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Addictions and obsessions


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I dunno if I'm just a normal guy or if I'm a particularly bad case, but I certainly feel like it's a burden. Still, it's probably pretty normal for a guy my age. :heh:


How old are you? If you're under 21, then yeah it probably is normal. It doesn't feel like it's normal but it's one of the main thoughts in a teenage guy's mind, lmao.

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When I have a girlfriend I usually try to avoid sex as much as possible but as soon as I hit singledom (like now) I WANT IT NAOS AND ALL THE TIME. Bit weird/annoying really as I never pull when single as I just cannot talk to women at all.


EDIT: Not that I pull or try to pull when attached as the above sorta implies! :S

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When I have a girlfriend I usually try to avoid sex as much as possible but as soon as I hit singledom (like now) I WANT IT NAOS AND ALL THE TIME. Bit weird/annoying really as I never pull when single as I just cannot talk to women at all.


EDIT: Not that I pull or try to pull when attached as the above sorta implies! :S


It's weird but when I have a girlfriend, I don't think of sex as much but when I'm single, I do almost all the time. Guess I'm just a dirty bastard. :laughing:


I think it's just a guy's mind, I wonder whether girls think like this...(I doubt it)

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I think it's mostly a guy thing yes. I rarely think about sex really, but then again I'm not much of a fan of it either so I might be an exception.




Anyway, I think I'm currently a bit obsessed with getting Disney DVDs. Keep looking around trying to find the cheapest ones, though it's kinda hard to do as I want them to have Dutch (and most sites don't list the languages). =P

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I feel like I'm obsessed with sex. It's not like I'm getting any, but I have sexual thoughts so often it's unreal. I don't know if I'm actually any worse than other teenage guys, but I'm certainly tired of it. It's such a distraction.



In fact, 'Life As We Know It' may be a good series to watch to make yourself feel normal :p


I dunno if I am addicted to anything. I go through phases but I dunno...addictions are a lot of effort.

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That saying about guys only ever being interested in one thing isn't true; I'm interested in at least two things, the other being linguistics. :heh:


Seriously though, I am fairly obsessed with linguistics, especially formal Chomskyan stuff. And I'm possibly addicted to caffeine, though probably not.

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Ergo Barbara Partee does it for you?




At the very least, she has an amazing surname.


Currently trying to get my head around (Italian) linguistics. I wish linguistics were a bigger part of the curriculum, all I recall doing in high school was literature. It wasn't until I was doing an A-level in English Linguistics that I began really studying linguistics.

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I'm addicted to Xpert Eleven. I'm so close to winning the N-Euro Championship, I can see myself prying it out of Odwin's hands while he has a massive cheeky grin on his face! :heh:


I'm also addicted to cola. I can't seem to want any other fizzy drink.

Healthy alternatively, I'm also addicted to sugar-free Ribena. However, it freaking costs more than cola. £1.25 for a 500ml bottle down the shop and it's 85p for a Pepsi Max 500ml, COME ON! :mad:

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How old are you? If you're under 21, then yeah it probably is normal. It doesn't feel like it's normal but it's one of the main thoughts in a teenage guy's mind, lmao.

I'm 18. I guess it probably is pretty normal, but I just feel like a perverted bastard sometimes. :heh:


I'm addicted to Xpert Eleven. I'm so close to winning the N-Euro Championship, I can see myself prying it out of Odwin's hands while he has a massive cheeky grin on his face! :heh:


I'm also addicted to cola. I can't seem to want any other fizzy drink.

Healthy alternatively, I'm also addicted to sugar-free Ribena. However, it freaking costs more than cola. £1.25 for a 500ml bottle down the shop and it's 85p for a Pepsi Max 500ml, COME ON! :mad:

That whole post seemed to me on the first read-through to have been written while on a sugar rush. :heh:


Oh, and I'm also addicted to my computer and an Internet connection.

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I probably have a few more obsessions than I can think of straight off the top of my head. At the moment, I'm really into working out and exercising. That's probably the biggest one right now.


Football is another huuuuuge obsession. I try to watch as much as I can, whenever I can, wherever I can. I love it. Greatest sport ever created. :heh: I only wish that I could have more opportunities to play for a team myself or something. I'm quite up for eet.


I'm also a huuuuuuuuuuuuge fan of the Alien series. I'm a big geek for it. Also, Arnie. I am addicted to him. Naaaaw.




This is the most tastiest thing in the world. Whenever I visit Ine, I pound this stuff down. Too....tasty. Mmm. I want eet naaaw. Give eet to mee.

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Ergo Barbara Partee does it for you?




At the very least, she has an amazing surname.


Currently trying to get my head around (Italian) linguistics. I wish linguistics were a bigger part of the curriculum, all I recall doing in high school was literature. It wasn't until I was doing an A-level in English Linguistics that I began really studying linguistics.

Well, she's a formal semanticist rather than a formal syntactician, but she has some pretty impressive accomplishments. Hell, she practically co-invented Montague grammar. :heh: Also, Rizzi = awesome Italian linguist.


And Richard Hudson is trying to set up a proper linguistics A-level I believe.

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Hm, I can also be quite obsessive about TV series, films, books, etc. that I like. I love to get absorbed in the universe and find out everything about it, imagining how it is outside the main storyline of the series.


I'm the same, I can get obsessed with a TV series very easily. One time, I got too obsessed with Heroes and Doctor Who. Now it's The Sopranos, haha. I'm also obsessed with books (mostly being Harry Potter and horror stories).


I used to have an addiction to Peanut Butter sandwiches. My first time tasting Peanut Butter, I almost ate an entire jar of it. I managed to get off it though, I can't buy it because I don't trust myself :heh:

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I'm currently addicted to painkillers. Starting using them for toothache a couple of months back and I kind of forget to stop.


Ahh god I got like that too after particularly excruciating wisdom toothache that was pressing under another of my teeth. Never felt pain like it so I just took so many painkillers every single day and afterward I just kept going just in case it came back.

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Gob: [in the break room] Yeah, like I'm going to spill coffee all over this $3,000 suit! COME ON!


Probably addicted to Arrested Development


Yay, reference get. :D

I also just realised I still need to get season 2 on DVD. :woops:


And on-topic on 3. 1, 2, 3: I've found I'm addicted to those Mikado sticks. I've had five boxes this week, but if I knew how much they were, I'd buy them more/less often. I oughta ask for a receipt next time...

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Addictions? Jelly Tots. My mouth feels like it's having an uncontrollable orgasm whenever I have the pleasure of having any. I'm not allowed them now, because I've been told the noises I make whilst eating them are beyond terrifying. Screw anything else, if someone gives me a packet of Jelly Tots I'm theirs


Obsessions? Music. But that's annoyingly cliche.

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  • 8 months later...

I have found a new addiction and I can't stop myself no matter how hard I try...Tic Tacs. I used it to freshen my breath a few weeks ago and since then, I can't stop buying boxes about four times a week and it's increasing. It's kind of scary looking at my shelf now. I have two Fresh Mints (100), two Spearmints (small), two cherry and passionfruit (small), one lime and orange (small) and an England Limited Edition flavour (100)...


This must stop! haha.

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I'm sure that I have plenty more but one that immediately springs to mind is last year when I was obsessed with Harry Potter. A bit of a cliché but oh well.


From what I can remember, I actually got quite upset a lot of the time because I really wanted to be a wizard xP



Oh yeah, and I have just a teeny tiny obsession with Lady Gaga...

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