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Cycling sorted out my health. I'm going to the gym out of vanity. (Must be working, my friend asked me if I had a 6-pack today when she looked at my t-shirt. :heh: )


My advice is find a gym buddy. I wasn't going to go to the gym today but my friend texted me saying he was going so I thought I might as well. Also, I have (had) no idea what to do with the free weights so I got him to show me. Amazingly useful.


Also, eating healthily has made so much difference. I feel great and mentally more active.

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Any recommendations for dumbbell sets?


Do you do pull ups in the gym or at home (and if home, how/with what)?


The ones I got are literally just the cheapest ones from Argos. 15kgs, so 7.5 on each arm which is a fair starting point. Can put it up to 10 for overload one arm at a time. Once your finding it too easy to do high rep sets with those your either into it enough to want to spend more or you don't really need any more.


And pulls up just in the gym. I wouldn't be brave enough to try them on anything at home. Or if you have a local park monkey bars / swingsets are always nice. Friend of mine does a jogging / fitness route where he does exercises at certain points, running past the park. If your into cycling you could try that.

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High fives all round to the gym posse.


Fairly sure that my face puts girls off, so I go mostly out of vanity to try and balance it out. I used to be very slightly chubby - not enough to be called fat, but not skinny either. Now I've got a pretty muscular build, even though I had to take a 6 month break until this week due to closure of my gym.


Also: buy some home dumbbells. Can get some for like £20 from Argos. Any time your floating, killing 5 mins before a tv show or waiting for a lift or something, do a few sets. Before I started gymming, I couldn't do a single pull up. Now I can do about 15 in one go, despite being around the same weight. It feels so much better.


High Five! :)


We luckily have a home gym/room with stuff in. I'm pretty good on the cross trainer now, but the thing I need to use more is this:




I just find sit ups so annoying/boring/hard, heh.

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I used to use the one you're using and it felt more like I was straining my back. The ball is good for the upper abs but if you want to do the lower abs you need just a weight. Although there are probably other ways of doing the same which I don't know about.

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I signed up to the gym last week. I've managed to avoid it all week.


The worst thing is that I do actually need to go... not just out of bullshit vanity or anything, but because I'm getting moobs.


People always sign-up and don't go. Take my Dad and Sister for example. They signed up, went for a week and ain't bothered going since

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My recommendation for all you gymites who are looking for home exercise solutions from Argos:








Ideally, you'd need a little space - I use my garage personally although I did have such equipment situated in my room during uni and it even made its way over to Germany at one point for use in my very small studio apartment. A truly worthwhile investment a) as it avoids any gym membership fees should you wish not to have to pay monthly and b) if you do go to the gym like myself, it makes for a great supplement for those days when you can't make it to the gym or just don't have the time to.


Also, Daft, seeing as you're really into your keeping fit at the moment, I'd really suggest you try using kettlebells if you haven't already (apologies if you have!). Really good as they do offer an all-round workout of sorts, it's a bit strange unless you try it yourself. If you're gonna buy one (gyms don't always have them annoyingly enough) then I'd say go for a 8kg or 16kg one.


I'll quit being a patronising know-it-all now.


Otherwise, my day was good. And Molly I'm in agreement with meeting these aussie chaps, always a worthwhile experience catching up with out-of-town folks. And stop being insecure about how you look, you know that EVERYONE on here thinks you're hotter than the sun ;)


Ashley I love you.


EDIT: The weight set shown is the 50kg variety. You can buy extra discs as you get stronger, the best ones being the 2x10kg set that goes for around 18-20 pounds (can't honestly remember the price of it!)

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My recommendation for all you gymites who are looking for home exercise solutions from Argos:








Ideally, you'd need a little space - I use my garage personally although I did have such equipment situated in my room during uni and it even made its way over to Germany at one point for use in my very small studio apartment. A truly worthwhile investment a) as it avoids any gym membership fees should you wish not to have to pay monthly and b) if you do go to the gym like myself, it makes for a great supplement for those days when you can't make it to the gym or just don't have the time to.


Also, Daft, seeing as you're really into your keeping fit at the moment, I'd really suggest you try using kettlebells if you haven't already (apologies if you have!). Really good as they do offer an all-round workout of sorts, it's a bit strange unless you try it yourself. If you're gonna buy one (gyms don't always have them annoyingly enough) then I'd say go for a 8kg or 16kg one.


I'll quit being a patronising know-it-all now.


I would murder someone to have enough space but alas I do not.


I'll keep an eye out for kettlebells. What do you mean by all-round workout? I just bought some dumbbells so I'll leave it for a bit but I want to know more.


You aren't being patronising at all. I'm hardly clued up at all so any advice is welcome. I've asked so many people about what to do at the gym and what to eat over the past couple weeks. It's the only way to find out really. :smile:


The gym is boring. My body must be built wrong as I've ever felt endorphins being released just the pain of exercise.

I cycle to work, but every day it is tedious. My mp3 player is the only thing that keeps me going.


When ever I start doing exercise I just think, "I could be watching a movie and eating some cookies right now." Just annoying...


Seriously, if you can, get a gym partner.


@Odwin Isn't it dangerous listening to music while cycling. I used to listen in one ear but then stopped because I'd wouldn't be concentrating on the music anyway.


Maybe it's just that I have to pay attention in London because if I don't, I'll die. :heh:

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I would murder someone to have enough space but alas I do not.


I'll keep an eye out for kettlebells. What do you mean by all-round workout? I just bought some dumbbells so I'll leave it for a bit but I want to know more.


You aren't being patronising at all. I'm hardly clued up at all so any advice is welcome. I've asked so many people about what to do at the gym and what to eat over the past couple weeks. It's the only way to find out really. :smile:


It's strange - the way in which you can use kettlebells certainly seems to give them this cardiovascular benefit of exercise - say, if you're just swinging it up from the floor to then turn into a shoulder press, the motion does begin to knacker you out not only in the sense that the muscles in your arm get tired but also your whole body becomes tired because you're having to move your whole body in order to swing the kettlebell up.


Not very clear I know.


This video explains it best (I hope)


EDIT:sorry, video should work now...

Edited by Pookiablo
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@ Pook


Some of that (the swinging) looks a bit bad for your back.


You could grab some of those wrap around weights for your legs if you want to push your cycling workout.


I bought my mum these when she was really into her gymming.



It's a good suggestion but my legs get enough exercise, especially on my fixy. :heh:

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The problem with gyms is that they're always full of super fit, healthy, muscly people. There should be a gym for the unfit only so you don't feel like such a fatty/weakling on the treadmill. I think that's what puts me off most... When you become fit then KAPOW you get booted out onto the streets where you can find a normal gym.

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I'd like to do what your mate does, Gizmo. I saw people doing that in Leeds a lot and it make sense. Running outside is win (not that I do it near enough). I don't like gyms because I'm weak and puny, and I'm pretty sure all my potential gym buddies are stronger and fitter than me so it would just be humiliating.


But my job requires me to walk around a lot, and my stamina and fitness has definitely improved from that. I just really need to work on these sticks that hang either side of my body and turn them into pistons, woo :P

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I unfortunetly joined the gym because I'm too nervous to go running in town where people can actually like see me :laughing:.


I tend to go quite alot, well I did last year when I had gym membership, these past two weeks have been a pain and I've not been able to go but thats about to change.


You'd be surprised about the gym, alot of people look like absolute idiots at the gym and really don't care about the fact they are wearing stuff from the 80's exercise videos.


I prefer going for the classes they have at gyms rather than just sitting on the treadmill, its nicer to vary plus it means you've got somebody showing you how to the use the equipment there (I get the classes for free), rather than having an instructor who would cost £15 to get him to tell me which is the best way to lift weights.

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@Odwin Isn't it dangerous listening to music while cycling. I used to listen in one ear but then stopped because I'd wouldn't be concentrating on the music anyway.


Maybe it's just that I have to pay attention in London because if I don't, I'll die. :heh:


You cycle in London, but my commute to work is along a cycle path called The Middlewood Way. From my house to the cycle path via a road takes about 2 minutes, the rest is really safe.


Plus, I don't have the music loud or have noise cancelling buds or anything, so I can still hear what's going on around me.

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I borrow my brothers weights/shizzle to build up the Guns. I'll take some pictures sometime.

You could grab some of those wrap around weights for your legs if you want to push your cycling workout.


I bought my mum these when she was really into her gymming.

I have those [similar] items. I wear the ankle [1kg] weights when riding to work, and since I'm walking around a bit at work, I keep them on, because I'm hardcore.


Do the Devils Workout!

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