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Kid Icarus Uprising


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I'm currently trying to complete as many squares in Paletena's treasure hunt as I can - 97/120 done so far!
I'm currently at 68/120 on Palutena's treasure hunt, and now...


35/120 on Viridi's treasure hunt, which just appeared on my game.


All 35 of those unlocked at once, *ping!* *ping!* *ping!* *ping!* *ping!* *ping!* *ping!* *ping!* *ping!* etc... :laughing:

Man, I love that. :hehe:


I'm quite tempted to jump on the Kid Icarus bandwagon soon as Zavvi have sent me a code for 10% off my next purchase before the end of the month.. and this might be it :heh:
Quite tempted?... Might be it?... Hmm... :nono:

Trust me, you need this game! And you need it NOW! ;)


Holy shit! Weapons are bloody expensive!


I've only managed to accrue 15,000 hearts so far, and my average intensity is about 5.0 (though I do find myself whacking it up to 6 and finishing myself a lot!)


It's not just me who finds weapons ludicrously expensive is it?

Well, you do get the occasional weapon appear for a few hundred hearts, although obviously they're low rank. :blank:

Sometimes there's a SALE on certain stuff too. :D

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How important are weapons?

VERY. Depending on the strength/level of your weapon, it can help make things easier in the SOLO mode and most importantly, allow you to compete online.


@Ike I've been suffering from the same thing, but it just recently shifted to "Paluten's Return' theme...AWESOME!

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So I finished chapter 9 earlier...


LOL at the end credits being ripped up by Hades.

:D I have to say though that the level itself was far too long. I would have been happy to end the game at that point, as I feel the levels, as pretty as they are, are starting to become alot more drawn out and tiresome.


I thought I was making real progress with the treasures only to find another set has been unlocked. :(


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This game is so good. I wish the flying sections were much longer, though I am enjoying the on foot stuff a lot more and can control it much more easily. Also wish the game gave more hearts out, weapons are so expensive!


Awesome though. Need to play more multiplayer!

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Someones 3DS screen-protector after playing Uprising...

What kind of screw-driver of a stylus were they using? besides, how hard are they pressing down on the screen?

Screen protectors aren't as good as the actual touch screen.

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There is a connection to be made in that picture:






HA, so true


Trying to decide whether or not to purchase this game. I hear good things but I'm unsure :s


I think it's the best game on the 3DS at the moment.

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Trying to decide whether or not to purchase this game. I hear good things but I'm unsure :s


Buy it! It's seriously very good.


Changed the controls so up on the d-pad re-centres the camera, much better than R.

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Wasn't at ASDA or Morrison on Friday either. Looks like you need to be at HMV, Argos, Smyths or Toys R Us' to take advantage of that impulse! Seeing as not a lof of places seemed to have it in stock over the weekend, the game did quite well to reach #7 in the All-Formats charts.



I've reached Chapter 15, but I've acquired some new stronger weapons so I've just been replaying stages on a higher difficulty these past few days. Dabbled with the online mode for 20 minutes or so, but I'm finding that a bit dull compared to the exciting single player mode. Maybe it'll improve when I join N-E guys from my roster online.

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I thought I was making real progress with the treasures only to find another set has been unlocked.

What's with the sad face? :heh: That's a good thing! I was well happy when I discovered that. :hehe:

Plus, aren't you really into the whole "achievements" thing? You should be using this smiley! > :yay:


Dabbled with the online mode for 20 minutes or so, but I'm finding that a bit dull compared to the exciting single player mode. Maybe it'll improve when I join N-E guys from my roster online.
Dull?... Are you serious!? :o

The multiplayer on this has got to be the most frantic, action-packed and downright exciting vs game since... well, Smash Bros! :D

It's completely hyperactive!! :bouncy:


Let's get a 6 player free-for-all game going on the small arena sometime... you won't be thinking it's dull then, trust me. ;)

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The multiplayer on this has got to be the most frantic, action-packed and downright exciting vs game since... well, Smash Bros! :D

It's completely hyperactive!! :bouncy:


Let's get a 6 player free-for-all game going on the small arena sometime... you won't be thinking it's dull then, trust me. ;)


I'm not a fan of the multiplayer. I played a couple of matches the other day and was matched with players who had far superior weapons and powers than me. I got butchered instantly and when I did hit them it was taking next to nothing off them.


It kinda reminds me of CoD. That has no ranking matchmaking system and if you don't play it all the time, you get left behind and then destroyed the next time you jump into it.


I hav yet to pass stage 12 in single player mode. I spent alot of time yesterday just trying to unlock various treasures.

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Just beat the game! :yay:

Was going to leave the last few chapters for tomorrow, but it all becomes so unbelievably amazing towards the end, that I simply couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next! :bouncy:


Some really unexpected and very cool stuff throughout the later half of the game...


...The mental sci-fi stuff, playing as a little girl/dog/Magnus,

:laughing: all of the new characters that get introduced, the plot twists, etc... Sooooo much going on! :o


And now there's even more treasures to uncover, with Hades's Treasure Hunt! Plus a boss rush stage! :awesome:

...This game just keeps on giving! :D


Time to play through again and complete all chapters on intensity 9.0! :heh:



@Mike (or anyone else that's completed the game), how are you doing with the...

...various treasure hunts now?


My progress:


Palutena's - 75/120

Viridi's - 51/120

Hades's - 20/120


I wonder if there's a nice reward for completing them all. :hehe:


Edited by RedShell
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How do you deal with the jelly things in the air sections? They always get me. Are you not supposed to shoot them and just dodge? They don't seem to die.


I am getting better at the land parts. Still finding it hard when i have to watch my footing. It is far too easy to fall off platforms etc when dodging attacks, it is pretty annoying. Also find it hard when enemies are all around me not just accross the room. I am getting better at timing the dodges but that is pretty impossible when attacks are coming from all directions. I still find the powers useless and i can never use them, apart from health recovery as i can do that when i have a breather.


I usually try with intensity on 6 which i can do most of the time, but sometimes i get knocked down to 5 when i die. I did chapter 9 last night which was pretty cool. I suppose the most important thing is that i am enjoying it, which i still am!

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