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Comedy Rainbow


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Maybe I'm just even less in the mood, but this was hands-down the worst for me. Half of it wasn't even...jokes. It was you doing things. I have no idea how to express what I felt. It was less than "nothing", because it didn't feel like what I was watching was even a joke, never mind if it was a success or failure.


I liked Jonny's bit. That was amusing, and quite inventive.


But this was a new low in a different direction IMO. It was just nothing.


The Nein thing isn't a joke. I've never understood what it's meant to evoke, why, or what it's recurrance signifies.



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Maybe I'm just even less in the mood, but this was hands-down the worst for me. Half of it wasn't even...jokes. It was you doing things. I have no idea how to express what I felt. It was less than "nothing", because it didn't feel like what I was watching was even a joke, never mind if it was a success or failure.


I liked Jonny's bit. That was amusing, and quite inventive.


But this was a new low in a different direction IMO. It was just nothing.


The Nein thing isn't a joke. I've never understood what it's meant to evoke, why, or what it's recurrance signifies.




Don't apologise. I think its just impossible to guess what kind of jokes you'll like. It needs to be something that reminds you of a time that you and *insert name* talked over the movie *insert name* with your own script. :p


Its your own opinion so you shouldn't apologize. :)

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Woah. Best. Episode. Ever.

Really loving the longer sketches Rez. Particularly the first one, found it really funny. The multi you special effect in Dr Wu-Man is really good too. I need to get in on that, some sketches I've thought of are really difficult to pull off solo ad there's not really anyone around to lend a hand.


Also thanks everyone for the kind comments about my bit. Kinda unexpected really. I thought it was a decent idea but poorly executed as I was trying to get it done as quick as I could.

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Right, detailed breakdown.


Dunno if you're heard: I do appreciate the graphics, but it took a while to get going. And I'm fairly confident I speak for everyone when I hope that yellow stripe is as fake as it looks.

Calculator: Soon as you revealed yourself I could see this coming, although I assumed it would be "boobies". Silly me.

Dwarfs: There was at least 2-3 seconds of bullshit silence there, too much.

Phil: He throws condoms. That's it.

Fun with a pun: Vely crever.

Wu-Man: Very good with the multi acting. The intro could be snappier, maybe not show too much of the Doc before s/he turns round and then freeze it earlier. The waterbed/tossing and turning idea wasn't funny when you did it last [i did enjoy the direct quotage]

Greeting people: Bit of a pause at the beginning, but was very good, most unexpected. I can see this becoming a nice addition to the show assuming the randomness factor can be maintained. And no doubt we all would've enjoyed it better if Claire got her kit off instead.

Jonny: No matter what the instruction was, he just seemed to tap the thing, except for the pulling and even then he wasn't pulling it until at the end. But I am loving the collection of games on the right. Jonny, give us a list.

Arch: This left me numb.

Scare Claire: It's getting a little stale now, you need to be more inventive. Plus was this one staged? She looked at the camera and saw you before becoming "scared"

Item: No... Nice drawing.

Nein: Probably your best one yet.

Foods: Nah.

Fairy: I liked this, didn't see it coming.

Flyer: I wasn't sure where you were going with this, are you basically saying your grandad was a plane?



Don't worry, the pisstake will be even worse.

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Lucky for some.


Definitely improved on the last episode - hard-stretched to say if it's your best yet, but I have to commend your persistence. Glad to see you've messing with your 'formula' and being a bit more inventive, and I definitely nearly lol'd a few times. As EEVIL says tehre are still moments of unnecessary pause - I'd prefer to be half-way into the next gag before I'm 'over' the previous, rather than being allocated time for the joke to sink in.


Various notes;

- Calculator one had much more potential, way too predictable.

- Spent more time with wu-man admiring your timing, and didn't hear the joke. I still don't 'get' that character.

- "Food you can fuck" would be better without the intro. In fact, it gave me an idea -- in between each segment have a second-long thing, like the sausage flying through the onion ring, then at the end of the episode close with a sentance that is actually the 'theme' of all the in-between-segment-things, different each time! lots of effort, i suppose.


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Thanks for the comments folks. Yeah outtakes was problematic on this one. I only had two, and my computer was being a fucker (currently won't turn on) so just wanted to do the episode as quickly as possible before it decided to turn off. They weren't very good though, so don't worry.


But they'll definitely be back next episode/


Also theres a chance the new intro and theme tune will be done for next episode. I hope so. A) Episode 14 should be when I'm off work/ B) I'll have new PC/.

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Being the first of these I have ever watched, I'm gonna put in a newcomer opinion to the latest episode.


Arch-Nemesis - Loved it, laughed really hard.

Bop-it - Quite predictable

Dalmatians - Didn't like it

Ways to meet people - Pretty funny

Condom - Dislike

Graham - Boring and too long



These are my opinions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really did have a small battle on my hands with this episode. The intro is completely different to what I had originally planned, and the theme tune is too. Video problems prevented the full stuff I had planned (my brand new camera has died. Gonna perform the pr0 EEVILMURRAY switcheroo on it) and the other two devices I own fucked up previously. So had to borrow one for what I hadn't done.


Also I just couldn't do a decent theme tune for the life of me. I tried so many times. Literally hours poured into music making programmes, but I have no talent musically.


Anyway, I AM however happy with the new logo (it is essentially the same just "HD" now :p ~just crisper, brighter~) and despite the problems I think the new intro is an improvement. Let me know what you think.


Comedy Rainbow Episode 14



As always all comments welcome.

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The Windows Sketch is actually awesome, I've watched it 3 times now and laughed every time. I like how your forum post moments last too long, like the time it would take for you to read it yourself. I'm joking, I'm sure you wouldn't finish reading in that amount of time either. This wasn't a 'classic switcheroo', this was just lame.

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Decided to record my girlfriend and I watching it again, coming soon.


EDIT: Enjoy [if possible]

I am happy with that. If there's at least one genuine laugh I'm happy, and that one had a few and a few moments of smirking.


Seriously Im happy if theres at least one lol moment in each episode. :)


Do you think I should cut the intro down to just the new "Comedy Rainbow" bit.

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