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Ashley tested it himself with stuff on full and it was 4 hours. I trust Ashley more than IGN because I've known him for like 8 years and IGN have been known to exaggerate issues.


So with brightness max, WIFI on, 3D max etc you get 4 hours of playing a retail game?


If that's the case I'm extremely happy but it does go against all the other reviews I've read.

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Going by the 10/10 score, the system is "perfect".


Even though it has many cool features, there seems to be SO much that could have been improved on. Battery, camera, touch screen, design, the "sweet spot". The system just feels a little rushed IMO.


As for the battery life, here are some users of the 3DSforums who have done battery tests with their Japanese 3DS:


Nintendogs + cats = 3D off, Wireless off, Volume off, Brightness 1/5 = 4.5 hours


Street Fighter IV 3DS = 3D on, Wireless off, Volume at 40%, Brightness 4/5 = 3hr 20mins. And this was having it on standby without actually playing the game.


Street Fighter IV 3DS = 3D on, Wireless on, Volume at 50%, Brightness 5/5 = 1hr 58mins.


Going by those last two, it seems that it's mainly the Wireless that takes it up the ass.


Personally, I'm not expecting "perfect", but for a handheld at that price I'd expect a little more.


Hopefully these improvements will come with model 2, which is what I'm going to wait for.

Edited by or else you will DIE
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Also, what's wrong with the touchscreen?


Like with the rest of the system, there is nothing really wrong with it, it's just another feature that could have been improved on. How? Having it be more responsive to fingers would be nice. Having multi touch would be nice. I'm not saying get rid of the stylus, but why can't we have both accuracy AND sensitivity?


With the popularity and possibilities of say, the iPhone, the touch screen of the DS/3DS just feels limited and, well, dated.

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I'm sorry but that is total rubbish, it's been physically proven in tests that the iPhone has the most accurate touch screen that's ever been shipped.


Also going by the posts just above it looks like with the brightness half way, 3D on and WIFI on were going to get around 2-3 hours use. Which is exactly what I said months ago.


As much as I love the console, that battery life is shit.

Edited by Caris
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Had a phone call from my local Gamestation.


Everyone who's pre-ordered through the store will get their 3DS. :)


Also, they're doing a midnight launch event and everyone who attends will have their name put in a draw, with the winner getting their 3DS free! I asked how many they were expecting and was told that, so far, only 13 people had confirmed - that's huge odds for getting a free console. Wasn't originally going to go, but this may just have persuaded me.


Plus if I get it at midnight, there's more chance me being one of the first 3000 to register and getting the free T-Shirt.

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I'm sorry but that is total rubbish, it's been physically proven in tests that the iPhone has the most accurate touch screen that's ever been shipped.


Wanted to pick up on this. The 'studies' I could find only tested other smartphones (HTCs, etc.) and didn't look at anything else so that's not a claim you can accurately claim.


Similarly, they're not real studies. A true study requires some form of statistical analysis of empirical data to determine whether there is a significant improvement of one item over another in a comparison and the ones I found were conducted simply by people who had access to the devices and thought they'd test out the touch screen responsiveness.


I'm not saying it isn't the most responsive, although my very brief experience has shown there is a slight delay between the press and the action being carried out with an iPhone, but what you're stating hasn't been shown in independent, peer reviewed research. That's all.


I do agree, though, that they could have and perhaps should have improved the touch screen this time around for multitouch as it wouldn't have added much to the cost of the unit.

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I'll try and find the article I read, it was a while back now though.


The best I could find is this, which isn't exactly great scientific study into it.


It also doesn't apply to the kind of screen used in the 3DS as the 3DS needs the stylus (which probably makes it way more accurate than the big fat blob you use on the iPhone touch screen).

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It'll probably just be sitting in another building until Thursday anyway :P

Still, I'd like it to say "Shipped"


I worry the email is something important and I accidentally deleted the thing that means I get my 3DS lol


Has anyone elses from GAME not had theirs dispatched yet? If this is an issue on my end, I need to get it sorted. A friend who ordered after me having it "dispatched" already and mine sitting on "Order Committed" irks me

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Still, I'd like it to say "Shipped"


I worry the email is something important and I accidentally deleted the thing that means I get my 3DS lol


Has anyone elses from GAME not had theirs dispatched yet? If this is an issue on my end, I need to get it sorted. A friend who ordered after me having it "dispatched" already and mine sitting on "Order Committed" irks me


I got an email saying my 3DS has been dispatched! YEY!! Here's hoping for a nice surprise Wednesday or Thursday... Where was it said they would be help with the courier?

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