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Comedy Rainbow


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I tried spreading the Comedy Rainbow Love, but they weren't feeling it:

"ive laughed more at a wake"


Tough crowd.


Which episode did you show them?


Besides, I'm not meant to be competing with wakes (in terms of entertainment) so its an unfair comparison.

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For some reason I've spent 30 minutes 'catching up' with comedy rainbow.


- Each episode is too long

- Each segment is too long

- Each line is too long


By this I mean there's no need for any of the pauses. They just cumulate and annoy and detract from any intended dead-pan tone. People aren't going to sit and watch it for the full 10 minutes. Just be snappy, dammit!

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Ep. 12 was a lot better.


Still a few simple things you could fix like audio levels, etc.


Why didn't you just use the official Apple video with your new placement?


Just little things everywhere that could be fixed in literally a day.


I think I laughed at the hand shake with Claire the most.

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For some reason I've spent 30 minutes 'catching up' with comedy rainbow.


- Each episode is too long

- Each segment is too long

- Each line is too long


By this I mean there's no need for any of the pauses. They just cumulate and annoy and detract from any intended dead-pan tone. People aren't going to sit and watch it for the full 10 minutes. Just be snappy, dammit!


IMO this is crazy. Can you point out specific scenes? Its snappy as hell. Apart from each segment and line being too long, I can understand that. But I don't know where there is unnecessary pauses, and I do spend time cutting out any shit (lol). So yeah. I think its easily snappy enough.

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Every time you break out a pun, you speak in a contrived manner so the audience knows to expect a bad joke. There is no foreplay to the jokes! If I were you, I'd have all the puns I could think written down, then try and do one long sketch that fits them all in, preferrably with dialogue and, if we're lucky, an essence of plot as well.


I'll go through and point out each moment where it's too long when I come back from work.

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Comedy Rainbow Episode 13 : Coming Soon (in one week)


News ; The "Ummm I dunno if you've heard but ummm" is the best opening to Comedy Rainbow ever, without a doubt. If you get it I think you'll find it absolutely fucking hilarious.




Even Murray.


[/bold Fucking Claims]


(I can't speak for the rest of the episode yet, but lets be realistic....probably isn't gonna be great) :p

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Very interested to hear what you guys think of this one. I think theres a couple of fucking awesome ones personally. And obviously theres some terrible ones, and a pun or two that Danny will hopefully enjoy. :p


Episode 13



My favourites


Graham Norton, Bop It, Fairy Liquid.



Hopefully those few sketches raise the overall quality to one of the better episodes.


I've been working on a longer intro (still not stupidly long though) with different and better visuals, like a proper opening to a thing, but its a long process.

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Watched it on a whim and chuckled 3 times. You were lying about the intro.


Liked the final pun, and the Bop It sketch was actually funny. I was impressed! And the arch nemesis was obvious but still made me grin.


The rest of it was shit, but...there was some good stuff there. Keep up the improvements.




And RE: Intro - You don't want a really long intro of say 30 seconds that's the same every time. It ends up being irritating rather than interesting. An idea might be to have a different intro theme each time, make it in to some sort of joke.

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Well i have to admit it, this is one of the better episodes of recent. It seems you may have returned to form this time. Ok, there are still the odd parts which were what i call, facepalming moments (arch-nemesis, fun with a pun (why is Dr Wu-Man's music the same tune as the pun tune?? etc etc.) But i will say this now, which is different from me to be fair. The opening was actually better than i expected it to be, same goes for the final pun.


Your Nien this time around was better, not brilliant but it was a definite improvement this time around. Didn't quite get the Jonny;s sketch, but hey i can't be perfect can i??. The new scene i spotted, your "calculator". Even though i was expecting said word to crop up, it was worth a chuckle (only one mind)


Overall Rez, this is an improvement over the recent Rainbows. All i can say is keep it up, and perhaps maybe, just maybe i may be able to laugh throughout.

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And RE: Intro - You don't want a really long intro of say 30 seconds that's the same every time. It ends up being irritating rather than interesting. An idea might be to have a different intro theme each time, make it in to some sort of joke.


Oh yeah, I can't stand idiotic YouTubers who do these 30 second + intros for a five minute video or whatever. It will be less than 12 seconds (probably) and although it won't have a different joke each time, something will be different each time along the same sort of line as the Peter Serafinowicz Show's beginning.


Thanks for the comments folks. Hopefully the quality will maintain.

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