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From the latest issue of N-Gamer page 58




Sad news: pictochat is dead good nes: it's been replaced with a true online chat forum, messaging gives you the same capabilitites as Pictochat only this time you communicate with online friends


I take it they know it's coming in a future update?


Interesting. Been playing my 3DS for around 3 hours and my red light was blinking (boo!) somi thought I'd turn the brightness down. When I did, everything (bizarrely) seemed more vivid and I could see the 3D more clearly! Anyone else found this?


What a difference a day makes. I absolutely love my 3DS now. It's easily the best thing I've bought since the GameCube.


I took it out with me, did 9,030 steps, went into all the game shops and received... one Mii! One thing though. Maybe I'm being really, really stupid, but how do I use her in the "Quest" RPG? At the moment I can only hire cats, but they're not much good. Meanwhile, there's Kerry in my Plaza and I can't use her. I want to know what her yellow t-shirt does! I hope she's using my ice attack!


Do you have to actually pass people or is enough to pass someone's house? There's no way in hell I will walk next to someone else carrying their 3DS in this "city".


Got 5000 steps when I walked with it, but because it was in my "satchel"(online dictionary) it doesn't count the steps probably, should have been close to 10000 according to the Pokemon pedometer.



People seem to be forgetting that the slider sorts it for your eyes and seem to be pumping it to maximum and complaining


True, if I'd play on max-3D, I'd be blind right now. It's too much strain. Halfway, and it's just perfect. The slider is there for a reason, after all. There is such a thing as too much 3D. Crank it all the way up in Monkey Ball 3D, and you've got some über-3D that feels very disoriëntating.


Batterylife is a bit feeble, though. It's true: charging lasts about as long as playing. =p You can charge while playing, though.

Do you have to actually pass people or is enough to pass someone's house? There's no way in hell I will walk next to someone else carrying their 3DS in this "city".


I don't know, to be honest. I would assume the range is as good as when you try to find a Wi-Fi point for the internet, in which case, both my DSi XL and 3DS easily found a few of the neighbours' hubs (eg. 30m away and through walls).


Nando - I noticed you said that if you move your glasses, the effect is better. Have you tried playing without your glasses? When I first tried the 3DS at the London event, I couldn't get the 3D at all, just horrid double vision. I took my glasses off and everything fell immediately into place and look great.


Also, as my wife is always commenting, if anyone has got a squint, the chances are they won't be able to see the 3D at all.

Do you have to actually pass people or is enough to pass someone's house?


I don't know about the distance. I've tried the Street Pass feature with my mother's 3DS and it took very long to work properly. We've placed our handhelds next to each other and after 3 or 4 minutes the green indicator flashed...it took way too long. With this I actually can't think of it working on the streets...


I am getting a few problems with the console freezing... it did it a lot on the Friends List area...


Me too. As I've said it always freezes after I've played Face Raiders.

I don't know about the distance. I've tried the Street Pass feature with my mother's 3DS and it took very long to work properly. We've placed our handhelds next to each other and after 3 or 4 minutes the green indicator flashed...it took way too long. With this I actually can't think of it working on the streets...




Me too. As I've said it always freezes after I've played Face Raiders.


Surely it won't take that long. Maybe it just took that long for the indicator to flash!


Dunno, can be all sorts of reasons. Same as the notification for friends online, even if you're both online, it won't show right away that the other person is on.


Plus it's standard knowledge that it happens quickly, not waiting 3/4 minutes.


I've just been out for a walk, thinking I could earn more coins (but it's max 10 per day - doh!) At the halfway point, I opened my 3DS and it had the green "StreetPass" logo instead of "Internet". However, when I got home I didn't have any new Miis. Hmm... maybe it does take a few minutes and I should have stood around a bit longer.

I opened my 3DS and it had the green "StreetPass" logo instead of "Internet".


That just means that StreetPass is turned on.


Just been in central london - Street Pass'd successfully with 6 different people :o


Maybe it will actually catch on on the 3DS unlike the DS.


When I popped to Oxford Street last weekend I got StreetPassed by a few stores. I only flew in and out of HMV so it must be fairly swift.


Anyway I used some of y'all launch stories in this feature here: http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=15184


If anyone wants theirs removed let me know.


Cheers for the help (unwittingly or otherwise :p)


I went into Soho in central London last night and didn't StreetPass with anyone. Am slightly sad about it but I guess most of the people that bought one weren't out on Friday night ::shrug:


Did you have wireless turned on? Yes, I'm making you out to be an idiot :p


I hear there's a StreetPass meet up at St Pancreas tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm in Essex.

Yeah i did you cheeky bastard :p


Hit up St Pancras at 12pm ish? Everyone with a console was probably at home playing with it.


Are you people using the cradle or plugging it straight into the mains?


I'm using the cradle.


I'm making it a habit, to use the cradle as much as possible.


I'm also using the sleep mode function, too. I mean that's what it's there for.

Are you people using the cradle or plugging it straight into the mains?


Cradle all the way.



Anybody got a nice 3DS bag? I'm wondering if someone can recommend me one.

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