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3DS Console Discussion


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Indeed, seeing these screenshots has really given me a lot of hope for what to expect on the 3DS. Before these shots, I was admittedly slightly skeptical about how 3D would look like in a proper game (I didn't buy any 3DS games yet, nor have I seen any in action) but now I can see how amazing games look and how much of a difference it makes.


While looking at them in glorious 3D I decided to see how much of a difference it would make if I set it to 2D, and the difference is like day and night. The 3D effect is so subtle and flawless that once you put it back in boring 2D it is really shocking how much of a difference there really is.


The Super Mario Galaxy and Wind Waker ones were by far my favorites of the ones I downloaded, and I'm very excited at the prospect of seeing stuff like that in motion :)

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Just looking at those pics, especially Wind Waker. All I have to say to Nintendo is after OOT remake, no more Zelda remakes! Just give a brand new game with Wind Waker graphics. Playing a game that looks like I am watching a cartoon but in 3D...*drools*


I think, and hope, that Nintendo go the cel-shaded route for Zelda on the 3DS. I'm sure they could try something more realistic but lets be honest, it won't come off nearly as well as a cel-shaded, Wind Waker look. And the 3D would definitely 'pop' more with cel-shading.

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There is nothing I'm looking forward to more on the 3DS than the first new Zelda, and let's hope it's cel-shaded. I never used to agree with the "keep Toon Link on handhelds" school of thought because I want to see it on consoles too, but now we've got a machine as good as the 3DS, we might get a worthy sequel to Wind Waker.

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I think, and hope, that Nintendo go the cel-shaded route for Zelda on the 3DS. I'm sure they could try something more realistic but lets be honest, it won't come off nearly as well as a cel-shaded, Wind Waker look. And the 3D would definitely 'pop' more with cel-shading.


I don't mind cel-shaded graphics... but it was the style that grated - the chibi look and use of colours just didn't feel like a great match for the Zelda world. It wouldn't have been as bad if the in game Link actually looked like his artwork. Why they couldn't have made Hyrule and it's inhabitants look like the art work they already had from existing games, I don't know. Something done in the style of the MM artwork, with it's striking colours, would be so much more interesting visually.

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I hate to be the doubter, but do we know if the 3DS could actually run those games? Just saying. :heh:


No the 3DS most likely can't run the games, but that's not the point really. The point is to just sell the 3D effect and give 3DS owners something more to play with on their shiny new toy because right now there's not much to do with it other than street pass stuff AR games, and DS games. Still a lovely system though :D

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Grr. For some reason, I can't unzip these files. Would someone kindly post a select few here, or email some to me?



Most frustrated.


They're just RAR files and should be no problem at all to open. What OS are you on? If Windows try WinRAR and on OS X you can use The Unarchiver.

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Grr. For some reason, I can't unzip these files. Would someone kindly post a select few here, or email some to me?



Most frustrated.


I've done the Wind Waker ones, so PM me your email if you want them.


It is not the simplest thing to do, I admit. If you try to open them, you'll get the option of searching the web for a program. I chose WinZip. Once you've got that set up, put all the files in there, select them all and unzip them. Like I say though, you're welcome to any that I do.

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Tomorrow, I think. Whether that means from midnight tonight or midnight on Tuesday itself (meaning the news will come Wednesday) I'm not sure.


It does look like there is something 3DS related coming.


Although with that poster which looks Monster Hunter related, don't forget Capcom also have Monster Hunter Frontier on the 360 (and PS3 maybe, I don't remember) so it could easily have been an announcement of a localisation for that.


Edit: It's embargoed until 8am PST (4pm GMT) to be exact.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Although with that poster which looks Monster Hunter related, don't forget Capcom also have Monster Hunter Frontier on the 360 (and PS3 maybe, I don't remember) so it could easily have been an announcement of a localisation for that.


Yeah, its for the 360 and I would kill for it to come over to the west, but I doubt it will happen. The most likely announcement regarding MH is a 3DS version of Portable 3, most likely a G version or the announcement of the original Portable 3 getting a western release on the PSP.

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Nintendo 3DS Sales Have 'Slowed Considerably' Since Launch


Nintendo certainly got off to a decent start with the new 3DS, proclaiming that it was instantly the best launch for any of its handhelds in history. Initial sales were strong (upwards of 750k in America in 5 days) [Note: This statement refers to analyst estimates of between 500-750k units in the five day launch window.], but analysts are beginning to wonder if the 3D portable has the same kind of staying power as previous Nintendo devices.


A new industry note from Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian points out that 3DS is already slowing down. "Based on our recent checks, we believe that sales of the 3DS have slowed considerably since the initial launch window, although the Easter holiday could provide a near-term boost," he commented.


Sebastian also remarked that Nintendo is likely going to have to make a move to give the Wii, which has been fading, some extra buzz. "Looking further ahead, we believe that Nintendo is likely to consider additional console price/bundle offerings in order to stimulate Wii sales into the summer months," he said.

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That and actually dealing with the accusations from The Sun, they need to sort that out and soon. With a public apology for false claims.


Because that's going to have an impact on the more casual gamers who will believe what the stuff The Sun said and not know any better, that crowd that Nintendo drew in with the DS, it will end up being crippled.


People are already turned off/returning 3DS's because of that and their stupid closed mindedness from what they read.

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