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3DS Console Discussion


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For those going to a GAME midnight launch or just buying from GAME in general, they handed me a voucher when I traded in a PSP earlier that entitles you to £5 extra value on each DS game traded in against the 3DS. This can be ANY game, the voucher applies to two games but you might be able to get more vouchers.


I heard the warehouse got attacked by terrorists and all orders wont make it for launch.


Less than 24 hours to solve a problem? Nintendo know who to call upon.

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For those going to a GAME midnight launch or just buying from GAME in general, they handed me a voucher when I traded in a PSP earlier that entitles you to £5 extra value on each DS game traded in against the 3DS. This can be ANY game, the voucher applies to two games but you might be able to get more vouchers.




Less than 24 hours to solve a problem? Nintendo know who to call upon.


I don't get what you're saying. How do we get an extra £5 off?! Or is that a general offer and you just got the info after trading PSP?!

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Part of the perk of living in the centre of a city, is that there is always a store that breaks the street date. hence I've been playing with my 3DS for the best part of the day, with SSFIV, Pilotwings, SMB and Ridge Racer.


My first impressions:


3D is really, really impressive, better than I expected. On the other hand is the overall graphical quality somehow less. It still looks great, though. Impressive stuff.


Internet capabilities are vastly improved and seem to be rather fast.


The '3D-bubble' is small indeed and takes some getting used to, but nothing mayor unless you can't sit still while playing.


Buttons are, as usual, great, with the only exeptions the start, select and home-button. They don't feel responsive enough for my taste. The power button stands out, making me mistake is sometimes for the start-button. I'm willing to bet this is one adjustment that will be made in the (inevitable) next iteration.


Don't understand the cradle. Why put the poweradaptor in the cradle and 3DS in the cradle when you can just put the adaptor straight in the 3DS? The only use I see is to place the cradle somewhere permanently so you can simply lay the 3DS in it to charge, but why leave it in the power socket the whole time if you can charge the ol' fashioned way? Am I missing something?


Built-in software is top-notch and extremely fun! Shoot those bloody faces!! =p


Overall I'm very, very impressed, thouigh there is room for improvement in some areas. Roll On 3DS lite! =p


I'll put up my friendscode later.



Oh, and it's best you adjust the 3D-slider for each game individually. With eg. Ridge Racer, I turn the 3D all the way up. With SMB on the other hand, halfway is the best for me. Crank it all the way up, and you've got some 'Super-3D'.


Friendcode: 3179-6048-7944. Always welcome! =)

Edited by Strange Cookie
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Aww crap, just seen an email from Amazon, was sure I cancelled the console from there ._.


EDIT - Seems I pre-ordered two then o_O


Aww shit I did without realizing it :|


Just wait until your ShopTo, GAME, GameStation, HMV, ASDA, Tesco and Zavvi pre-orders come through.

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I'm starting to worry a bit about how this is all gonna go for me tomorrow :hmm:


I have quite a few things I'm waiting on in the post that I expected to be here by now, including CDs and a DVD. There is still no sign of Ridge Racer 3D as part of the ONM Subscription deal despite others receiving it as early as monday having ordered it a day later than me ::shrug:


I haven't had an email from Amazon to say that my Pilotwings Resort is on its way so it's highly likely I won't be playing it tomorrow.. or even this weekend! I may not even have any games to play on my 3DS this weekend if these situations don't change :hmm:


I can only hope the 3DS itself actually comes. I checked on the Parcel Force site there and all it says under status is 'Express 24', whatever that means..


My 3DS excitement had been building this week but I have this feeling inside that tomorrow will not go smoothly :eek:

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I'm starting to worry a bit about how this is all gonna go for me tomorrow :hmm:


I have quite a few things I'm waiting on in the post that I expected to be here by now, including CDs and a DVD. There is still no sign of Ridge Racer 3D as part of the ONM Subscription deal despite others receiving it as early as monday having ordered it a day later than me ::shrug:


I haven't had an email from Amazon to say that my Pilotwings Resort is on its way so it's highly likely I won't be playing it tomorrow.. or even this weekend! I may not even have any games to play on my 3DS this weekend if these situations don't change :hmm:


I can only hope the 3DS itself actually comes. I checked on the Parcel Force site there and all it says under status is 'Express 24', whatever that means..


My 3DS excitement had been building this week but I have this feeling inside that tomorrow will not go smoothly :eek:

My parcel force thing is like that too, as is my friend's. Don't worry

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Daftada and Anares11, consider yourselves added! Moehahahaha etc! =p


Just went for a walk in the city (on thursdaynight, shops close at 8 in the evening), and I was surprised with the amount of stores that broke the street date. I think you can get 3DS'es in about every store that sells games. Nintendo is not going to be happy. Gamers on the other hand. ;)


While I was out, bought Nintendogs + cats... you know... for, errrr, the missus? And I have to test it? Intensely? :indeed:

Edited by Strange Cookie
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