything yet, and I'm worried that my registration wasn't properly counted because the form broke on the last step. :hmm:

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Hmm, I can't quote where I am it seems. Anyhow, in response to @Maximo, I haven't registered yet because I don't want to miss out at all. Do you happen to know if the sticker books are limited, though? Will get a move on if they are!


There are only 10,000 of them available for the whole of Europe! :o Go, go, go!

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Those Toads at the start of the game are jerks. :P


just a little thing; I wonder if anyone else noticed...


the shinies? It took me a while before I realised! Even though I knew how as well, I didn't immediately think of it. What attention to detail!


Yeah, that was a nice touch.


You shattered my resolve by showing me that one small icon :(


Certainly something satisfying about having the icon on your console.


Hmmm, try again after you've played it.


Won't be able to until I get home. Hope I don't have to do the survey to get the sticker book.


btw... you should organise those downloads better!


Oi, it is organised! What's wrong with it? Would hate to see it if we still don't have folders. :P


Has anyone who registered their copy of the game this morning received confirmation by e-mail that they've qualified to receive a free sticker book? I haven't received anything yet, and I'm worried that my registration wasn't properly counted because the form broke on the last step. :hmm:


In the past it usually took a few days to get the confirmation email.

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Has anyone who registered their copy of the game this morning received confirmation by e-mail that they've qualified to receive a free sticker book? I haven't received anything yet, and I'm worried that my registration wasn't properly counted because the form broke on the last step. :hmm:


Registered mine about 10.30 this morning, haven't actually got to play it yet as at work, but put the code in through nintendo website, did questionnaire etc...and no email as of yet, so either presume it won't be that quick, or beaten to the punch by eager European beavers!

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When you buy digitally, you don't need to do the survey. Since you bought via the eShop the game is automatically registered. The survey is only for the stars.


Lol, @Ike I can see that you use folders but you could of done it a bit better :laughing:


Maybe I'll show you mine later on.

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