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Ok so this isn't the normal masturbation thread, in fact quite the opposite. I've decided to see how long I can go without masturbating. I was wondering if anyone here would like to give it a go as well. We could see who can go the longest. (Obviously we can't prove whether somebody has or hasn't so we'll just have to rely on honesty.)


Who's with me?

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Fucker, stole the joke I was gonna do.


Well, y'know... great minds and all that dewd. :D




Btw, you do all realise that if *Coolness decides to take on this 'challenge' he'll win hands down - no pun intended - unless he has finally sucumed too. :laughing:


*Just remembering from the last masturbation thread where I'm sure he revealed that he'd never masturbated before, btw no disrespect Coolness, quite the opposite! :) I don't know you do it! or rather 'don't'.

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Is it just me or do we have a thread like this at least once every year?



Plus if it was a contest, Coolness would win anyway. Or me. =P


Don't forget me. 20 years and um...However many days it's been since my birthday and my record of this topic is still clean.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Is it just me or do we have a thread like this at least once every year?



Plus if it was a contest, Coolness would win anyway. Or me. =P


Not only that but we've also had this very challenge before.


You'll are more obsessed with masturbation than Kinsey.

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Is it just me or do we have a thread like this at least once every year?



Plus if it was a contest, Coolness would win anyway. Or me. =P


It's not you, it IS every damn year.



I would take up the challenge if someone else did it for me, or I had the libido of an ice cube.


Don't forget me. 20 years and um...However many days it's been since my birthday and my record of this topic is still clean.


Jesus, why haven't even tried it?

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Holy shit, talk about a thread appearing at the right time, I met up with a friend of mine who is built like a tank. Basically I asked him what funny ways went though when getting to where to where he is now. He said one time he didn't go for a week, then he watch a porno for an hour and right after hit the weights, he said he never lifted as many as he did on that day :laughing:

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I'm afraid I just lost. :(




...just kidding. :D


Don't forget me. 20 years and um...However many days it's been since my birthday and my record of this topic is still clean.


Aww, no Emerald Emblem you beat me by a year, stupid youthfulness bears. :)


I should still win for being SPICIER, lets be honest. :heh:


Looking at your MAL you've watched a lot of the same anime as me.


I think the main thing is that I find Nudity hilarious. :laughing:

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Incidentally I was going to post something in the sexuality thread, but I might as well say it here:


The only other gay guy in my year at college (apart from the creepy/rapey PPE guy who I see at clubs all the time, who's asked me not to out him to anyone) keeps making really inappropriate anal sex/ anal masturbation jokes and comments.


There just seems something wrong about discussing dildos over lunch. And for some reason the fact he's so flambouyant/camp takes away any sexiness from the whole affair.

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