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Annoying trends.


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I've just had a look at the Superdry and Jack Wills online stores and have to say I don't think I've seen anyone wearing them... maybe it just said trend just hasn't reached us in the South West yet...?


The low-riding trouser thing is annoying, why wear a belt if it's not serving a purpose?

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The low-riding trouser thing is annoying, why wear a belt if it's not serving a purpose?

As Ashley says it probably is serving a purpose, but for them it's serving a purpose of getting the right amount of twattery on show. Too high [AKA Normal]? You look like everyone else. How could you. Too low? They fall down, you look even more ridiculous.

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I'd like to see the trend of exclusively hiring cunts for adverts to fuck right off.






They can all go do one. Every one of these adverts take time that could be filled with adverts as good as this:



Edited by Goafer
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I'd like to see the trend of exclusively hiring cunts for adverts to fuck right off.



They can all go do one. Every one of these adverts take time that could be filled with adverts as good as this:


I hate the Viva Adverts, Go compare opera guy, and some other i can't think off.


I wanna punch the Viva guys in the face so much.

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I can remember posting a picture that made eevil mad, ill try find it now.

EDIT: Found it.


An average looking belt... wasted.



One "trend" you could call it, habit or whatnot, which Jav reminded me of, is the compulsion of the Japanese et al culture to do the V pose for every Goddam photo.

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I think it's a bit silly really. My friend and I saw a guy in school whose trousers were almost on his knees. He walked like a freaking penguin. We made fun of him behind his back. =P


Funny you mention that, in town today I saw a Muslim with the headgear on but with the exact same pants and walking the same way you described the person you saw...I had to look away from him, I was almost going to burst out laughing right in front of him. If only I got a picture >_>

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No different then thumbs up/middle finger/index finger in mouth with head tilt.

I agree, yet I don't see them half as often.

They just want peace Murray. STOP BEING SO FUCKING AGAINST PEACE!

They should've thought about that before Pearl Harbour.

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That tit gets right up my viva.

Oh god, they win.


An average looking belt... wasted.



One "trend" you could call it, habit or whatnot, which Jav reminded me of, is the compulsion of the Japanese et al culture to do the V pose for every Goddam photo.

The thing where everyone thinks they know Japanese annoys me. They know a few words or phrases at most.
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Last year I started seeing a lot of people wearing North Face jackets. That seemed weird, since I doubt they were all on their way to the peaks for some hiking/camping. I wouldn't say it annoys me exactly, but I wanted something to contribute to this thread.


There warm as hell. I havent got one but did borrow one once.


The trends i would like to see dispear.


Stupid FB groups.


People calling just about anyone a chav. (i mean chavs to me is a very select group of scum in society. But a lot of people who think to much of themselves use the term to describe everyone they deem below them.)


Skinny jeans on men.


Primark i hate people draging me around primark. Everything about it depresses me. The stuff on floor,the fact people buy it just because its cheap not because they will wear it.


Asian men wearing dish dashs and flip flops. Why? There isnt any religious reason im aware of. Its well suited to warmer climates but i just dont get why you would wear that in preston in 3 inchs of snow.


Deluded people thnking the world is a nice place. It just not.

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