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Your Capitalist Agenda Pushing List


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You guys want too much stuff.

Stop generalising ;)


Have to say, the coat looks better on Bale than it does in the pic.






Shame it's £40.

If I had money and I was buying xmas presents for my friends, ReZ would have this in the bag.

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Seems like the best place to post this. No real reason, but I like this image;




Oh the 70s. What a dark dark time.


Lol that I still buy and enjoy a lot of those. :santa:


RE; LEGO mp3hax. It is quite awesome. Nothing beats the Zune though. :D




My Epic Christmas List


Moneyz (For the new LEGO 2010 sets :santa::santa::santa: Atlantis and Toy Story!)






Jimmy Carr

Michael McIntyre (not the DVDs...the actual comedians)






Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 OPS3FFTW




Star Trek Blu Ray hax




Green Lantern Figures



Edited by ReZourceman
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Good grades would be nice.


massive rant:


From my family, I have no idea. I hate it when my mother text me asking what I want. I'm 21 with lots of money and already have what I want. I understand her situation though, she doesn't want to give me money, gift cards or some cheap crap I won't use and I guess it's not easy to buy gift to adult children? Usually, if she doesn't give up and give me a gift card, I list some embarrasing(embarrasing as in have to show the entire family) decent games I wouldn't buy anyway. Maybe I will ask for ToSII this year as I wasn't planning to buy it until after my last exam on the 18th. And by then I will have received Zelda I think so I can wait. But I don't to show the front cover to my family and have to explain what it is. Maybe I shouldn't be afraid to tell them, but they don't share my same obsession with games and it's pretty well known I do play a lot of games and I don't want to sound like that's all I do(my mother was pretty happy when I decided to move out from my dad's house to go to college after all). As for the rest of my family, they're not very original. Candy, socks, dvds and those puzzle wood things they make at the local prison. Not that I mind candy and dvds, one my favourite gifts.

Aside from my mother I pretty much the only one who make some effort in finding gifts. Maybe they're not very original(dvds and cds are common gifts for some) but at least they are good gifts for that particular family member and the proper genre. I remember the time dad gave me a documentaries about diamond farming under poor conditions and similar movies >_> I have five siblings, four parents, uncle/aunt and two cousins and a grandmother that isn't mine I have to find gifts for. Haven't bought anything yet but I think I'll go to the mall one day after the 9th and then the days after 18th as many days I need.



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Not really gonna ask for much this year mainly because money is tight (my student loan STILL hasn't come through because Student finance lost my forms so I've already borrowed A LOT from the rents :/ So basically I will ask for:

-A copy of To Kill A Mockingbird (as i lost my original copy of the novel).

-Money to buy some new footwear to wear around campus as it's raining a lot atm and my trainers are dying :/

-MAYBE NSMBW though will most likely trade games in for that bad boy.

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I haven't asked for anything in maybe...4/5 years now. Maybe even longer. Presents as love bribes kinda fell off the radar with my family a while back :heh:


Just looking forward to getting my brothers to come up for a while. Last year was just the definition of Epic Win as Simon dumped his psycho ex and came up with his lovely new girlfriend instead. Legen- DARY.

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People say this every year, there's a massive difference between want and getting. Or so my mum tells me! :grin:


I know, I know... I'm not refering to the getting... I'm actually just talking about the wanting. How can you want so much?


Stop generalising ;)


Have to say, the coat looks better on Bale than it does in the pic.



If I had money and I was buying xmas presents for my friends, ReZ would have this in the bag.


Yeah, it looks shitty on the pic, that's why I decided to post Bale wearing it. :heh:


Hey, I'm not generalising! I'm just saying, you brits' christmas lists are much bigger than ours. :heh:

Doesn't really mean anything, since my country is notorious for... fuck all. Just saying. ^^


I thought the same thing. I gues that's why he posted an "in context" pic.


Pretty much, yeah. :love:


So far you want more than I do :heh:


Liar. :heh:


I only want (and am crossing my fingers for) the book. The jacket is an extra I picked up for myself. It doesn't count if you buy it yourself!!! Does it? :hmm:

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I love that list. I can remember pretty much all of those fads from around '96 onwards. I think 2001 must be the most expensive year on there, Sony must have been quite pleased with the demand of children turning form a plush pikachu to a state of the art games console/dvd player in two years. I'm pretty sure I remember Charlie Brooker said he used to really want whatever is in '71 XD. Wonder what it will be this year...any bets?

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Liar. :heh:


I only want (and am crossing my fingers for) the book. The jacket is an extra I picked up for myself. It doesn't count if you buy it yourself!!! Does it? :hmm:


I haven't asked for anything yet :p Things mentioned earlier were snowball ideas.


Although I think I will ask for Aim and Ignite and some new headphones as mine have just broke >_>

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Besides, wanting and expecting are two different things. I want a Wacom graphics tablet, a PS3, lots of DVDs and such but I don't see myself getting them :p


Nice to live in a fantasy sometimes.


That's your idea of a fantasy? Having stuff? Seriously, though, that's what I'm talking about... how can you want so many things? It seems to me like it's excessive materialism just for the sake of it! :D


Not you in particular, yours is more of a cultural materialism, which I actually "encourage", within some limitations. But pretty much everybody. Get my drift? The idea that having things actually contributes to someone's happiness is a bit beyond me.



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That's your idea of a fantasy? Having stuff? Seriously, though, that's what I'm talking about... how can you want so many things? It seems to me like it's excessive materialism just for the sake of it! :D


Not you in particular, yours is more of a cultural materialism, which I actually "encourage", within some limitations. But pretty much everybody. Get my drift? The idea that having things actually contributes to someone's happiness is a bit beyond me.




You seem to be putting too much emphasis on the word "want". I want a better car, but it's not my utmost fantasy. I'm happy with my 15 year old fiesta. It would just be nice to have Delta Integrale that's all.

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Yeah. I put down a few Wii games and an expensive (like £30+) DVD box set, and a few CD's on my Xmas list that I showed my parents, but I don't expect them all.


I put down things I wanted, and if it weren't chrsitmas, might have bought for myself, because I want them.

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That's your idea of a fantasy? Having stuff? Seriously, though, that's what I'm talking about... how can you want so many things? It seems to me like it's excessive materialism just for the sake of it! :D


Not you in particular, yours is more of a cultural materialism, which I actually "encourage", within some limitations. But pretty much everybody. Get my drift? The idea that having things actually contributes to someone's happiness is a bit beyond me.




The graphics tablet is for creative stuff, the PS3 is to watch creative stuff :p The former is something I intend to get soon, the latter is more frivolous and not something I intend to get anytime soon.


What else could I want? Love? Affection? Pff :p

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You seem to be putting too much emphasis on the word "want". I want a better car, but it's not my utmost fantasy. I'm happy with my 15 year old fiesta. It would just be nice to have Delta Integrale that's all.


Why? I'll get it if it spends less gas. Other than that, why else would you want it? That's what I mean.


Okay, so maybe a fiesta is a bit on the expensive side when it comes to consumption. But, for example, if I could have any car in the world (and were unable to sell it and then buy some other car and keep the money), I'd get something like a Seat Ibiza or a Volkswagen Polo, cause they're the most cost efficient vehicles around, when it comes to fuel consumption. I see literally no reason to get any other thing. So why aren't you getting one of those? What possible reason could there be for you wanting a Delta Integrale? Why would you want one?


(I obviously "get" why you'd want one, we're driven to it from birth, I just think it's stupid to actually desire it, if it serves no purpose whatsoever other than appeasing our egos).


The graphics tablet is for creative stuff, the PS3 is to watch creative stuff :p The former is something I intend to get soon, the latter is more frivolous and not something I intend to get anytime soon.


What else could I want? Love? Affection? Pff :p


I get your purchases, they make sense under my reasoning for life (I have a ps3, after all), I'm just saying, why is it that you're so driven to want things you don't really need?


No, not love and affection, I was thinking along the lines of a camping trip to alaska or a pass to the indian railways, you know, something that you could actually benefit from! :heh: (You're gonna benefit from having the tablet, of course, but as much as I love gaming, it's never once propelled me towards a better existance, lol. And as for the DVDs, you can just watch the movies to get the experience, you don't actually need to have them. :heh:


Oh, and obviously this is a very hypothetic situation, I'm just plucking random thoughts out of my ass. ^^


One other thing, you actually have a Christmas list over there? Like, a real list? I'm curious.

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Because I want something that I think looks good. Also something that's fun to drive, and will allow me to overtake people more easily.


Nothing to do with my ego.


If it's superficial, then it's egotistical. Of course it's to do with your ego. Except for the fun part, if you want it to look good (not that Ibiza or Polo are ugly cars, but you get my point), or want to overtake others with ease instead of through effort, then it's as ego-driven as can be. :heh:


That aside, I'd love me a dark silver Datsun 240Z. Now that's a fine car! And it's for egotistical reaons.

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