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3DS Console Discussion


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One thing I thought of yesterday was if you carry your 3DS around with you, and you want to show it to others, what would be a good way to actually demonstrate it? I mean if you're out, no AR cards, Face Raiders is fun but doesn't really show 3D, and the game you have with you might not be interesting to them.


But if you have like demos as a different apps, even if it's for a limited time, you essentially have a handy promotion device to display to friends/family and cater to different tastes. It can only be good to convince nay sayers.


That can be one of my dreams from E3 :heh:

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Even though we have details now, anyone feel that they're holding back something? I mean we are getting this on the day that their conference is on. That can't be a coincedence surely?


Give downloadable demos, so when you close the 3DS in sleep mode the stuff you're downloading will keep doing so till it's done and notify you via LED.


Either demos or trailers will be free to download through the eShop.


They'll probably announce something like that at their press conference, no doubt about it.



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Either demos or trailers will be free to download through the eShop.


Why would Capcom have to package a RE:Revelations Demo with RE:Mercenaries, if Nintendo would allow retail game demos anytime soon in their shop?


No demos.

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Why would Capcom have to package a RE:Revelations Demo with RE:Mercenaries, if Nintendo would allow retail game demos anytime soon in their shop?


No demos.


Not necessarily. Every chance they're not/weren't aware of it when they decided to pack a demo all those months ago. And if they went back on it for a reason they can't state, it would just anger fans who could boycott the title. Especially with the update getting a release the same time as Mercenaries in Japan. The game would be near done if they ended up finding out so no point removing.


Also it directly gives the user a demo of a big upcoming title, and extra promotion is good promotion. I'm sure devs won't have a problem packing in an extra demo if it means more awareness of the title. There are other reasons, but won't bother with those.


Point of the post is, just because there is a single demo for one 3rd party game, doesn't mean that Nintendo won't have some sort of demo service.

Edited by ShadowV7
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Mother fuckers! Gimped browser incoming.


It's effectively a 400x240 screen + maybe the lower screen. It's a device with less RAM than your average PC browser eats up once you've got several tabs open and it's simply not a powerful device, even by mobile standards.


What kind of browsing experience where you expecting? What made you think it'd ever be a comfortable surfing device?



@Retro_Link / ShadowV7


Yes, there could be all kinds of reasons why Capcom would put a demo into their retail game in addition to a demo they'd eventually make available over the eshop. The absence of retail game demos from the eShop is one of them and going by Nintendo's history a likely one. I just wouldn't hold my breath for retail game demos, while demos for downloadable games might be a different story.


As for releasing E3 demos, I'd say there is no hope whatsoever, no matter what company. Those demos often enough show later parts of the game or parts that might not end up being in the game at all (see Skyward Sword), that a developer wouldn't want to be in a demo.

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It's effectively a 400x240 screen + maybe the lower screen. It's a device with less RAM than your average PC browser eats up once you've got several tabs open and it's simply not a powerful device, even by mobile standards.


What kind of browsing experience where you expecting? What made you think it'd ever be a comfortable surfing device?


Flash I had severe doubts about being included in the browser any way, but no HTML5? Way to miss out on the ability to watch 3D youtube video's.


I wasn't expecting any comfortable experience, I've gone through smart phones and I know that it's severely difficult to maintain one on a portable device. But no HTML5? Eugh, they may as well have just ported the DSi web browser.


So still no mention of them implementing a friend list messaging system or game invites.




It's Nintendo, they don't understand this whole online thing. They would sooner bundle carrier pigeons with their handhelds.

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Yep, a youtube app is the mostly likely eventuality, like the Netflix channel announced for the US.


Straight ports i think if they're on the Virtual Console or 3D if part of the '3D Classics' range.


What a rip off, I would money down on titles getting re-released again as 3D classics later down the line and forcing you to cough up twice.

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OK, let's look at how much RAM Nintendo's three web-browsing machines have:


Wii - 88 MB main memory (24 MB "internal" 1T-SRAM integrated into graphics package, 64 MB "external" GDDR3 SDRAM)[118]

3 MB embedded GPU texture memory and framebuffer.

DSi - 16 MB

3DS - 128MB





The Wii specs are complicated, but if you add it up it doesn't massively surpass the 3DS (and that's if the browser can draw from it all).


I'm a huge fan of the 3DS but if the browser doesn't have Flash, that will be a disappointment. The Wii has a fairly decent web browser (the main limitation is the resolution), whereas the DSi is puny and can't even view YouTube but is arguably better for reading text. So, I had hopes that the 3DS would outclass them both.


As others have said the 3DS may be able to access YouTube via an app. If this is the case, I'm sure it'll run fine, as the Wii does, it's just a disappointment if that's the only video site we can view. By the way, how can the Wii view YouTube (but not other Flash videos) even though it doesn't use a special app?


All that said and done, streaming isn't my favourite way of viewing video anyway. I preferred it in the old days when you could save videos onto your hard drive and watch them without the need for an internet connection. Do we know if we'll be able to save photos and videos onto our SD cards? Will the 3DS have an offline video player? This could make up for it all.

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As others have said the 3DS may be able to access YouTube via an app. If this is the case, I'm sure it'll run fine, as the Wii does, it's just a disappointment if that's the only video site we can view. By the way, how can the Wii view YouTube (but not other Flash videos) even though it doesn't use a special app?


I believe the Wii can view other flash videos? If I remember correctly, I could view Gametrailer's videos when the Wii's browser was released. Though this might no longer work with the new player they have. Youtube even have a specifically modified layout for their site for the Wii's browser. But nothing guarantees that a flash application will run smoothly on the Wii and that includes all kind of players, games and sites. Well, nothing guarantees that a flash application runs smoothly on a PC either, but most PCs have an overabundance of power and memory, so they're fine.

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I believe the Wii can view other flash videos? If I remember correctly, I could view Gametrailer's videos when the Wii's browser was released. Though this might no longer work with the new player they have. Youtube even have a specifically modified layout for their site for the Wii's browser. But nothing guarantees that a flash application will run smoothly on the Wii and that includes all kind of players, games and sites. Well, nothing guarantees that a flash application runs smoothly on a PC either, but most PCs have an overabundance of power and memory, so they're fine.


youtube's very different though their api is freely accessible for such alterating.

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Has it stopped working now then? Haven't turned my Wii on in ages.
Still works. I tested the Flash banner for the main site on it the other day.


It does a weird visual glitch when you click on the N-E logo (that doesn't happen on PC) but it still works. :grin:

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A couple of questions if anyone can help us out.


If you delete data from the logbook thing, does it delete it from the TOTAL and history? So if I delete Lego star wars, does it delete it from the history graph or just the individual game records? Also, if I delete the individual record of say the notifications, when I reuse it does it add it back? And again, not be added to the total Time played? It annoys me that my most played game (frequency) is my friend list... I want it to be just the games but I don't want to delete it if it deletes all records, though with that I still might, but then it might get reeadded next time i use it.


Sreet pass. Sound. What the fuck does it do? I don't get it. I don't understand what it's supposed to do, I have new artists and songs but so what? If pepe use it as a full mp3 player then you might get of the same songs but who cares? And no one us really going to use it as one, and I'm not... Tempted to delete the street ass function, but wanted to know what it did first.



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Figured out the reason the 3DS update is on E3 day. It's to help us pass the time we have to wait till the conference starts. Those last few hours will be a nightmare, but thankfully we have the 3DS store, browser, Pokémon app and Excitebike to tide us to 5pm!

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Figured out the reason the 3DS update is on E3 day. It's to help us pass the time we have to wait till the conference starts. Those last few hours will be a nightmare, but thankfully we have the 3DS store, browser, Pokémon app and Excitebike to tide us to 5pm!


Yeah your right cant wait.

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gotta admit I am bit disappointed with the eshop lineup and features. Considering this is three months too late I expected more than this from nintendo.


The first set of games not that great and can someone explain to me why SNES and Mega Drive games have not been confirmed yet.


I honestly thought we would get a video channel for E3 but doesnt look like that is happening. Just read we still wont be able to save Credit/Debit card details so again you are tied to a console and not an actual user account.

Edited by khilafah
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gotta admit I am bit disappointed with the eshop lineup and features. Considering this is three months too late I expected more than this from nintendo.


The first set of games not that great and can someone explain to me why SNES and Mega Drive games have not been confirmed yet.


I honestly thought we would get a video channel for E3 but doesnt look like that is happening. Just read we still wont be able to save Credit/Debit card details so again you are tied to a console and not an actual user account.


3DS trailers are played via the E-shop, so we can still get those if they do it.


We'll only get SNES game via the 3DS classics range, I think.


And after all the recent hacking, I'm starting to think that maybe not being able to save card details if a good thing?

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Looks like the hackers are getting some where.


A small but pretty significant step as two games are dumped already:

Super Monkey Ball

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars


Looks like we're going to see how well the 3DS anti-piracy features are pretty soon. I remember one of the developers last year saying it was a pretty good system, so I hope that's going to be the case and that we don't end up with the cat and mouse updates like the PSP.

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A couple of questions if anyone can help us out.


If you delete data from the logbook thing, does it delete it from the TOTAL and history? So if I delete Lego star wars, does it delete it from the history graph or just the individual game records?


Well, in the diary the deletion pop-up says "the datas in the Diary will not be deleted. If you use them again they will reappear in My Software too".


Also, if I delete the individual record of say the notifications, when I reuse it does it add it back? And again, not be added to the total Time played? It annoys me that my most played game (frequency) is my friend list... I want it to be just the games but I don't want to delete it if it deletes all records, though with that I still might, but then it might get reeadded next time i use it.


Correct. In the long end the most used tools will be the on-board software, but the real datas are the median time and the total time used. (I am using the Italian version so they are not the exact terms).


Sreet pass. Sound. What the fuck does it do? I don't get it. I don't understand what it's supposed to do, I have new artists and songs but so what? If pepe use it as a full mp3 player then you might get of the same songs but who cares? And no one us really going to use it as one, and I'm not... Tempted to delete the street ass function, but wanted to know what it did first.


Oh well, I hope to find other fans of Nero and of Chris Huelsbeck :)

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