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The Big China Blog


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Is this worthy of a thread? Yes! I've finally decided to vent my pent-up closet homosexuality on the goings-on of this new country that I've been living in for the last three years.




Detailing my interests in the amazing world of China and its bizarre ups and downs.


Mainly its downs, actually.


Alright, just its downs. But if I find an "up" then I'll detail that too.*



* No, I won't.

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Totally agree. SOme of the decisions they make out here begs belief. No-one takes responsibility out here for anything.


Your story reminded me of something i saw on the news the other day too. Some guys on a motorbike stole a handbag or something from a pedestrian as they rode by. Further up the street, a man walking along with his bicycle saw the theft and decided to throw his bicycle at the robbers on the motorbike! Pure carnage, down goes the bike and massive injuries ensue.


Now, okay. This guy did a good thing. But i'm sure in the west he would be in trouble for doing something like that. In fact the robbers could sue him no doubt as it was all caught on camera. As fas as we're aware though, this guy is a hero according to our Chinese friends translating the story for us. Crazy.


I have a blog too in my sig about what we're doing in China, but you're very brave to post an entire entry about their deficiencies! We had a friend who had his blog blocked just for mentioning how filthy it was in one city.


We use Tumblr which is already blocked here, but we have a back-door way of using it :D

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Well of course China put the right of the state before the rights of the individual too far...


But that example shows how in this country the right of the individual can sometimes be put before the right of the community.


The horror stories in this country about burglars suing owners of a home they were about to rob for slipping on their path highlight the problems of a system in reverse.


Also, anyone know of the Chinese website where you can report filthy scum like Iun for having freedom of speech? :P

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Also, anyone know of the Chinese website where you can report filthy scum like Iun for having freedom of speech? :P


Yes, plenty :)


Besides, my defence is that I'm only reporting what they themselves are reporting on in their official newspapers, everything I say and do is free, open and in the public domain.

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Haha, yes, patience is key to mental sanity out here!!!


There must be some things you like out here though Iun? Personally, i find it fascinating how much more they value their family and friends than we do in the west. When asked who they would phone in the entire world for example, every student said either their mother or best friend. Every single one. That's 800 students or so. Despite encouragement to think about celebrities and so on, they still stook to their guns. It was baffling.


When a student is sick, about five others miss class too to look after them! Initially you would think its all a big fat lie for a group of students to skip class and go downtown or something, but no, we've followed through and investigated many times and it checks out. They just care way more about each other!


Anyway, not to take away from the chinese bashing. There's plenty to whinge about too!

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Haha, yes, patience is key to mental sanity out here!!!


There must be some things you like out here though Iun? Personally, i find it fascinating how much more they value their family and friends than we do in the west. When asked who they would phone in the entire world for example, every student said either their mother or best friend. Every single one. That's 800 students or so. Despite encouragement to think about celebrities and so on, they still stook to their guns. It was baffling.


When a student is sick, about five others miss class too to look after them! Initially you would think its all a big fat lie for a group of students to skip class and go downtown or something, but no, we've followed through and investigated many times and it checks out. They just care way more about each other!


Anyway, not to take away from the chinese bashing. There's plenty to whinge about too!


I think my point with the blog is to show the inconsistencies in China, things like during the worst crisis of the recent recession they were saying "The Dollar is unreliable! Our Yuan is better, you should all use the Yuan!"


And then they go to Copenhagen where everyone is all trying to commit to some kind of plan to improve the planet's ecological future and their attitude is: "No, we can't play with the big boys now, we're only a developing country for godssakes!"


I hate hypocrisy. I should do something about that...


And yes, there are some great things here - for example my mother in law is forever coming to the house to cook, or buys us vegetables, or sewing the burst seams on my trousers...


Most low income families absolutely worship their children, and while that negatively impacts the childs' development, it's also nice to see because the families will actively sacrifice their own wants to better the future of the child at university.


Rich people here are vaguely aware that there's a noisy pink thing running around the house. It's best to let nanny deal with it.

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What do you do in China land Mr. Iun?


I am currently Acting School Principal. Though I think we've found a full-time principal, so I'll go back down to Director of Studies once they come in.


Foreigners tend to do a lot of things here - I did voice acting for the most recent Star Ocean game, some "localisation" work for a company wanting to advertise in a UK magazine, I occasionally write food reviews...


You have to do what work you can. I have a house and a mortgage here with Mrs Iun, so times are tight, especially as we need to save money to put furniture in the new house when it has finished being built.

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