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Top ten necessary sequels

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- Banjo Threeie (I agree):

Haven't played Nuts & Bolts, but it doesn't seem like something I'd want from a Banjo Kazooie game. I've wanted one since Tooie. If they ever make one, I'll finally buy an X-Box (but strangely enough I've already got my gamertag ready :P)


Give Nuts & Bolts a try. It's an epicly underrated game. Although it's not a full on old-school 3D platformer it's all old school Banjo in spirit.

Edited by SPAMBOT4000
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Aww yeah I'd love that. I'm quite surprised it never got a sequel back in the day actually as it was awesome. I'd also love a modern update to Dungeon Keeper. That game rocked.


There is a board game based off that now. It's quite fun actually.

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Just been trying (and failing) to play Theme Hospital again and its got me thinking that thats one id love to see a sequel to. I always found it one of the more fun Theme games.


Hell yes, this game was sweet. I'd love a sequel as well.


BTW Transport Tycoon Deluxe should have a sequel too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, I've tried that and some of the other Snes titles, but VC probably won't work with the cables I have...


Have you tried the Z + A + 2 trick from the Operations Guide of the game?

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Never heard of that, what does it do?


The cable I have connects to my monitor, since I didn't want to buy a tv and pay for the programming. Works fine, but only supports the 480p mode. Thus can't play PAL GC games, VC games (or so I've heard, haven't tested...), or Wii games that are not EDTV/HDTV compatible.


Well, maybe I get a tv that has a vga connection someday...


If you go to the operations manual of a game that's not working and press those buttons then it will turn on the Component Cable Fix. Although I'm not sure if it will work for your set-up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooooh, good thread.


I cry myself to sleep at night wishing for....


A sequel to Body Harvest (N64) - that game despite all its faults rocked serious ass!


A new entry in the Goemon series - if they were to take a leaf out of Super Mario Bros. Wii's book and essentially make a newer version of Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon (N64) The 2D level structure, with the 3D towns and RPG/quest elements was awesome. And the original did have a secret 4 player mode!


I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any others at the moment!

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Glad to see a few people not clambering for a new Kid Icarus. I never liked the original two and I'm in no rush for a sequel- I always thought I was alone in this! I really don't know why everyone else is as imo, it would really need revamped cos its just that shallow. There was never a Kid Icarus Snes or N64 game for a reason so lets let sleeping dogs lie.


I think there are several reasons.


First and most obvious, it would be refreshing to see a new big budget Nintendo game besides the obligatory Mario, Zelda and Metroid games that are rapidly coming out every X years. With 3 main Mario titles, and a second Metroid and Zelda title coming up, they are getting a bit saturated on the Wii. Kid Icarus on the NES had the same "blockbuster" feeling to it as most other Nintendo series back then, so it would be a logical choice.


Next there is the mythology theme that works really well. It provides a good fundamental base for a bunch of creative and imaginative creatures, stages and characters. It has a lot of potential to grow into an epic, big scaled game.


Furthermore, the original Kid Icarus gathered a cult status of being a very difficult game. A lot of "core" Nintendo gamers are waiting for this kind of difficulty in response to the "casual" line.


Then there's the nostalgia factor. There are always people that have strong feelings for classic titles, and there really is no better fanservice than reviving an old hero. They recently granted this oppertunity to ExciteBike/Truck, Wario Land, Punch-Out and Sin&Punishment, which are great additions to the Wii line-up.


And of course, the original game was a lot of fun in my opinion. It's true that it never reached the greatness of let's say the Zelda series, so it's mostly based on whishful thinking about "what could have been". But then again, the first Metroid game was also very rough around the edges. And that turned out fine.

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Mystical Ninja starring Goemon


Well, a sidescroller would do as well, though I'd prefer a proper 3D title.


The original N64 sequel was so much better than the first 64 one though! Don't get me wrong, the first was pretty good, but the second had so much good stuff in it. Excellent 2.5D levels that were pretty damn tough towards the end and a coop mode that also added something to the gameplay.


I'd much rather they did the sequel as a sidescroller, with the awesome bot fights and more fleshed out town areas as they were a tad limited in MN starring Goemon 2!

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Just been trying (and failing) to play Theme Hospital again and its got me thinking that thats one id love to see a sequel to. I always found it one of the more fun Theme games.


I dunno with bullfrog pretty much gone and the really horrible theme park world I kinda don't want them to mess up theme hospital even if bullfrog come back.

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Yeah, MNSG2 was pretty hard in the later levels, though managed to beat it eventually. The telephone minigame was a pretty clever idea...Konami combining fun and business.


I liked both games, though the first is still the more memorable one to me. The music was great and exploring pseudoancient Japan was just tons of fun. It's one of those special games...so I'd definitely prefer a 3D sequel. Ideally, why not both?


Oooh, a la Mario Galaxy. That'd actually be pretty awesome if they pulled it off. I'd want coop though - although a splitscreen jobby could work for the 3D environments.


My favourite bit about the first game was that awesome Impact song, followed by what was then him rolling across Japan obliterating (seemingly innocent) towns in order to increase his power - legendary, quirky stuff.


Maybe I just have an MN2 addiction? I've completed it about 10 times and it gets more and more fun each time!

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