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your top disappointing games

mcj metroid

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Most disappointing games:



Ikari Warriors. I remember playing it on my friends ATARI. It was great. On the NES it was a mess. Plus it had a terrible glitch at the very end of the game where if you died (and you did a lot, the only way to get through it was with the ABBA cheat) you would respawn in the middle of a set of pipes meaning you needed a reset - and lost all your progress!



Captain America and the Avengers. I played that for two weeks in the arcades on a holiday in Tenerife. I loved it. Oh how the SNES version sucked. It was awful.

Alien vs Predator. Again, how I loved the Capcom arcade version. The console version was awful.



The World is Not Enough. After Goldeneye we were all looking forward to this game as it was the return of Bond to the N64. It was lacking and even though it got good magazine scores, it would never live up to what people wanted.

Turok 2. The first was amazing. Large worlds, huge enemies and smooth gameplay. The second, looked great in screen shots. But in motion it seemed like a slideshow. What a let down. The smooth gameplay of the first was lost for an overblown project which would have been better suited to a more powerful machine. Turok was never the same again.



Starfox Assault. Lylat Wars, one of the best games ever. The first level of Starfox assault - amazing. Then you got out of the ship. It went down hill rapidly and sadly the on foot missions out numbered the great flying ones. I know some people constantly whine about innovation, but when something is so right like Lylat Wars - just give us a graphically updated version with new levels!



The Conduit. Ahhh, our old friend 'hype'. It's like a double edged sword. On one hand you need it to get your game noticed and talked about. On the other hand it builds expectations, and if your game is not up to scratch people will complain even louder. This game wasn't bad by any means, but it certainly didn't live up to the incredible claims by High Voltage. What's more, the definitive multi-player FPS on the Wii, no, that was COD:WAW by a long long way!

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Most disappointing games:


Turok 2. The first was amazing. Large worlds, huge enemies and smooth gameplay. The second, looked great in screen shots. But in motion it seemed like a slideshow. What a let down. The smooth gameplay of the first was lost for an overblown project which would have been better suited to a more powerful machine. Turok was never the same again.


It wasn't bad with the RAM pack, also the PC version was pretty good.

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It wasn't bad with the RAM pack, also the PC version was pretty good.


I had the RAM pack! I remember you could choose to display it in 'HD' which meant you saw it in letter box mode, and everything was even more jerky, but a little bit sharper. I played in SD.


Do you know if the Snes version any different to the Megadrive one? I used to love the MD version anyway.


I'm not sure to be honest. The SNES one had this irritating thing where when you punched an enemy they would flash for a second or two preventing you from hitting them again. So rather than having that great beat 'em up rythem where you had to keep hitting an enemy with the right timing, you had to hit them and then retreat or you'd get pasted whilst they were invincible!



This all made the game very difficult and very frustrating. The review above showcases this very well. The arcade version never had these issues. Makes you wonder who on earth decided to implement that idiotic design choice into what was an awesome game!


Oh, and by the way, the guy in the review uses Hawkeye, I played as Ironman. He doesn't have the problem on the scrolling shooter levels as his sprite is much smaller as he doesn't need the flying machine.

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The Conduit. Ahhh, our old friend 'hype'. It's like a double edged sword. On one hand you need it to get your game noticed and talked about. On the other hand it builds expectations, and if your game is not up to scratch people will complain even louder. This game wasn't bad by any means, but it certainly didn't live up to the incredible claims by High Voltage. What's more, the definitive multi-player FPS on the Wii, no, that was COD:WAW by a long long way!

I still can't understand why people were so desperate to hype this. It actually never looked great, never!

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I still can't understand why people were so desperate to hype this. It actually never looked great, never!


QFT. If it was on any other console it would just be another generic shooter that wouldn't even get a look in sales wise, but because it was held up as this great hope for Wii gaming it got way more coverage than it deserved.

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Pro Evo 2008 - What the fuck has happened to Pro Evo? It never used to be terrible!!


Imo on other consoles maybe but not on the Wii, that introduced the Pro Evo motion controls which are the best way to play a football game. I can still enjoy playing a football game with a pad but the new Wii controls are even better IMO.


Soul Calibur II


No just no....:nono:



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I still can't understand why people were so desperate to hype this. It actually never looked great, never!


It had an extremely solid tech engine, at least for the Wii, or at least always seemed to have!


Also, it was an original first person shooter for the ground up on the Wii WITH good controls. One that wasn't a war simulator. You should try naming some more with good controls and aren't war that aren't Metroid.


Anyway, my list:


Sonic Adventure DX - Terrible camera, horribly easy difficult level, extremely loose feel to gameplay as a whole. I absolutely detest this game.


Silent Hill 4: The Room - Could not immerse myself in this at all. Boring, not scary, was never meant to be a Silent Hill title in the first place and it shows. The game sucks.


New Super Mario Brothers - Despite desparately attempting to, this does not reclaim the feeling of Mario "magic" from the classic titles. For me it felt like a very generic platformer that just so happened to have Mario in it. Poor soundtrack did not help its cause and is yet another game that makes me sad that Kondo no longer composes entire OST's. (he's barely done much for any game since the early Gamecube era).


Metroid Prime Hunters - Possibly the most drab, generic and boring first person game anyone will ever play! A good technical achievement on the DS at least but the singleplayer does not do the Metroid name justice at all. I had more fun with Metroid Prime Pinball (actually a great game!)


Games like Twilight Princess and SSBB didn't really disappoint me like they have other people. Some people expect too much from some Nintendo titles and want them to do the impossible: surpass nostalgic experiences from their childhood/teens. For a Nintendo game to surpass people's first experiences with a game like OOT they'd have to re-invent the wheel in a way that made the whole franchise entirely fresh and revolutionary again...but then people would complain it's too different. It's virtually impossible for a game to retain the same formula it has for a decade yet still feel fresh.


TP has its flaws with pacing in the second half of the game but as a whole it's still a very meaty adventure with a ton of content and some awesome dungeons, even if it doesn't have infinite sidequests like Majora's Mask or Wind Waker.

Edited by James McGeachie
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VRally 99 - This was bad. Very, very bad indeed.

And I didn't even own it! A friend (some friend you are...) brought it over one time after buying it second hand for three euro's. We played one race each, then we set it on fire..




..one race? Yeh.. you really gave it a chance :indeed:


V-Rally 99 was the first rally game I ever owned (though I had played Colin McRae Rally briefly on my friend's PS1) and I loved it :yay:


It was certainly difficult to get to grips with but I had an awful lot of fun with this game when I did :hehe: It is still one of my favourite rally games, though I understand this is likely due to all the great memories I have of an amazing Christmas Day when I got this and Goldeneye on the N64. I'll never forget that day : peace:

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VRally 99 - This was bad. Very, very bad indeed.

And I didn't even own it! A friend (some friend you are...) brought it over one time after buying it second hand for three euro's. We played one race each, then we set it on fire..



if this is the game i'm thinking of then it was great. At least it had a 4 player split screen unlike most wii games.

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I'm not really sure about the '99 version though (are there any others). But we played one V-Rally game, and I didn't like it at all. It was some sort of... cheap.


The steering was really, realy arcade style. Your car didn't seem to have any weight or balance point. When you hit something you would EXACTLY turn 180 degrees, then you couldn't make a turn back because the road was too small. Crusing back to the previous hairpin to turn your car around, losing one minute every time you screwed up on a corner


OK, I wasn't completely fair, we both played 10 races or so.... But the cassette didn't make it through the night, that's for sure....


I felt nobody needed this game after Super Mario Kart on the SNES and Gran Turismo 2.

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if this is the game i'm thinking of then it was great. At least it had a 4 player split screen unlike most wii games.


V-Rally 99 on the N64 was only 2-Player, but it was still quality :hehe: I know the cars felt very light and it could be difficult to control at first, but mastering the handling brought with it great satisfaction and I just had a great time with it : peace: I can completely understand why many would not enjoy it though :smile:


V-Rally 2, however, on the PS1 was a fantastic sequel which did have 4-Player Splitscreen and a superb track editor (which was unfortunately not present in V-Rally 3). I actually started into V-Rally 2 again from scratch earlier this year and finished it 100%.. it is still really good :yay:

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Ahh, V-Ralley 99. It was quite a nice little game but to handle it correctly you had to be oh so delicate. It was so bluddy sensitive. I used to dread coming up to a corner because I knew it would be struggle getting it right. I had the pleasure of also trying it with a steering wheel set, which was quite fun. :D

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Final Fantasy VII. In my opinion the most overrated game ever made. The story is pretty nice, but apart from that, everything is terrible. I've started the game something like 6 times, and I always get bored to death with it to the point of literally giving it up every single time! Terrible, terrible game! (this is just my opinion, mind)


KOTOR. Simply can't get into it. Just like with FF7. Played almost 20 hours, and just completely gave up, it's soooooooooo boring and uninteresting.


Silent Hill 4. 1 & 3 weren't anything special, but were good solid games. 2 is one the best games I've ever played. This one murdered the franchise.

Mirror's Edge. Starts off fantastic... Then it starts to go downhill in such a way that in the end you just don't care about it anymore.

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Fable/Fable II - Played it for a couple of hours and couldn't see what the hype was about. Found it repetitive and boring. Laughed when i found out i could fart at people, but probably only once.


Kingdom Hearts - Loved the story but the game itself was wad especially the gummiship segments and construction.


Ico - Went to this title after loving SotC. Could not see what the big fuss was about.


Body Harvest - Wanted so desperately to enjoy it, but could never get past level 2 =[


Halo - Yeah, massive letdown. After being convinced to trade my cube for an xbox just to get this, I severely regretted the decision. Could be because I was addicted to GOTY version of Half Life and its various expansions on the PC at the time, but Halo paled in compariosn to the masterpiece.


Metal Gear Solid 3 - I absolutely loved MGS 1 and 2, and even enjoyed the hyper extended and BS cutscenes at the end of the second. Suffice to say, I could not enjoy the new camera angle of 3 and the whole snake eater aspect =[ should really get the second version as they added a MGS 2 like camera iirc.


GTA IV: Perhaps it is because the only GTA i have enjoyed and finished is the highly stylised, comedic and fun GTA Vice City, but I could not get into the serious overtones of this title.


Phoenix Wright JFA: I loved the first title, but got extremely bored of this one when i was doing the third or so case. Stopped playing and never picked it up again. Maybe I should get PW 3?


Cybernator - The boxart and designs were great. I sucked as a player and could never complete level 2 as a child. Went back to it recently and blitzed it, but as a kid, not being able to experience its awesomness left me with a bitter taste in my mouth....

Edited by jonno394
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Phoenix Wright JFA: I loved the first title, but got extremely bored of this one when i was doing the third or so case. Stopped playing and never picked it up again. Maybe I should get PW 3?




dont ask me why but I really thought the second was the worst too. I cleared it and what not but the first and third are better in my opinion.

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Cybernator - The boxart and designs were great. I sucked as a player and could never complete level 2 as a child. Went back to it recently and blitzed it, but as a kid, not being able to experience its awesomness left me with a bitter taste in my mouth....


Lol, so I'm not the only one then! I wouldn't call Cybernator a disappointing game, but I never got past level 2 either. :( More like I'm a disappointing gamer.

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GTA IV too realistic, not as fun as san andreas, where's the parachutes, the planes?


X-Men Academy bought it expecting kick ass moves but didnt really live up to my hype, plus it feels slow to me tho thats prob cos its a ps1 game


Pro Evo 2009 sloppy controls,shooting is balls, keepers never look right movement wise along with the aweful gloves, fifa has overtaken it now


MW2 but only ever so slightly disappointing. To me it did live up to a nice bit of the hype, but glitches here and there and the abundance of camping (tho you can find matches where its all fair and fun), the random kill streak box (which all i'm getting is UAV's and counter UAV's and others are getting Gunnerships) its frustrating me its little niggly things rather than big ones.

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Final Fantasy VII. In my opinion the most overrated game ever made. The story is pretty nice, but apart from that, everything is terrible. I've started the game something like 6 times, and I always get bored to death with it to the point of literally giving it up every single time! Terrible, terrible game! (this is just my opinion, mind)


KOTOR. Simply can't get into it. Just like with FF7. Played almost 20 hours, and just completely gave up, it's soooooooooo boring and uninteresting.


2 of my favorite games of all time :D


Resident Evil 5


Its not resident evil anymore :( They should change it to Biohazard or something.

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I felt I needed to resurrect given my feelings towards a game I have been playing recently..


I'm about half way through Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2, a game I was highly looking forward to before finally starting it a few weeks ago.. and I can't help but be disappointed so far :sad:


Don't get me wrong.. I don't hate it! Far from it, in fact.. but I think I may have set my expectations far too high :hmm:


I'm playing it through composite on a Samsung HDTV so it can perhaps be forgiven for not looking great, but I don't think it would have looked all that special anyway! But the graphics are not really the point.. it just doesn't feel quite as epic as I anticipated. I'm enjoying figuring out how to take down the beasts, but I can't help but be a little underwhelmed.. it's a real shame :sad:


I will certainly see it through to the end over the comings weeks (I seem to be going for one colossus per session with it :heh:) so hopefully I will grow into it more towards the end..


I'd also like to mention Mirror's Edge on the XBOX 360 that I played through last month. I always thought it looked like a game that would click with me, but in the end I felt that the inclusion of combat and guns almost ruined my enjoyment. I'll probably go back to check out the time trials in the future, but the main game just wasn't as fulfilling as I hoped..

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I think SotC felt so spectacular because of its time and platform. Now we have games like God of War coming at us from every direction so it's not hard to see why you'd feel a little underwhelmed. But to me I still feel amazed at how they managed to make such beasts on the PS2 with (what I feel are) amazing graphics.


Mirror's Edge was also one that before I felt would click with me, and it actually did. :heh I can see why others wouldn't like it but I didn't have any problems with any level designs or combat.




Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon


Granted, my expectations were impossible to match, but this so much less than what I had hoped for it's disheartening. Last time I played it I was nearing the end and I just can't find it in myself to complete it. I thought if anything that the story and characters would grab me if the gameplay was sub-par. But I find myself not being able to care any less about it.

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