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The Confessions and Advice Thread


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Well good luck it would go really well...Just remember she isn't gonna be by your side all the time so be chatty to other people and get socialising last thing you want is to be some loner sat on your own! Where you staying?


Haha yeah I will do. I was in a very similar situation a couple of years ago. Except the girl was a friend of a friend from uni that I'd met just the once. I completely failed socially whenever she went away. Luckily her friends house was massive so it wasn't -too- noticeable but I still ended up playing with a frog in her friend's garden for about half an hour... Oh jeez that's embarrassing! So yeah, gonna try and not let that happen again! :/


Staying with her at her friend's. Apparently it's fine. Her friend met her fiance on a Rammstein forum of all places so she's understanding of the situation.


Top stuff on pulling the hot girl by the way! Sounds like you're onto a winner there!

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Haha yeah I will do. I was in a very similar situation a couple of years ago. Except the girl was a friend of a friend from uni that I'd met just the once. I completely failed socially whenever she went away. Luckily her friends house was massive so it wasn't -too- noticeable but I still ended up playing with a frog in her friend's garden for about half an hour... Oh jeez that's embarrassing! So yeah, gonna try and not let that happen again! :/


Staying with her at her friend's. Apparently it's fine. Her friend met her fiance on a Rammstein forum of all places so she's understanding of the situation.


Top stuff on pulling the hot girl by the way! Sounds like you're onto a winner there!


hmmm all sounds good, if she knows people who have met via the internet then its like therres a precedence for it kinda, you get what I mean? How you getting there? train, driving?

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hmmm all sounds good, if she knows people who have met via the internet then its like therres a precedence for it kinda, you get what I mean? How you getting there? train, driving?


Yeah exactly, that's made me feel a bit better about it actually. I'm driving up, gonna take me 3 hours. Oh jeez I'm odd! :)

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Worst case scenario: It's a disaster, back to square one, but at least you tried.

Best case sceneario: You have fun and get a lady friend.


I'd go. Better than wondering about it.


Although is the whole long distance thing what you want?

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Aw flamester, sorry about the dating website thing... that sucks.


I'm also on a dating site (don't judge me, I am just horrendous at starting conversations with random women in RL).

I got messaged by this really hot girl on there and we've been chatting back and forth through text message almost constantly for about 2 weeks now. She's so lovely, we have so many similar interests and get on really well... I really do like her so far. I think she might like me, even after we exchanged facebooks, where there are pictures that I've not been able to carefully moderate. Now, she randomly invited me to the NYE party she's going to (even though she lives around 160 miles away) and... me being a sad fucker who doesn't know many people down here in Cornwall, has taken her up on the offer. Now, in retrospect, I'm worried as hell that she's just invited me out of politeness and I'm being a complete freak by going. Maybe she feels like she can't back out now? I did talk to her about it and she said she really wanted me to go still even if we are being a little crazy and that she was nervous too... Her friends though as well... I'm sure they're going to wonder who this twat is that's crashing their moderately intimate (20 peeps?) NYE party.


Basically I'm nervous as hell as I'm not exactly the most sociable person around new people (I get very nervous and self conscious) and am wondering if I should bother going at all or just stay down here with a couple of friends. I also seem to have just realised that we've only been talking for TWO WEEKS and I'm travelling 160 miles out of my way to see her?! Kinda pathetic?


Haha thanks peeps. Think I'm still gonna go despite my extreme ph33r. Hopefully a couple of drinks will loosen me up a bit.


Yeah I would say go, personally. I would especially warn against lieing saying friends through an impromptu party is no no IMHO, Id at least be honest if you didn't.


But you said you are going. Have fun dewd and report back. I sense happiness in your immediate future.

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Calling all Sheffieldians: (what?)


Suggest some good clubs/bars for me to go to with a few friends for new year's eve.


Thank you very muchly.


well not lived for a couple years now but for bars and pubs hit west street...as for clubs I can only suggest the clubs I enjoyed as a student Kingdom (is it called Embrace or summit now?) and Plug, did they ever reopen Gatecrasher after it got set fire to? Leadmill also a good night out, with it being new year they might have a band and such like...

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I'd say west street, but its bound to be hell on new years. But there is a place called bai hoi on west street, very nice, good cocktails, I'd suggest there. They do have bouncers on the door though, so ID is must!


very good bar! best cocktails in the north! quite expensive though but you pay for what you get.

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Only a couple of quid more than some other places really, its incredibly good getting pitchers there with three people involved, that way you pay like £2 for a large pint of cocktail for yourself.


couple of quid all adds up tho! although i didn't know they did pitchers tbh.

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I went to Corporation once. I seem to recall me and Dan just mocking everyone. :p


I threw up in a Taxi after the first time I went there. Luckily the driver never noticed. I never really liked it because of that night.

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Oh come on, Dan laughs at his own jokes, he has no say in these things. :grin:


There were some...characters there. Jayseven included. Actually I think we all left at the same time and got a taxi home discussing the hot-to-ugly ratio of girls at our respective unis.




Advice; can you completely change who you are? Just something I've been pondering as of late. Feel free to discuss, its not like I heed anyone's advice as it is :heh:


Silly confession: I realised earlier that both of my brothers are dating brunettes. Thus if I ever date someone it must be a non-brunette. I'm just like that...Kinda like how Dan Dare won't date a Chinese girl because both his brothers are. Except I'm blatantly awesomer.

Edited by Ashley
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I reaaally don't remember corping with you there, ash... Disturbing.


We went. We headbanged. Me and Dan wondered off to mock the middled aged men in fishnet vests. Found you outside (in the cold and wet, damn smokers! :p) talking to some random girls. You were trying to convince them of something...probably some lie for funsies. I forget. Anyway we grew bored of them, went inside. Stood around for a bit, at which point I noticed a poster with bare breasts. Eventually we left. Got a taxi from out the front, went back to yours and you tried to make us watch Stardust (yes?) but we were too tired to really notice. It was the birth of black-face Julia Roberts in "This is Racism".


My memory is weird...I remember that from April(ish) but completely forgotten stuff from last week.

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Advice; can you completely change who you are? Just something I've been pondering as of late. Feel free to discuss, its not like I heed anyone's advice as it is :heh:


If you were going to change completely who you were, then surely you'd also be changing the good parts of yourself that existed before? So, I don't think you could completely change everything. You could definitely change some stuff, like being more/less serious about certain things, understanding the responsibilities that you have, being more relaxed (or equally, being more stressed). But, to me, I think certain things are just embedded within you, like having good intentions or being good natured.


I think I changed, definitely within the last few years. The turning point was definitely the ex. (!!!fgsgtgdgsgdgrgegs!!) Since then, I've kinda had to retrain myself I think, so now I'm more calmer about stuff, probably a bit too much, but eet works for me. :p

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