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[SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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I don't see how anyone can argue against Ocarina of Time being the best in the series, I mean, Ocarina of Time was the real deal. Incidentally I enjoyed it because of the awesomeness and thought it was better than the rest because of this. A Link to the Past stood apart from the crowd at the time when it was released and has aged brilliantly, still standing as one of the best gaming experiences on any games console. At the time it was released Wind Waker was gaming gold, and Nintendo once again reminded us with Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon why they are the best games company in the world.

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The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker is my favourite Zelda game. In fact, I'm willing to go as far by saying that every Zelda game post-OOT were more to my liking than the ones preceding OOT.

and of course Chancellor Cole told you Spirit Tracks are bad, .....duh......they are the chains that hold his evil master, Malladus, back.:o


Let the discussion about which Zelda game is the best emerge once more:p


I think you should re-read my post. I don't care which Zelda is the best. I'm just saying that Zelda always was THE BEST GAME IN THE FUCKING WORLD. But that's never happened post OoT. In multi-format magazines, neither Wind Waker, Majoras Mask or Twilight Princess (and most certainly not Crossbow Training) haven't even been Game of the Year!


Every Zelda which doesen't become the highest rated game of that year, isn't a true Zelda.

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Here are my predications & ideas on what i think will be the next Zelda:


Link will fly a plane made out of wood (Remember, we've had a boat and train in this series..)..you control this like you would the aeroplane game out of Wii Sports Resort.


This plane will be one of the main forms of transport..you can either fly by air or use Epona for land transport.


As you fly above a huge world, your able to land where ever you like...you may find a new village or a dungeon you must complete to forward the story.


While flying you may get into dogfight type battles!


The girl (shown in artwork form last E3) is indeed the mastersword...you control both characters at different times like the Zelda/Link feature in Spirit Tracks. She also looks like she has wings and can fly..but i'm not convinced Link will use her as the plane (yet).


A war between good and evil is happening while you play the game...often areas are beautiful while others have been partly bombed ...huge battles take place, ala Lord Of the Rings style.


The main new feature is that you are free to do everything at your leisure, if you need help a new 'hint' system will tell you what to do...the whole feel of this Zelda is indeed the epic, huge world you will come across..the feeling of unknown.


Link will not talk..but voice-acting will now be included for alot of the characters you come across.


Dungeons will be filled with puzzles, some are to progress through the story..others are to obtain heart pieces and treasures..Most of these will be huge.


and think its obvious that the length of the game will be greater (i believe this is because we won't see a Zelda for quite some time now) and the graphics will be even better then Twilight Princess.


Just some ideas..be cool to see if any of these are correct. :p

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Those seem fairly predictable ideas, so I have a hard time disagreeing with any of them.


Aonuma has already hinted that flying will be the method of travel so a plane seems very likely.


Wii Sports Resort was basically a testing ground for many aspects of their big franchises (swordplay, archery, flying etc will all handle similarly to WSR)

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I don't see how anyone can argue against [insert Zelda game here] being the best in the series, I mean, [insert Zelda game here] was the real deal. Incidentally I enjoyed it because of [reason and context] and thought it was better than the rest because of this. [insert Zelda game here] stood apart from the crowd at the time when it was released and has aged brilliantly, still standing as one of the best gaming experiences on any games console. At the time it was released it [insert Zelda game here] was gaming gold, and Nintendo once again reminded us with [insert Zelda game here] why they are the best games company in the world.


Oh man, you thought [insert Zelda game here] was the best of the series? You crazy! Sure, [insert Zelda game here] introduced [insert graphical style here] and the amazing [insert new item here] item, but the quest was too [insert adjective here] and the gameplay was [insert profanity here] compared to the brilliance of [insert Zelda game here].


[insert character here] was annoying as hell, the [insert gameplay feature here] felt tacked on, and the whole experience felt like it had been designed by an [insert random number here]-year old.


If anything, [insert Zelda game here] was the worst in the series. [insert Zelda game here] - now that's how to do a Zelda game right!

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I could see some sort of aircraft, but a a plane seems a little out there. Maybe a VERY primitive plane. I think some form of glider is more likely though. Maybe they'll add some sort of wind mechanics into it like in Wind Waker.

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I could see some sort of aircraft, but a a plane seems a little out there. Maybe a VERY primitive plane. I think some form of glider is more likely though. Maybe they'll add some sort of wind mechanics into it like in Wind Waker.


Yeah i was thinking sorta hand made...nothing amazingly mechanical..but you never know!


You say glider? Could the girl in the E3 artwork transform into a number of different things? She looks made to glide..wind resistance sorta head if i remember correctly? ::shrug:

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Full industrial. Cue steampunk Zelda rumours circa 2008




I would looooove something like this.


Would be cool. I imagine Ninty would be too scared to change the setting too much, they seem to have done nothing with it for the last 20 or so years as it is!


I just hope for a new story above anything else - fed up of constant bloody reinventions of more or less the same story - that's meant for Mario!


Also, something dark in tone akin to MM would be epic :D

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Oh man, you thought [insert Zelda game here] was the best of the series? You crazy! Sure, [insert Zelda game here] introduced [insert graphical style here] and the amazing [insert new item here] item, but the quest was too [insert adjective here] and the gameplay was [insert profanity here] compared to the brilliance of [insert Zelda game here].


[insert character here] was annoying as hell, the [insert gameplay feature here] felt tacked on, and the whole experience felt like it had been designed by an [insert random number here]-year old.


If anything, [insert Zelda game here] was the worst in the series. [insert Zelda game here] - now that's how to do a Zelda game right!



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This is 99% legit (sadly that 1% made it fake..haha)...apparently it was on ign for minutes before being taken down!


It shows NSMB 2 for the DS and more artwork for the next Zelda!


Looks incredible..but sadly confirmed as 'fake'.



Edited by Owen
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It only takes 2 seconds to realise those shots are from NSMB DS (And I haven't even played it for years) and if those pics mean nothing, then it's unlikely the Zelda artwork that came with it is legitimate either.


Firstly the NSMB scans could well be from a sequel! a desert level has been incorporated in most Mario handheld games!


Secondly the artwork could well have been from the new Zelda, it goes exceptionally well with last E3's artwork.


Thirdly they were on IGN and many people believed they were real!


Lastly after posting this it only took a while before they were proved fake and I edited the post. I doubt you would have said this if they weren't proved fake, know all.

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Full industrial. Cue steampunk Zelda rumours circa 2008




I would looooove something like this.


what a brown city?

boy have I got a list of recommended 360 titles for you :D


It only takes 2 seconds to realise those shots are from NSMB DS .


Ya I know makes me wonder why ign put them up in the first place lol

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Firstly the NSMB scans could well be from a sequel! a desert level has been incorporated in most Mario handheld games!


Both those images were instantly recognisable to me as having identical background art to levels in NSMB, especially the cone shaped mountains. All the assets are identical to the first game and as cheap as Nintendo are, I wouldn't see them recycling all the assets completely for a sequel, especially not 5 years later.

Edited by James McGeachie
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