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Kid Icarus Uprising


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This game is just amazing.No game since Starfox have I wanted to play the same level over and over again.


I've barely put time into it either (9 hours) and only half way through the single player, played multiplayer only once... The game is absolutely rammed with content.


One thing I do wish though, is that you got more hearts for things, I'm sure it'll help stretch it out, but I'd prefer to be able to experiment with more weapons and buy them and fuse gems and such.


Also, I have no idea how the weapons work. What's more important, the level of the weapon, the stars the weapon has, or the bonuses it has?! I'm sure all three, but there must be some hierarchy.

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This game is just amazing.No game since Starfox have I wanted to play the same level over and over again.


I've barely put time into it either (9 hours) and only half way through the single player, played multiplayer only once... The game is absolutely rammed with content.


One thing I do wish though, is that you got more hearts for things, I'm sure it'll help stretch it out, but I'd prefer to be able to experiment with more weapons and buy them and fuse gems and such.


Also, I have no idea how the weapons work. What's more important, the level of the weapon, the stars the weapon has, or the bonuses it has?! I'm sure all three, but there must be some hierarchy.


I feel the same, mate. As I said earlier, I have yet to move forward on the single player campaign due to me wanting to unlock more of the treasures.


I do agree about the amount of hearts, as it would be nice to faff about with weapons/fusions etc. I guess the best way to get them is to increase the difficulty, have a heart bonus on your weapon and then use a heart power up if you have it.


As for weapons, i'm not sure as I haven't put any substantial time into fusing them. From what i've seen and read on Gaf and here, the bonuses seem to help you out a great deal on the more difficult levels.

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Just remember not to kill it, after he steals from you. :heh:


Why? does it unlock another achievement instead?

After I let it steal my weapon, I killed it and I still received the achievement for having your weapon stolen.


BTW I think there's a pluton in chapter 9 as well.

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One thing I do wish though, is that you got more hearts for things
I guess the best way to get them is to increase the difficulty, have a heart bonus on your weapon and then use a heart power up if you have it.
Yep. Try to get yourself a weapon with a Heart bonus stat as soon as possible, Heart bonus +3 seems to be the max. Combine that with the Heart Booster power, preferably Lv. 4, and you're all set to start collecting loads and loads of hearts. :)

That weapon/power set, in combination with intensity 9.0 = ridiculous amount of hearts! ;)

I've already collected over 1,000,000 :heart:! And currently have around 750,000 in my possession. :awesome: Just waiting for the next awesome weapon to appear in the shop... :D


And if you really want to see something spectacular when it comes to hearts...

Combine all of the above with killing a Rare Treasurefish!

...the results can be pretty spectacular. :o

We're talking several of these:


Why? does it unlock another achievement instead?

After I let it steal my weapon, I killed it and I still received the achievement for having your weapon stolen.

That's interesting. Don't think I got the achievement until I let it get away with a weapon. :hmm:

I'm pretty sure that if you kill it, you get what ever it stole back. ::shrug:


I say go for that achievement on a low intensity and let it get away (it'll only be a low value weapon anyway), just to be safe.

: peace:

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I say go for that achievement on a low intensity and let it get away (it'll only be a low value weapon anyway), just to be safe.

: peace:


While going through story mode i've just been rocking the 2.0 intensity. It's been quite hectic playing on 5.0+ while going for treasures.


I think the flying parts of the stages are what really knack me up. Once I land I can take things slowly but in the air i'm constantly in a fight for my life. :D


One of the things that has been taking a chuck of my life away is that I keep falling off edges. The weapons I use increase my speed so i'm always running too fast and then falling off the edge. :)

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I think the flying parts of the stages are what really knack me up. Once I land I can take things slowly but in the air i'm constantly in a fight for my life. :D
Yeah, air battles can be pretty brutal at times, what with not being able to use powers, and not having anywhere to hide. :hehe:


On higher intensities it's basically back to the NES days of memorising enemy spawn positions/attack patterns! :grin:

Making good use of the 2 blue circle attacks on the touch screen is pretty essential too.


One of the things that has been taking a chuck of my life away is that I keep falling off edges. The weapons I use increase my speed so i'm always running too fast and then falling off the edge. :)
I've also fallen off a lot of times because of accidental dashing. :woops: It happens loads when doing speed runs!


Speed running on this game is so much fun though. icon14.gif

I really love the added challenge of keeping tabs on Pit's stamina, and the way he slides after running too. :)

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RedShell's collected over 1 million hearts already? Very impressive - I don't think I've even reached 200,000 yet, and I've had the game a week longer! I'll have to look out for the heart booster stats...

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Out of all the colours...why the hell blue and purple? I can't see any difference between them.


Edit: Managed to sort it by ignoring them...although I don't think you'll simply be able to ignore them on harder difficulties.



Still, apart from that small bit, I loved the entire game.


Actually, Sakurai, screw Smash Bros. Let someone else make that. I want a sequel to this on Wii U.

Edited by Cube
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Out of all the colours...why the hell blue and purple? I can't see any difference between them.


Edit: Managed to sort it by ignoring them...although I don't think you'll simply be able to ignore them on harder difficulties.



Still, apart from that small bit, I loved the entire game.


Actually, Sakurai, screw Smash Bros. Let someone else make that. I want a sequel to this on Wii U.


They do look similar which is annoying, their physical shapes are a bit different from what I remember though.


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Palutena's Treasure Hunt complete!

Got impatient so I just went ahead an used a feather on the fuse gems 10 times achievement: :heh:


Nothing got unlocked for completing it, (only difference is the symbol on the top screen now), but that might be because I used feathers. ::shrug:


Feathers that you use remain on a square, unless you then achieve that goal normally. You can see in the pic, there are only 2 feathers on the board, despite the fact I used 3 in total.

That's because the feather I used on play nearby together mode has been cleared, as I've now obtained that achievement.

Shame it doesn't give you back the feather too. :hehe:


So, how do you get a wide range of power ups? Do you have to play online to nab these or can you just play against the bots?
I'm still stuck at 98% on my game, think it's just 1 power that I'm missing though. :hmm:

Anyway, yeah you just need to unlock them via the treasure hunts, then you can obtain them by playing the Solo or Together modes. Pretty sure it's completely random how you receive the powers after that, and they can be acquired online or offline.

Re-playing the first chapter is a quick way to collect powers. ;)


Actually, Sakurai, screw Smash Bros. Let someone else make that. I want a sequel to this on Wii U.
That would be so amazing. :love:

I really don't think that we're going to need to wait another 25 years for the next KI game though...


...like hades suggested after the credits. :laughing:

I hope not anyway. :shakehead


For those that might not be aware, make sure you stick around after the credits have finished for that funny little extra. :grin:

If you can't be bothered to wait, here it is in YouTube form:


Broadcast Yourself
I love how people went from "this game looks awesome" to "this game looks terrible" to "this game is awesome".
I know, it's crazy! :woops:

I'm ashamed to admit that I was one of them too.

Well, I never said it looks terrible, but I did post this:


My Most Wanted:


5. Kid Icarus / Metal Gear - Not too excited about either of these to be honest, but I still think they'll be worthwhile additions to the 3DS library.



Not only did I end up really enjoying both of those games, Kid Icarus Uprising has become my favourite 3DS game!

In fact, I'd say it's in my top 10 games of all time! :eek:

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Red Shell is in LOVE!!!


That's great news about the feathers, I laid them wherever so good I can get them back!


Loving thi sgame, very addictive fusing weapons and getting the best one. I don't understand it as stars and value don't necessarily mean best weapons... But it's good nonetheless

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Finally got it.


Completely lost. And I watched the tutorials. Items and power ups and stuff just seem to be happening for no reason and I'm sort of lost at what they do.


But it's fun... and the controls, so far, don't seem needly as fiddly as everyone said they were.


Also the stand? Just like the Control Pro... it is excellent! I might be playing all my games on it... it just makes it so much more enjoyable. Makes gaming feel more like an event. AND IT'S JUST A BIT OF PLASTIC!

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I got my first issue of ONM for years today purely for the free AR card promo pack inside haha. Are all the packs filled with the same set or are there some rare cards?


What's on the front cover? Just so I know i'm getting this months copy, as I plan to pick this issue up for the freebies. :D

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What's on the front cover? Just so I know i'm getting this months copy, as I plan to pick this issue up for the freebies. :D


It's in a card board sleeve with a massive header indicating there's free Kid Icarus AR cards inside haha. Biggest picture on it is of Mario Tennis just incase.


How many cards come in the NOM pack, out of curiosity? Is it just a regular booster?


6 cards inside a foil pack, but the foil pack says 'Promo Pack 1', so the cards inside might be the same for every one. The cards I got in numbered order are:


002 - Palutena

025 - Three Sacred Treasures

133 - Cutter Palm

157 - Rail Cannon

202 - Syren

323 - Centurion Knight

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Thanks. I will pop out after work and pick up a copy. I'll let you know what cards I get and then we can see if they are the same in evrey pack.



I got different cards from the ONM pack, they were all just generic grunts lol


Guess they are different then. I'll still post what I get anyway.

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