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Paper Mario: Sticker Star


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I watched/read the IGN review t'other day and tbh I don't see this getting lost as that much of a bad thing. Happened to me in games as a kid and I still managed to get by, though I suppose if it gets really bad I might have to dig out the number for the good ol' Nintendo hotline...

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I want to get excited for this game, but I know I'll just play it for a week and get bored before doing the same again with another game. Seems to happen more with handheld games in recent years - I'd just rather spend any time I could be handheld gaming reading a book.


Still, visually this game looks stunning and I will definitely have a go on it at some point. Might just Lovefilm it or something.

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I've played for about two hours so far, and it's blowing Super Paper Mario out of the water so far, to be honest. If you're hoping for something like the first two Paper Marios, or even the Mario and Luigi games, you'll definitely be somewhat disappointed, but I'm enjoying the fact that they're trying something new so far. Graphics are beautiful, and work really well with the 3D cracked up, and the music is the best thing to come out of a Mario game since Galaxy.

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I've played for about two hours so far, and it's blowing Super Paper Mario out of the water so far, to be honest. If you're hoping for something like the first two Paper Marios, or even the Mario and Luigi games, you'll definitely be somewhat disappointed, but I'm enjoying the fact that they're trying something new so far. Graphics are beautiful, and work really well with the 3D cracked up, and the music is the best thing to come out of a Mario game since Galaxy.


From what I've seen of it so far, I welcome the changes from the formula as it forces you to mix up the move set on a constant basis. So easy in the classic JRPG formula to sit there hammering the same attack patterns.


Dunno though... I feel a bit burned by previous PM games. Not sure if it was anything to do with the gameplay itself but the style. I like the whimsy of the writing but I just felt like the pace was more frustratingly slow rather than relaxed. For some reason they don't seem to grab me and I get a bit resentful about that after laying down £35 and a massive block of my time.


I'll see how the pre-owned price on this behaves. Might end up picking it up cheap as it does look to be a good game.

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Well if everyone's going to be hating it it might end up flooding the pre-owned market and net you a decent price but tbh I'm quite looking forward to it and happy to have shelled out the money on it. We complain too often about things not doing anything new, but then when they do we get all uppity about it not being the same! I much prefer this as a 'new' direction than what they did with super paper mario, which I still have yet to play. Still seems so far away though, and no word on the status of my under repair 3DS...:(

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I've played for about two hours so far, and it's blowing Super Paper Mario out of the water so far, to be honest. If you're hoping for something like the first two Paper Marios, or even the Mario and Luigi games, you'll definitely be somewhat disappointed, but I'm enjoying the fact that they're trying something new so far. Graphics are beautiful, and work really well with the 3D cracked up, and the music is the best thing to come out of a Mario game since Galaxy.


By this, do you mean that the writing is less cunning/clever/funny/humourous?

That'd definitely dissapoint me, because it's one of the reason I love the two franchises.

So is it really a noticable change in the way the writing is handled as compared to the other Paper Mario games? (because I do know Paper Mario's script is pretty different from Mario&Luigi's.)

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I was listening to the 8-4 podcast this morning and they were saying that the random battles seem to be a bit pointless once you grab enough cash. I haven't been following the game that closely and was quite baffled by the lack of exp points and leveling up. I guess the cash is used for stickers, which in turn lets you do stronger attacks?

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By this, do you mean that the writing is less cunning/clever/funny/humourous?


I was talking more about the fact that it's less of a stats-based open world game, because of the individual levels and the lack of XP, but to answer your question about the writing, I would say it's probably about the same as the other Paper Marios, although I guess the lack of partners will mean there's a little less character to the script. Personally, I always preferred the humour in the Mario and Luigi games, though, and for me, Sticker Star is definitely not as funny as them. I'm still not that far into it, though, so it could all change.

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Yeah @Mike


I tend to place the Mario&Luigi series above the Paper Mario series in terms of humour and writing, but Paper Mario also has a distinctive kind of thing going on which distinguishes it from the Mario&Luigi series. I guess the fact that the world is made out of paper makes for some funny moments as well.

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I was rather hoping/thinking that with the open world instead of losing the creativity they had for the partners, it would just spill over more into the characters in the world. Is that not the case? Does it feel lacking?


I've still only just started World 2, but so far, the only characters with a lot of talking parts are the Toads, all of which are pretty much indistinguishable from each other, in both appearance and personality. Still, there's a long way for me to go.

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Aggregates for this so far seem to be sitting around ~77%, lower than I was expecting but I'll still take it. Really keen to get my hands on it next month and see for myself! I reckon it's being letdown by expectations and not getting judged on its own merit, though that will always happen really.


Pretty balanced review from the Bit Block:


Good video review, actually quite enjoyed it - his enthusiasm for the game came across a lot for me. Definitely getting me excited, though of course, it has minor spoliers in it - but they don't bother me too much. Wish I could have this naaaoooow!

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I really hope this doesn't get lost among the Wii U launch hype - it's a great game. I reckon I've put about nine hours into it so far, and even though its really quite different to the other Paper Marios, it's definitely one of my favourites. Having individual levels is perfect for a handheld. I wish I could complete it by the Wii U launch, but it looks like that won't be happening. It's certainly taken over Pokémon as my current go-to handheld game, though.

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That's because Super Paper Mario was a fantastic game


[awaits onslaught of abuse]


I actually loved Super Paper Mario. Never understood what all the complaining was about.


Can't wait for Sticker Star. Paper Mario is my favourite in the Mario franchise. I think I'm more hyped for this than I am for the WiiU.

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