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Valentine's Day 2010


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"He said children should wait until they are mature enough emotionally and socially to understand the commitment in having a boyfriend or girlfriend."


But how will they learn if they don't experience it at some point? Rejections don't get easier with age, they most likely get worse because the relationships will be more serious. I don't believe in complete wrapping children in bubble wrap to protect them. The thought's nice, but they end up getting a shock when they face the real world. Besides, I really don't think anyone at that age puts nearly as much into a relationship as they do when they're older.

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Well I knew someone was going to say that...


Well, like I said before, if you're 32, married, got 3 kids and both you and your partner have full-time and demanding careers, it can be hard to take the time out to enjoy each others company - and yes, some people often neglect what they've got.


I think Valentines Day is a beautiful day that people use to make the time for each other.


Also, it can be a great time to declare your interest for someone, etc.


I should say that a lot of people have found, engaged, reaffirmed commitments to others on Valentines Day.


Do you struggle in your life to spend time with... yourself?

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Well I don't get why people get annoyed over Valentine's Day.


It's not a national holiday or anything - if you think it's commercialised, pointless or whatever, just don't pay attention to it.


Do people complain this much about Easter or Christmas?


Or not even that extreme, do people complain this much about things like Father's and Mother's day? - "Aw, boo-hoo, I don't have a kid, why are people enjoying a day for Father's, where's my non-Father's Day?"


I'd imagine a singles day to be another excuse of an occasion to go out and get completely watsed.


From what my single friends are doing... I think that's also Valentine's Day, lol.

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Didn't they try and suggest selling single cards on the day before Valentine's day on the Apprentice once? It didn't go down terribly well, for the reasons outlined by Gizmo. Plus, the whole commercial (and let's face it, driving) point of Valentine's day is that people buy things for their partners, but if you're celebrating singledom then who's going to spend money on you doing so? Personally I think celebrating any kind of "relationship status" (to borrow from Facebook) on a predecided day is a bit silly really. Although I'm still doing so... :heh:

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