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Lost: The Final Season


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No, the bomb changed things from the moment it went off -- 1972 or whatever year it was, and because we had Jacob 'touching' a lot of people's lives 'originally', the 'altered' reality will have a fair few potential, if tenuous, differences! Hurley thinking that he's 'the luckiest guy in the world' for one thing, Jack having a kid is another, the potential Sun/Jin not-being-married is also there... Really it's another chance for them to do pretty much anything with the show and thus make the ultimate ending absolutely unpredictable until very late.


A comment someone made was that the 'alternate' reality isn't necessarily 'alternate', suggesting that there could be all sorts of mindfuckery ahead.


Thinking back to the 'alternate' plane crash turbulance scene, Charlie saying "you should've let me die" potentially interests me the most, but considering he's not on the island anymore, clearly is no longer a 'candidate' I guess we won't really see much more of him.


Just to back up your point. They said on the offical lost podcast how they didn't like people referring to it as an alternate timeline. It is every much a reality as the continuty we have seen throughout the series...and of course has techincally existed all a long due to being created as a result of the past...


Somehow someway the two realities will "collide" they simply have to be consolidated.

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Word on 'the street' is that there's an upcoming episode without any of the main cast. But with lost, of course, that could mean anything. Here's hoping it's a jacob/smokedude story of age, or something.


More word on the street is that we'll be getting an Alpart episode at some point, which would rock spectacularly. Could be the same.

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is that for real?!!!


Children of Jacob and MIB are brothers in the year 23 AD.

A woman called Claudia tells young MIB that she is his mother and another woman tells young Jacob that she is their mother.

Jacob leaves Claudia group to join his said mother group.

Adult Jacob, in 43 AD, went to get firewood and returned to find his village burned to the ground.


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Children of Jacob and MIB are brothers in the year 23 AD.

A woman called Claudia tells young MIB that she is his mother and another woman tells young Jacob that she is their mother.

Jacob leaves Claudia group to join his said mother group.

Adult Jacob, in 43 AD, went to get firewood and returned to find his village burned to the ground.


I'll just take it as a yes and not read the spoiler.

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Yeah, Dante is there really any point posting spoilers for unaired episodes? I know you've spoilered them but still, I don't think anyone on this forum will want to know anyway. (I accidentally clicked show)


In other news, jesus fucking christ I can't watch the show this season, the character coincidences in the flash-sides are just so painfully jarring!!


And does anyone care about Widmore anymore / did they ever? I thought the writers had got bored of his story at some point in s5 and tossed it aside. Owell.

And the reunited montage at the end was a bit cringe.


Wasn't all bad though, mainly due to presence of Alpart. Pretty much confirmed that he came on the Black Rock then. And the dynamite bit was badass (if a little nonsensical)



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Yeah I thought it was a top episode. Really well written. Good character story with bits of mythology scattered throughout.

I love me some Widmore. I must admit, I squeed when I saw the submarine and him inside. Yeah I thought the Widmore/Ben thing had been forgotton about but I'm glad that it looks like they'll to close that up too.



Oh and I for one agree about the spoilers, I'd rather you not post them here Dante purely because if we wanted spoilers we all know where to find them and it just makes it all the more tempting to click when they're dangled in front of your face. (I did and regret it but I'm glad that they weren't TOO spoilery.)


Plus, this place has always been pretty spoiler-free, spoiler tags are usually only used when an ep has aired in the US but not in the UK.

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Yeah, Dante is there really any point posting spoilers for unaired episodes? I know you've spoilered them but still, I don't think anyone on this forum will want to know anyway. (I accidentally clicked show)


In other news, jesus fucking christ I can't watch the show this season, the character coincidences in the flash-sides are just so painfully jarring!!


And does anyone care about Widmore anymore / did they ever? I thought the writers had got bored of his story at some point in s5 and tossed it aside. Owell.

And the reunited montage at the end was a bit cringe.


Wasn't all bad though, mainly due to presence of Alpart. Pretty much confirmed that he came on the Black Rock then. And the dynamite bit was badass (if a little nonsensical)


Or it could be considered the universe is trying to fix things by bringing these people together

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I enjoyed this weeks ep and...


I was just wondering yesterday what happened to Widmore, haha. I wonder if he's the one Jacob was telling Hurley that he had to help someone find his way to the island.


Also I found Ben quite good, I expected Sideways Ben to take the principal job and cause some kind of irony that no matter what happened he'd ruin Alex's life.


Also I completely forgot Ben and his dad were still on the island, as in for some reason I was thinking that never happened but forgot the bomb went off after they were there.... but then weren't they still on the island when the bomb went off... how'd they survive the explosion?


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I enjoyed this weeks ep and...


Also I completely forgot Ben and his dad were still on the island, as in for some reason I was thinking that never happened but forgot the bomb went off after they were there.... but then weren't they still on the island when the bomb went off... how'd they survive the explosion?


But this timeline didnt have the losties in the past to react in the 50's and 70's. So the bomb wasnt set off to stop the electromagnetic energy from building up, so inturn the electromagnetic energy builds up more power to cause the island to sink then stops after the island is underwater.


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The running-hugging beach montage ruined the episode, and the attack of the evil submarine was equally cringeworthy.


Glad they once-and-for-all confirmed that the candidates are to replace Jacob. Of course, we still have the gorgeous questions of why, what does he even do anyway and does that mean someone has to replace Esau/Esai/blacksmokeguy too.


Widmore's appearance is fine with me. Glad that they are including his part in all this if only because it means they're looking to (hopefully) round that up, too.



I think part of the reason why this show is slipping a little, aside from the obvious forshadowing (foreshadowing?) anticlimax, is that there's no clear direction besides this is the last season.


But I guess I'll hang on, nonetheless!

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Did we ever find out why the Others snatched the children in the 2nd episode of the first season?


Jacob liked touching them..possibly


one thing I never even noticed until looking back on yesterday's episodes, Sun always asks questions, she can't help it and if there isn't a question it's something about Jin



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