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E3 wii speculation thread 2010 edition


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Not long to go now - World up and Galaxy will keep me occupied. Also sorted out my meeting on Tuesday so I'm definitely going to be here for it! Can't wait! Would love Nintendo to just blow us all away... Just got this niggle that, as usual lately, we may end up being disappointed. Primarily because Nintendo can only release so much this year, and they don't like to spunk their load too early!


Realistically I just want Zelda to look mind blowing and come out this year, same with the 3ds. I'll be happy with that.


If they showed a couple of other games - boring to say, but a couple of their franchise games like Pikmin, Pilotwings, FZero, Starfox...the text book ones!! If Retro had a new IP... then that would be awesome!

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Chris Kohler confirms usual evening roundtable


Nintendo has its annual evening developer roundtable at 6 PM on Tuesday. Something usually happens here: Smash Bros. reveal in 2006, impromptu Pikmin announcement in 2008, Legend of Zelda reveal in 2009. Doesn't mean any big news will happen this time, but there will be liveblogs so it's worth noting.


That'll be 2am, so they can just about fuck off.

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Oh, I can't explain how much I love Cammie. She makes me laugh so much, her and that bad wrist. I actually hope she's like that again this year, instead of that lifeless drone she turned into last year!

And woah, that professional drummer, I remember thinking it was bad at the time but looking back it's even worse than I remember!

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My ideal E3 Zelda reveal:


Reggie: "And before we go, I have one more surprise for you al..."

*Aonuma walks on stage*

Aonuma: "Fuck off, Reggie. Ok, bitches; I don't like you, and you don't like me."

Crowd: "We like you..."

Aonuma: "Well, I still don't like you. Anyway. Lets talk Zelda."

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What is realistic:


- Zelda trailer/demonstration with an ambigous "Winter" release date

- Metroid: Other M playable on the show floor

- Wii Party playable

- Vitality Sensor with game(s)

- US version of Xenoblade, release date announced

- Another 2D platformer after NSMB's success, probably Kirby Wii

- Pikmin 3 short demonstration, out next year

- 2 Nintendo-made WiiWare titles shown

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What is realistic:


- Zelda trailer/demonstration with an ambigous "Winter" release date

- Metroid: Other M playable on the show floor

- Wii Party playable

- Vitality Sensor with game(s)

- US version of Xenoblade, release date announced

- Another 2D platformer after NSMB's success, probably Kirby Wii

- Pikmin 3 short demonstration, out next year

- 2 Nintendo-made WiiWare titles shown


Add to that list the 3DS and anyone expecting anything more would just be daft.

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- Zelda Wii shown..quite a long trailer..Link will fly! Christmas 2010 release.

- 3DS unveiled..Paper Mario 3D and Animal Crossing 3D will be first-party launch titles. March 2011 release in Europe..Europeans get annoyed as both America and Japan will see it in 2010.

- Vitality Sensor and Wii Relax shown

- Mario Kart Wii 2

- Luigis Mansion 2 (Uses Vitality Sensor)

- Kirby Wii (Uses Vitality Sensor)

- Pikmin 3


I wanna add that my prediction of what the 3DS will look like will be chrome (really posh silver) and black!


Also Hotel Dusk 2 will now be a 3DS launch title.


Starfox or F-Zero will also be unveiled..although i reckon Starfox will be for Wii and F-Zero will be 3DS.

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I don't think they would use chrome on a handheld. Fingerprints would be a major issue. I think we're more likely to see something more like the original DS, but in the shape of the DSi.


Yeah i meant Chrome coloured! Not actual Chrome..i liked the original DS colour myself. :D

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