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3DS Console Discussion


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Okay, so mine should be here tomorrow. I haven't got a micro sd - argh!! Not prepared! I'll order one now. Any bargains ou there?!


Any reason this would be a bad one to buy? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kingston-Technology-microSDHC-Class-adapter/dp/B00519BEQY/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1420760955&sr=8-5&keywords=MicroSDHC+with+adaptor


Lastly, what did people's delivery say? Ordered mine at 9am. Still awaiting stock pick? Could it still be delivered tomorrow?


I've never heard of Kingston. I'd always go with SanDisk or someone like that personally. I'd hate for my memory card to corrupt or something, but that's only because virtually my WHOLE library is downloaded.


Doesn't seem to be any reason why it wouldn't work / be a decent choice, but the worrier in me wouldn't buy it personally. :heh:

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I managed to log in too, but really don't know if I want one. £180 is a steep price, my normal 3DS is perfectly fine for now, and I'd prefer a different colour to white!


But the collector inside of me says snap it up!

I'm going to need a N3DS for capture device purposes down the line anyway so I went for it. When capture devices are made available for it, I'll use this one.

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I managed to log in too, but really don't know if I want one. £180 is a steep price, my normal 3DS is perfectly fine for now, and I'd prefer a different colour to white!


But the collector inside of me says snap it up!


Thats exactly my problem, the only benefit to the non XL is the snes buttons....

I think i'm going to leave it, my only other recourse is to scalp it on ebay, and they aren't selling for enough for me to want to sacrifice some morals and £180 for a week or so

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I'm too attached to my sexy Aqua Blue console!


I actually like the white more than the black; I think it goes better with the faceplates, but I would prefer a different colour! But will they introduce new colours, or stick to the black/white and just bring out new faceplates?


In the past, I've actually tended to not upgrade at all - never got a DSLite or DSi, my last "upgrade" was the NES GBA SP. But if this is getting enhanced/exclusive games, I'll have to make the jump at some point. I just can see it being quite a bit cheaper on general sale, and seeing that I'm leaving my job and moving out in the next few weeks, I should probably be saving my money!

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@S\.C\.G - did you get one or did you want to take advantage of the email I got?


I've decided not to go for it, sadly, so am happy to help you out if you didn't receive one.


: peace:


I didn't get one in the second wave either sadly. :(


So yes please, I'd be happy to buy one via your promotional offer if that's OK? :)


Will send you a PM in a bit, thanks again Aneres. :D

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My brother got the email and has made his purchase today, sadly no email for me :( however, he did send me a text asking if anyone here would be interested in it, probably with a mark up equivalent to ebay prices etc, and I said I'd put feelers out, so @yesteryeargamer @Goron_3 and anyone else interested in the ambassador console I'll keep you in the know should my brother decides he actively wants to sell on :)

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Does anyone know the name of a racing arcade game for 3ds,


All I remeber is that it was similar to crazy taxi with arrows you had to follow, it was set in a city and it was a retail release a couple of years ago , I remember onm saying it was a short but fun game .

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Does anyone know the name of a racing arcade game for 3ds,


All I remeber is that it was similar to crazy taxi with arrows you had to follow, it was set in a city and it was a retail release a couple of years ago , I remember onm saying it was a short but fun game .


You're probably thinking of Crash City Mayhem (AKA Runabout 3DS).

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Hmm so I've been trying to transfer across from my normal sized 32GB SD card to my new micro SD card, moved everything across to the desktop as usual, moved it to the new card completely unchanged, it was going well until it sad that a certain app file couldn't be copied totalling 1.74GB... is this normal? :confused:


Perhaps it's a downloadable game I thought? Do those not transfer between SD cards? The notable larger titles I have would be DKCR:3D and SMTIV but nothing on the downloadable retail title side apart from those... oh and Kirby of course.


Was just curious, trying it again from scratch now to see if it was a one-off but it would be nice to know if there's something I'm doing wrong, this was supposed to be a simple process. :indeed:

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