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EA: We'll see Xbox 560 before 720


EA's chief thinker Rich Hilleman reckons Microsoft and Sony "nearly expired" making PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and that we'll see incremental updates long before a true next generation rolls around.


"I expected we'll see a PlayStation 3.5 before we see a PlayStation 4 and an Xbox 560 before we see an Xbox 720," Hilleman told VentureBeat.


His words are arguably reflected in Sony's move to make a PS3 Slim and Microsoft's decision to do Project Natal, which was conceived to effectively relaunch the Xbox 360 sometime next autumn.


How long until we see a true next generation is unclear, although Sony's oft-touted Ten Year Plan suggests we have a while to go.




This is what I've thought for a while now. This is the first generation of consoles where I haven't really wondered that much what the next generation will look like.


I can see both the 360 and the PS3 eventually being rebranded with their respective motion controls. In the case of Microsoft I suspect they will try and move away from the Xbox name and go for something that sounds a little less eXtreme.


Graphically, I'm not sure how much more the 360 can be pushed but the PS3 is going from strength to strength. The difference between both Uncharted games is impressive to say the least.


In terms of services both systems are constantly evolving. Look at both consoles a year and a half ago and they are strikingly different, and in the case of the PS3 has gone from a pretty bare bones service to one that rivals XBLive and in some respects supersedes it.


Who knows what will happen to the Wii.


I actually think Sony's ten year plan might be cutting it a little short. I would be happy not to see a successor to either console for another 5 years.


Daft you Sony rep, you. The Uncharted 2 difference is just being bigged up by Naughtydog and you've bought into it, it looks great but all things considered the PS3 isn't massively different to the 360 in the power department.


All that matters is 3D Dot Game Heroes :)

Daft you Sony rep, you. The Uncharted 2 difference is just being bigged up by Naughtydog and you've bought into it, it looks great but all things considered the PS3 isn't massively different to the 360 in the power department.


All that matters is 3D Dot Game Heroes :)


Well, I was impressed by the difference.





I'm only going on PS3 exclusives looking a lot better than 360 ones imo.


It's more about a much longer life span. At this point in the previous generation we'd be expecting to see the next set of consoles soon.


This current cycle of consoles still feels relatively new to me, and ive put alot of money into it. No rush!

Im also usually a launch day console buyer but i can actually see myself not doing that next time


Well I was expecting them to go on for at least a few years yet. There's no room for a high priced console on the market right now and let's face it, the next gen is likely to be fecking expensive. I've already got a bigger collection on my 360 than I ever had on any other console. That's saying a lot considering my N64 and Cube collections maxed out at about 25 and I consider everyone one of those games (Like my 360 ones) essential purchases.


I think having three horses in the console race is what has effected this change in 'policy', but also I think this is an attempt by Sony and MS to try and batter down nintendo's 'revolutionary' tactics, and maybe force nintendo's hand because truly it is the Wii that is reaching its limits rapidly.


I'm not really sure I'm ready for all this motion control nonsense though! I feel like an old fogey, ever aware that the Way I Know is slowly, but ever so surely, sinking into the sepia.


I was reading something earlier (I forgot where) which questioned whether the Wii has a future with the new motion technologies coming out and someone stated "as long as Nintendo are making games for it, it'll sell". Whether it 'evolves' is a different question, but I don't see Nintendo suddenly being Segaed.


I believe this Project Natal will most likely be used for party-style games for the family. MS seem to want to "acquire" Nintys base of family non-gamers. Thats what i think anyway, i'm probably wrong.


I can see a re-packed 360 with the standard control-pad and a natal bar with it as well. Obviously, MS and Sony just want in on Ninty's market of non-gamers as well as the market they already control, the hard-core gamers.


Hmm I can't see Microsoft having too much success with that. The Wii has been marketed as a family console from the get-go (riding on the back of the DS' suprisingly diverse market somewhat) whereas Microsoft have had a few years (3? 4? I forget how long) as this graphics and online led boy's toy. I'm sure a majority of Nintendo's market probably won't even know what a 360 is :heh:


The only way I can see it working is if the redesigned console they'll almost certainly release alongside it is simply called "Natal" (of course, it'll still be a 360 in a new case, just without the name).


BTW does Natal have a meaning, or a reason for its name? To be it conjures up images of a naval and NATO. But that's just me...


(okay apparently its Portugese for birth if used as an adjective, or a place name if used as a proper noun. strange)


(okay apparently its Portugese for birth if used as an adjective, or a place name if used as a proper noun. strange)

I guess that makes sense since we know of postnatal depression, prenatal care etc.


"Pre-natal vitamins. I know what that means. "Pre"; before, "natal"; ruined."


Ahhh 30 Rock.


But yeah that's a good point, hadn't thought of that. Still strange. "Project Birth!"

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