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I think he's saying if it was a dog there would be skid marks because the driver was trying to stop, however if it was a black guy then the driver made no effort to stop?!


Not sure though...


Precisely! ^^ (take in mind, I'm just joking... I like black people, they're funky. : peace: )

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Three blonde women are stranded on a desert island. One day they come across a magic lamp. A genie comes out and says, "I will grant you one wish each." So the first blonde says, "I'd like to be smarter." So the genie turned her into a brunette and she swam across to safety. The second blonde said, "I'd like to be smarter than her." So the genie clicked his fingers and turned the blond into a red head. Then she built a raft and sailed across to safety. The third Blonde said, "I'd like to be smarter than both of them put together." So the genie turned her into a man and he walked across the bridge.

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Three blonde women are stranded on a desert island. One day they come across a magic lamp. A genie comes out and says, "I will grant you one wish each." So the first blonde says, "I'd like to be smarter." So the genie turned her into a brunette and she swam across to safety. The second blonde said, "I'd like to be smarter than her." So the genie clicked his fingers and turned the blond into a red head. Then she built a raft and sailed across to safety. The third Blonde said, "I'd like to be smarter than both of them put together." So the genie turned her into a man and he walked across the bridge.


It's funny because it's true.

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What's the worst thing about fucking a bald pussy?


Putting the nappy back on.



What's worse than finding 10 dead babies in a bin liner?

Finding 1 dead baby in 10 bin liners!



A girl and a boy were at the back of the cinema, kissing passionately.

When they come up for air, the boy says, "I really love kissing you, but do you mind not passing me your chewing gum."

The girl replies:

"It's not chewing gum, I've got bronchitis".



A little girl is standing by the edge of a cliff crying her eyes out. This man comes over and says, "What's wrong little girl?" The little girl still crying just points over to the edge of the cliff. The man looks over the edge and sees a car with the little girls parents mangled in the rocks below. The man turns round and undoing his flies says, "I guess it just ain't your lucky day"!!!

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